Rio+20 pre-conference final draft – be poor and do what you are told
Rio+20 pre-conference final draft of The Future We Want
From Rio+20 Resources page
I think the most important points in the document have to do with indoctrinating the youth and others in “sustainable development”. Agenda 21 was signed in 1992 and this is already happening. This is the most screwed up doctrine – religious belief – that anybody can imagine. It claims that we need to do more with less, that turning off the lights as in Earth Hour is somehow going to help us live better lives or make the earth’s resources “last longer”. This doctrine will destroy us and whatever society we have in which people respect each other and their right to live the way they choose.
If we have to pay more for anything, how can we afford to keep our homes? How are those poorer than you going to be able to stay in their homes and heat themselves?
They won’t. Because of indoctrination. By all of us allowing it and not caring and not standing up for human-centered values. Because there has been a systematic destruction and degradation of human life and value through the culture, through abortion, through the sale of body parts, through music and movies, through pushes for euthanasia, in efforts to reducing everything to “saving money”, through elevating others as more important than ourselves in corporate environments, by bailing out “too-big-to-fail” banks, by decades of government worship.
We are headed straight into a new feudal system where they will play us for fools using the fake left-right paradigm right up to the end (they are even doing this with Rio+20), and using other divide and conquer strategies.
Nobody should be letting themselves or their children be brainwashed with this belief system. You should not allow ignorant teachers and schools and media and spoiled NGOs to indoctrinate your children in this anti-human scarcity religion. They use fuzzy pictures of fuzzy polar bears and sweet talk as a cover for what they are doing.
If there is no freedom, no jobs, no economy, the true believers will be hired as spies (over garbage and recycling for example) and enforcers and turned against everyone else, including their own families.
This is a Communist doctrine that is a tool in the hands of the elites in order to tighten their “public-private partnership” control over the different resources that we need for survival.
In order to survive and thrive, we need freedom and rights. That’s all we need. Just rights over our own justly acquired resources. Then we can afford the technology we need to help each other live happier lives and help each other afford better medical care and have access to more knowledge, etc.
Instead, we are being condemned to a future of poverty and tyranny under the insanity of stack and pack, “LESS IS MORE”, “sustainable development”, to an ideology of “switch off the lights, that will save you”, paying more and more to get less and less.
A few points:
Attacks “unsustainable patterns of production and consumption”, meaning our way of life, any possibility of prosperity and ability to survive economically.
Interference with resource use (property rights) in the name of biodiversity.
61. We recognize that urgent action on unsustainable patterns of production and consumption where they occur remains fundamental in addressing environmental sustainability, and
promoting conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity and ecosystems, regeneration of natural resources, and the promotion of sustained, inclusive and equitable global growth.
Undemocratic concepts such as “stakeholders”.
Discouraging sovereignty (“unilateral” action).
26. States are strongly urged to refrain from promulgating and applying any unilateral economic, financial or trade measures not in accordance with international law and the
Charter of the United Nations that impede the full achievement of economic and social development, particularly in developing countries.
…58. .. (h)…avoid unilateral actions to deal with environmental challenges outside the jurisdiction of the importing country, and ensure that environmental measures addressing trans-boundary or global environmental problems, as far as possible, are based on an international consensus;
I don’t agree with subsidies ideally, but when the Ontario government obeys the UN policy against subsidies (instead of having sovereignty and democracy as the controlling factors), I guess this means our electricity bills will jump back up 10% (no competition) – automatically making us POORER and possibly causing people to lose their homes, etc? This is what they mean by saving the earth! What do you think happens to people in so-called “rich” nations who can’t afford to heat their homes any longer? Do you think that’s “sustainable”?
225. Countries reaffirm the commitments they have made to phase out harmful and inefficient fossil fuel subsidies that encourage wasteful consumption and undermine sustainable development. We invite others to consider rationalizing inefficient fossil fuel subsidies by removing market distortions, including restructuring taxation and phasing out harmful subsidies, where they exist, to reflect their environmental impacts, with such policies taking fully into account the specific needs and conditions of developing countries, with the aim of minimizing the possible adverse impacts on their development and in a manner that protectsthe poor and the affected communities.
Open-ended God-knows-what policies
“Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)” – not formulated yet? In addition to MDGs
Focus on population and family planning, meaning efforts to control population which is the point of the emphasis on reproductive health and their supposed concern for women. That’s how it’s dressed up. It doesn’t condemn the wars and drone attacks which are killing women and children and destroying access to medical care. This is what “sustainable development” is about – CONTROL over human beings includes limiting the population
21. … We acknowledge that with the world’s population projected to exceed nine billion by 2050 with an estimated two thirds living in cities we need to increase our efforts to achieve sustainable development and in particular, the eradication of poverty and hunger and preventable diseases.
145. We call for the full and effective implementation of the Beijing Platform for Action, the International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) Programme of Action and the outcomes of their review conferences including the commitments leading to sexual and reproductive health and the promotion and protection of all human rights in this context. We emphasize the need for the provision of universal access to reproductive health, including family planning and sexual health and the integration of reproductive health in national strategies and programmes.
146. We commit to reduce maternal and child mortality, and to improve the health of women, men, youth and children. We reaffirm our commitment to gender equality and to protect the rights of women, men and youth to have control over and decide freely and responsibly on matters related to their sexuality, including access to sexual and reproductive health, free from coercion, discrimination and violence. We will work actively to ensure that health systems provide the necessary information and health services addressing the sexual and reproductive health of women, including working towards universal access to safe, effective, affordable
and acceptable modern methods of family planning, as this is essential for women’s health and advancing gender equality
51. We stress the importance of the participation of workers and trade unions to the promotion of sustainable development. As the representatives of working people, trade unions are important partners in facilitating the achievement of sustainable development in particular the social dimension. Information, education and training on sustainability at all levels, including in the workplace, are key to strengthening workers’ and trade unions’ capacity to support sustainable development….
230. We recognize that the younger generations are the custodians of the future, as well as the need for better quality and access to education beyond the primary level. We therefore resolve to improve the capacity of our education systems to prepare people to pursue sustainable development, including through enhanced teacher training, the development of curricula around sustainability, the development of training programmes that prepare students for
careers in fields related to sustainability, and more effective use of information and communication technologies to enhance learning outcomes. We call for enhanced cooperation among schools, communities and authorities in efforts to promote access to quality education at all levels.231. We encourage Member States to promote Sustainable Development awareness among youth, inter alia, by promoting programmes for non-formal education in accordance with the goals of the United Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable Development.
233. We resolve to promote Education for Sustainable Development and to integrate sustainable development more actively into education beyond the United Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (2005-2014).
234. We strongly encourage educational institutions to consider adopting good practises in sustainability management on their campuses and in their communities with the active participation of inter alia students, teachers, and local partners, and teaching sustainable development as an integrated component across disciplines.
235. We underscore the importance of supporting educational institutions, especially higher educational institutions in developing countries, to carry out research and innovation for
sustainable development, including in the field of education, to develop quality and innovative programmes, including entrepreneurship and business skills training, professional,
technical, vocational training and lifelong learning, geared to bridging skills gaps for advancing national sustainable development objectives.
Heavy emphasis on the planning and social engineering of cities and urban areas (continued Smart Growth), including attacks on motorized mobility (auto mobility, cars)
For example:
136. We emphasize the importance of increasing the number of metropolitan regions, cities and towns that are implementing policies for sustainable urban planning and design in order
to respond effectively to the expected growth of urban populations in coming decades. We note that sustainable urban planning benefits from the involvement of multiple stakeholders as well as from full use of information and sex-disaggregated data including on demographic
trends, income distribution and informal settlements. We recognize the important role of municipal governments in setting a vision for sustainable cities, from the initiation of city planning through to revitalization of older cities and neighborhoods, including by adopting energy efficiency programmes in building management and developing sustainable locally appropriate transport systems. We further recognize the importance of mixed-use planning and of encouraging non-motorized mobility, including by promoting pedestrian and cycling infrastructures.
The whole point is that human beings are being shoved off the land and into these habitat areas (human settlement areas) where they can be more tightly packed and controlled.
Human Settlements and Human Habitat Agenda
137. We recognize that partnerships among cities and communities play an important role in promoting sustainable development. In this regard, we stress the need to strengthen existing cooperation mechanisms or platforms, partnership arrangements and other implementation tools to advance the coordinated implementation of the UN Habitat Agenda with active involvement of all relevant UN entities and with the overall aim of achieving sustainable urban development. We further recognize the continuing need for adequate and predictable financial contributions to the UN Habitat and Human Settlements Foundation so as to ensure timely, effective and concrete global implementation of the Habitat Agenda.
There is a lot more. Public private partnership is emphasized. “Stakeholders” rather than individual rights. Genetic resources are referred to, because Agenda 21 is about how the UN globalists (corporations) are targeting the control of all resources. That’s the opposite or property rights. That’s what the climate change scam is all about. Climate change is still mentioned, no shame despite all of the revelations and scandals about their science being all bunk, even the comments of James Lovelock about how the earth hasn’t warmed in years.
Different UN agendas and programs are referred to and backed up, and we need to look into what these involve.
Reasons we need to say no to Rio+20 and Agenda 21: