Alan Watt, Reality Check (December 29, 2008)
I’ve started investigating material presented by different researchers in the freedom movement and Canadian Alan Watt is another one of the top researchers. This ( is Alan Watt’s introductory video, Reality Check. He introduces it with a song by Leonard Cohen. I find his interpretation of the world to be compelling, and I’m evaluating a lot of his material as quickly as possible to see if it holds up.
I understand his disdain for the monetary system. In an ideal world, he would be incorrect about barter being better than money, and libertarian economists would be correct. On the other hand, since we have to live in the real world, Alan Watt is correct that the monetary system is used to enslave us.
A few libertarians such as Rothbard attempted to touch on the nature of the establishment which runs the international order. But the fact is that a lot of idealistic libertarians like myself spend a lot of time building castles in the sky. We avoid dealing with the real world which many consider forbidden and off-limits, mostly because we’re too afraid to deal with it, so we don’t know enough about how things are actually done, just like everyone else. We study how things are supposed to work based on various systems presented to us. But also we should be studying how things are actually done, how many people are slaughtered and poisoned, how much is looted, how many lies are told, how many secrets are kept, how many deals are struck, how many oppressive laws are passed. What are the consequences of hiding from the reality of what is happening and making excuses for it, of ignoring the dangers we face?
We talk about “free market” and we should, but there is no such thing allowed in the world. If you think there is, show me. We ring our hands about the problems with majority rule being against individual rights – good point – but not even the majority of the people have any say over the government’s actions. This is just an illusion we’ve been trained to believe.
The truth is that it’s not even meant to be a real democracy. A real democracy we could influence by peoples’ referenda. I’ve written about this idea of “direct democracy” where people debate over rights directly as a step towards a libertarian society. If you think that’s a good idea, and it is, let’s try implementing it then. Go ahead. The fact is that the Prime Minister temporarily shut down Parliament. The Governor-General, the representative of the Queen, actually shut it down. You know, the Queen, who has “no power” as we’re taught in school. Yes, she’s “symbolic” – symbolic of the power establishment that rules over Canadians. We’re led to pretend that we have power, and that our political representatives represent us, but it’s not true.
Governments keep secrets from us for decades and now and then we get to learn what horror stories happened 50 years go when new facts are declassified. So our history has been edited and there are plenty of people around to make excuses. There is always a war to provide justifications for infringing our freedoms. Governments manipulate us and brainwash us and allow our resources to be contaminated. Governments “regulate” – stamp and approve – what we eat and the medicines we use and the water we drink. Governments fund and buy new technology to use against us such as this wonderful new torture-at-a-distance pain gun.
Governments plan the details of what happens to “our” land and what happens to the cities. They have plans for us, such as the Ontario government’s Smart Growth Agenda, and where do they get these plans? They all seem the same to me. Their communist central banking system has been given a new lease on life recently and they’re wiping their filthy feet over the scapegoat of “free market” ideals while they totally loot us.
The bottom line is that governments provincially and federally are bringing in new legislation and controls constantly that, you have to admit, the people are totally unaware of, drawn down from international bodies and think tanks, abiding by and drawing up new treaties way beyond any question of sovereignty. And the mainstream media doesn’t even attempt to cover any of that.
I tried to mention a few things that were going on during the election. I told them their sovereignty was being trashed with the SPP. I told them that NATO was killing innocent people – bombing weddings – in Afghanistan. That’s what NATO does. But people have plenty of excuses for it. I told them their civil liberties were being trashed with road-side drug testing, that the government tried to introduce a new tyranny against natural health products. I told them about “free speech” (being destroyed systematically), “free markets”, “peace” and “property rights” and tried to get people to be skeptical of the system. But I think it was only a few people who listened to me. A “few” is better than none, but those few need to get busy explaining “freedom” and “tyranny” to others. We don’t need to all see things the same way. But I think we all need to get busier and bolder.
Alan Watt gave a powerful Christmas Day talk ( – try or He advocates mass protests for freedom as the right issues come up. Podcast ( Transcripts (
December 29th, 2008