CBC radio news host today on new government anti- cyber-bullying powers: “it’s hard to imagine anyone seriously opposing these sorts of moves”
This is just some media propaganda analysis for the day:
Daily podcast: CBC News: World Report for 2013/11/20 (only up for 24 h I think)
Related article: legislation “to be announced”
CBC “news” host in brief interview with fellow “journalist” who lists a whole series of new changes in the legislation – in order from most palatable to least:
it’s hard to imagine anyone seriously opposing these sorts of moves
Who needs to even read it? Who needs opposition? Who dares question it if we present it in the context of innocent children and personal tragedy?
So why does anyone need to invent new laws against harassment and invasion of privacy?
Provide elaborate scenarios as new problems (caused by break down in morality and sense of privacy)
Fail to provide justice and protection
Provide “solution” that equals more power to government and more Internet surveillance
Pay media mercenaries to back it up and tell they people why they can’t object
problem – reaction – solution
thesis antithesis synthesis
This is how our society is “run” – INTO THE GROUND – to be replaced by a New World Order.
- Morality and boundaries become confused.
- Government institutions fail to use common law and common sense to protect rights.
- Then the government gives more power to itself and takes away more of our rights and freedoms.
- It throws in a few points like restitution in the law to make it seem reasonable and acceptable.
- The people are not asked for their opinion at all.
- The media present it and tell us that nobody is even going to consider objecting to the new law.