Category Archives: General
One way of listing some of the fundamental freedoms: Section Two of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms Under the heading of “Fundamental Freedoms” the section states: 2. Everyone has the following fundamental freedoms: (a) freedom of conscience and … Continue reading →
Communitarianism, “Big Society”, Localism, Rule by Councils or NGOs (global Soviet system) See especially Agenda 21 for more information. “Prepare to be “transitioned” into your new “habitat” “ – Another link Planners: Faith-Based Social Services (Rockefeller Institute of Government) ( … Continue reading →
Infertility and chemicals I
Pesticides on fruit and veg ‘are wrecking men’s fertility’ by Fiona Macrae, Feb 23, 2011, Mail Online, 30 crop chemicals found to interfere with testosterone. European Commission-funded study from the University of London’s School of Pharmacy Study: Orton F, … Continue reading →
Google tweaks search engine to punish ‘low-quality’ sites
Google tweaks search engine to punish ’low-quality’ sites
Continue reading →Canadian woman suffers conviction for privacy
Judge convicts Saskatchewan woman who wouldn’t fill in long-form census,, January 13, 2011 With the 2006 census, I remember that all I did was write a comment on the form that I disagreed with the census and its questions. … Continue reading →
One nail in the coffin of Canadian freedom went through December 15, 2010
Shame on the Citizens of Canada: Obituary for the Rule of Law by Shawn Buckley, NHPPA – “… all four parties in Parliament rammed the Consumer Product Safety Bill (C-36) through Parliament in record time. The Rule of Law … Continue reading →
Former CIA officer condemns Patriot Act and desecration of the constitution
Patriot Act, a Nazi law: Ex-CIA official,, Jan 9, 2011 “The Patriot Act was similar to legislation carried out by the Nazis because essentially it was using terrorism in both cases as an excuse to strip civil liberties that … Continue reading →
Forget freedom and individual rights – here’s the PLANNED future for you
Note: YouTube video removed. Go here instead, actual site, but videos may also not be available now. Planned-opolis by Remember Ontario “Smart Growth“? It’s worldwide. The private foundation tyrants who determine government policy are trying to tell you something … Continue reading →
Fox News: “Al Qaeda” member Anwar Al-Awlaki dined at the Pentagon after 9/11
Al Qaeda Leader Dined at the Pentagon Just Months After 9/11,, October 20, 2010 “Anwar Al-Awlaki may be the first American on the CIA’s kill or capture list, but he was also a lunch guest of military brass at … Continue reading →