COVID-19: Anthony Fauci’s clear admission in the New England Journal of Medicine
Edited 1.1: May 6, 2020
I have saved a copy of this page cited March 29, 2020, 7:30pm
From March 26, 2020
Covid-19 — Navigating the Uncharted
By: Anthony S. Fauci, M.D., H. Clifford Lane, M.D., and Robert R. Redfield, M.D.
. . . If one assumes that the number of asymptomatic or minimally symptomatic cases is several times as high as the number of reported cases, the case fatality rate may be considerably less than 1%. This suggests that the overall clinical consequences of Covid-19 may ultimately be more akin to those of a severe seasonal influenza (which has a case fatality rate of approximately 0.1%) or a pandemic influenza (similar to those in 1957 and 1968) rather than a disease similar to SARS or MERS . . .
But Fauci persists with his policies in the same article despite stating this. This is how it works – truth and error mixed together.
So tell everybody about this statement and tell them that we should get the economy restarted so that people can survive:
Meanwhile, people are ratting each other out and throwing each other under the bus–undermining each other–because they believe what they are being told by the media–in spite of the clear contradictions in their stories–with the one I quoted above. What kind of relationships with our neighbors are we going to have in the future with our entire reality funneled into our heads through technology?
CTV News: March 26-29, 2020: People are reporting on their neighbours over COVID-19 concerns
Long Covid-19 shutdown will spark tsunami of economic destruction – The Wall Street Journal
20th March 2020 by Jackie Cameron
The stark warning from The Wall Street Journal editorial board is that if countries keep their societies shut down for much longer than two weeks, a tsunami of economic destruction looms.
Canadian federal Members of Parliament and Government ministers:
Ontario Legislature and Government: MPPS:
and ministers: