Deconstructing the Covid Narrative with Investigative Journalist Rosemary Frei
Objective:Health – ‌Deconstructing the Covid Narrative with Investigative Journalist Rosemary Frei | | 25 August 2020
The articles are linked to in the post. This interview covers a lot of ground with the subject of COVID-19.
Censorship efforts with vaccines. Toronto Board of Health.
The host makes the point that it is ridiculous to put across the idea that there are no safety concerns about vaccines, but that’s what they do. Wall of propaganda.
Taxpayers pay out the damages when people win damages for vaccine injuries at the vaccine courts.
Wakefield was never accused of fraud and never lied about anything. They hoaxed that.
Autism numbers are rising and they don’t want to acknowledge there is a problem.
We have to resist strongly and we have to support others resisting coercive vaccination.
Journalists are restricted in what they write about vaccines.
Andrew Wakefield is working on a new documentary called 1986 which is the year vaccine companies were protected against indemnity for vaccine injuries.
Koch’s postulates. Was the virus isolated?
How they inflate the numbers. Long list of symptoms.
Health care rationing against the elderly. Shutting the hospitals to them, keeping them in the homes when they were ill. Isolation. Offering palliative care instead.