Charlotte Iserbyt – The Secret History of Western Education
I can’t emphasize enough how important it is for people to try to start getting a grasp of this material in this video if they are able to accept it, and try to make sense of it for themselves.
This is an important interview with Charlotte Iserbyt about the replacement of a relatively free individual-based society with a corporate-socialist totalitarian system. Topics include “change agents” in education, as well as operant conditioning, Pavlov / Skinner behaviorism, the development of computer education for children as equivalent to dog training. Also she talks about “school to work”.
A key area covered is the 1950’s congressional investigations of the tax-free Wall Street-funded foundations like Carnegie who were always attempting to change society – through war especially – and then through control of educational institutions. An interview with Norman Dodd by G. Edward Griffin can also be found online and at
One of the subjects she touches on is the fraudulent and subversive nature of what I would say is most of the so-called “conservative” movement (“libertarianism” having been distorted by the Establishment also).
She gets into regionalization and consolidation policies, which reminds me of the Mike Harris Conservatives amalgamating municipalities in Ontario. And she also mentions U.S. Charter schools as a type of Trojan horse. Instead of allowing parents more control over public schools, or more home-schooling or more independent private schools, we’re headed towards the fake version of “school choice” that delivers your children to the corporate-collectivist Establishment.
Charlotte Iserbyt covers more shocking material such as the series of education treaties over years of the mostly fake Cold War that the U.S. government made with the Soviet Union, including Ronald Reagan.
She knew libertarian professor Antony C. Sutton, who researched Skull and Bones (her father was a member), and wrote key books on Wall Street support for totalitarian regimes.
By the way, CFR historian Carroll Quigley (she has a copy of ‘Tragedy and Hope’ in the video), wrote back in the 60’s about a coming corporate feudal system.
All of this reinforces the theme that has come up before in my posts on H.G. Wells’ “Open Conspiracy” that the Establishment is neither ‘left’ nor ‘right’, but studies all systems of scientific control, whether from international corporations or governments. In other words, conventional monopoly capitalism and communism are two sides of the same freedom-destroying coin.
So the left-right paradigm is a fraud and a way of manipulating the public over the decades towards a merger of the Western and Soviet systems.
What are major “conservative”/right-leaning/”free market” policy groups up to in Canada? What policies do they push? Maybe they should be looked at more closely along with the other think-tanks.
Conservatives never allow us more freedom or more independence or more property rights. While body-scanning and surveilling everything and bombing foreigners, and signing Copenhagen/Cancun and North American security mergers, they just do what the other parties do from a different angle – which is work towards giving more of our resources – whether individually held or democratically and locally manged – to a global corporate UN-based monopoly which is actually the same thing as international socialism – using government power and using the cloaked terms of “privatization” or “globalization” or “free trade”.
People are just more and more growing up into a society that is dehumanized and brainwashed – from both corporate and government agencies and media sources. And what ideals they have, they attribute those to their “side” (‘left’ or ‘right’), while indulging in mindless demonization of the “other side” (‘left’ or ‘right’). And they go around in endless circles like that, giving up all their rights and freedoms and standard of living – for a bowl of pottage – in order to fight “terrorism” and/or “global warming”, believing whatever propaganda is pushed, doing whatever they’re told.
Charlotte Iserbyt’s site and book:
Many important documents on her son’s site which people need to start reading:
Video made by Original version at:
Site I recommend for overview and depth: