Understanding Sustainable Development – Agenda 21
Understanding Sustainable Development – Agenda 21 (http://www.freedomadvocates.org/images/pdf/SD%20A21%20pamphlet-2010.pdf)
This is an excellent document that explains what Sustainable Development (Agenda 21) is, and how to start fighting it. The details are from the point of view of the American political system, so we have to adapt it for the Canadian political structure.
Basically, Sustainable Development is the collectivization and hence control and rationing of resources (including human resources) using government power and public-private partnerships.
It involves heavy indoctrination of the young, so we need to counter this. It gradually abolishes the concept of natural rights, freedom and private property, which are important concepts we need to understand if we are to oppose Agenda 21.
Instead of the society protecting individual rights, the individual serves the elite-run tyrannical “collective”. Obviously this has already been going on.
Topics covered include:
1) The Rio Earth Summit and Agenda 21 “soft law” agreement. How it has been implemented in the United States.
2) ICLEI. Centered in Toronto. iclei.org
3) Land Use Programs / Wildlands Project. This is the rural part of the agenda, to get human beings off the land.
4) Smart Growth. This is the urban agenda, to stack and pack human beings into densely populated areas and force them to use mass transit. An example is Ontario Smart Growth.
5) The world trade aspect, which involves creating large trading blocs, referring to North American integration.
6) Other points include regionalism and the “stakeholder” concept, which undermine accountability to citizens. Another point is how professionals are used to achieve their preconceived “consensus” about your local area, and how they deal with your “input”. (p. 12)
7) At the end, there are practical steps that readers can take.