Top Eight Myths about COVID-19 (Flyer for download)
Top Eight Myths about COVID-19 from Red Pill University Download a copy of this pamphlet G. Edward Griffin’s other news site is:
Continue reading →Top Eight Myths about COVID-19 from Red Pill University Download a copy of this pamphlet G. Edward Griffin’s other news site is:
Continue reading →Now is the time for a ‘great reset’ 03 Jun 2020 | Klaus Schwab, Founder and Executive Chairman, World Economic Forum Same song sheet everyone else is singing from and embedded in the wonderful rhetoric. What must “we” do in … Continue reading →
This post is just to confirm the information referenced in Part 1. I checked with Dr. Alan Moy from the John Paul II Medical Research Institute, who is quoted in the article as identifying the cell line as HEK293. … Continue reading →
Newer version of this here: 1.9 – June 12, 2020 (r/c) Tyranny was sold to us using COVID-19. Rights and freedoms provide safety. We are not accepting a trashed economy, isolation, muzzles, immunity passport manacles or brands, and forced … Continue reading →
As defenders of chemotherapy will acknowledge, it’s easy to find fault with it. Since cancer is affecting every person one way or another–self, family member or friend–and it is the number one cause of death in Canada, we have every … Continue reading →
“Do you have the virus?” “Do you know anybody with the virus?” How do you answer these questions? What stupid questions. I wish things were back to “normal”–when people could sneeze and cough without thinking their life was over. And … Continue reading →
What we are living in–since COVID-19 began–is a paid, subversive revolution. This is the “ultimate revolution” that Aldous Huxley wrote about–that gets under our skin–into our biological space. And so we have the abusers in “lock step” as the scenario … Continue reading →
During the COVID-19 event, the people have been threatened by governments, corporations and media with the imposition of “contact tracing” – using phone apps to detect close contacts–to track movements–and also the threat of door-to-door testing. All of this represents … Continue reading →
Just a couple of initial thoughts. There is a lot of information available in other posts (use the tags) and I want to combine much of the information along with new info in a post or document. Vaccinations cannot be … Continue reading →
The emergency measures instituted in response to COVID-19 need to be withdrawn until the public–locally, provincially and federally– having access to free exchange of information and views, decides democratically whether these measures and the information used to justify them are … Continue reading →