Freedom of conscience vs. global population policies (Part 12)
By Alan Mercer
Continuing from Part 11
There are more elements of statism–“science” and government as God and Owner of every person–in the following document:
Science has now proven that to reach their potential, children need to grow up in a place where they can thrive – spiritually, emotionally, mentally, physically and intellectually.
[That would be nice, but who defines what that is, who is responsible for that? Literally, WHO–a UN organization–according to the citation. Who is the UN? Are they even elected? Of course not. But everyday they’re telling us what “science” says.]
That place must have four fundamental elements:
.a safe and secure environment;
.the opportunity for optimal growth and development;
.health services when needed; and
.monitoring & research for evidence-based continual improvement into the future.
People may still have the belief that parents guide the children and only God owns the children. Hey, but maybe the “authorities” disagree. Is this a global agricultural project of poking and prodding humans–“monitoring and research” with “continual improvement.” Is this what is meant by “human evolution”?
All of these “official” documents are like windows into the minds of the oligarchy–the rules for maintaining their slaves. Some of it sounds good, and some of it sounds like product quality monitoring and totalitarian surveillance.
Doesn’t sound surprising to me. Sounds like a description of our world and our lives–“monitoring” and “improvement.” Is it new? Maybe it’s not so new.
Is this why medical care is such a disaster?! Because they haven’t done enough experimentation and testing and monitoring yet? They don’t know anything about actually healing diseases, or what causes them, or anything about nutrition. They can never get their facts straight until they’ve finished making all their drugs and injecting all the possible vaccines they can come up with. That’s their story.
Won’t it be such a wonderful world when they’ve finished all their testing–some time in the distant future when they’ve finished all their wars and everybody is popping their pills and being monitored for dosage and fertility level? Won’t it be wonderful?
Think of all those report cards the teachers filled out about you, and all the testing in school. It would be nice if these were such wonderful people monitoring us, but it doesn’t look that way objectively. Looking back on history, I don’t think so.
And as far as doctors and the medical system and how well it helps you, you can assess its performance based on your own experience and that of your family. Maybe you have good experiences sometimes. What makes for a good doctor? Well, at least they have a conscience of some kind and a mind of their own and a certain set of moral standards about how the value of human life and respect for the autonomy of others. I would think so anyway.
The document is loaded with dubious fluff. It’s a contradiction to “care for one another and for this planet.” What if you need to cut a tree down to light a fire to care for someone, and someone tells you to stop cutting down the tree, because you’re not loving the planet, and hammers you with a carbon tax.
So, I’m sorry, but that’s a contradiction. The arbitrary authoritarian “earth first” values (story-telling) of the New World Order are undermining human moral values.
And what does medicine have to do with the “planet”? That’s kind of disgusting that it has been subverted so easily, but of course it has, because it’s monopoly medicine, created by the same robber barons who fund the Green movement.
And that’s the topic underlying this series. Green movement = global population policies. That’s why the “Green” movement doesn’t stop GMOs, but they could if they wanted to. Because it’s not about concern for human beings. And they don’t stop the wars either. Concern for “environment” is just a story–part of a new religion that replaces the old ones–so that monopolist collectivist corporations can grab up resources and take even more power away from ordinary people–individuals, families and communities of people who like to exercise their own conscience.
Also, just before that it says the “future . . . depends on” the “productivity” of “our” children. It’s always been about “productivity” for slave owners and tax collectors.
The document says that parents aren’t enough! And certainly we’ve had a breakdown first in the extended family and then in the nuclear family over the years, by design–see my post on The Net for example, and also my posts on Kinsey.
Instead of the family, this document says we need dubious unelected authoritarian organizations that work together in lock-step to tax us and propagandize us and send us off to war and tell us to worship the earth:
In most situations, parents and caregivers alone cannot provide strong nurturing environments without help from local, regional, national and international organizations
The list of things children need includes “recommended immunization”–the standard example of pure arbitrary authoritarianism that we are all completely used to, except that the number of these has increased substantially over the years and many more are “planned” by these wonderful organizations.
And these amazing organizations are trying to stamp out conscience (as we’ve discussed earlier) and “traditional” values–and the document takes a shot at smearing all traditions.
Oh, but if it’s “modern,” it’s cool. Being poisoned with fluoride and squalene and mercury and depleted uranium is so cool.
Getting your children to act like prostitutes using entertainment is cool.
Superficial propaganda to cover up false flag terrorism is so cool.
These are the “modern” authorities and corporations and governments. They’ve got a lot of preaching to do. They know how to “guilt” us in order to manipulate us.
They’re wearing the black ski masks and uniforms to scare us, but they’re the “good guys” nevertheless, or so we believe. They have the media serving them to generate our “reality.”
Of course some of the points in the documents sound good.
But here is another window into some of the fundamentals of our situation:
4. Research & monitoring for continual improvement includes:
–All infants will be officially registered within one month of birth.
[This is the basis of government ownership of your life and mine. Many of us wouldn’t think of questioning it, but how can you be monitored and tested unless you’re registered!?]. . .
-Quality care is ensured through on-going monitoring of services, including collection of data, and evaluation of outcomes
[Not just the more legitimate projects! Government health care helps to centralize all of the health data and then to globalize it.]. . .
It sounds totalitarian to me. But I can’t deny that it’s packaged with nice words like “privacy” (but with cameras monitoring you for life) and “benefits” (we would hope the “benefits” would be real).
To be continued