Even the facade of Canadian democracy is crumbling as premiers shut down legislatures whenever they want
The Agenda with Steve Paikin: Peter Russell: Prorogation Condemnation (http://ww3.tvo.org/video/183834/peter-russell-prorogation-condemnation) | ww3.tvo.org | October 19, 2012
Russell condems the actions of the Ontario premier (http://news.nationalpost.com/2012/10/15/dalton-mcguinty-regisnation/), B.C. premier and the Prime Minister in shutting down parliaments.
Also he condemns the federal government for using the omnibus bill (http://www.ottawacitizen.com/news/Omnibus+bills+prorogation+chip+away+democracy/7420727/story.html) technique to pass so many things without proper scrutiny from elected representatives.
The word used to describe the effect on Canadian democracy is “lethal”.
But I say the system is a facade, because ordinary people aren’t even aware of 5% of the content of what’s in the legislation passed by their presumed representatives in the provincial and federal governments.
The representatives do what they are told by the Premier or Prime Minister, and he does what he is told by his bosses in the bureaucratic and corporate/banking establishment via international treaties and foundation-controlled think-tanks.