Get Involved (But Keep Your Individuality and Your Own Mind) (April 17, 2005)
Stand up for Freedom and Get Involved
Sept, 2012: I’m not so much into electoral politics now. The main problem with it is that it’s controlled. Quigley in “Tragedy and Hope” talked about major parties being more or less the same in major policies and controlled by his group, the CFR. Smaller political parties should be aware of how skewed things are and how the public perceive the system as legitimate anyway. For more ideas on opposing the system – boycotts, etc., I am open to discussing ideas at
Help Wanted: Libertarian Campaign for Scarborough-Rouge River and Nationwide
Libertarian Club – East Toronto
Freedom Movement
The goal of this website is to spread the word about liberty and to encourage Canadians who feel oppressed by the current system, or who are concerned about the progressive erosion of our existing freedoms, to speak out boldly.
For those who aren’t in agreement with [all points of] libertarianism, I believe it would be a great idea to create an alliance among all of us – right and left: conservatives, liberals, libertarians, conspiracy buffs, religious people, atheists, agnostics, people of all ethnic and cultural backgrounds – all who can find common ground on most of the major freedom issues:
- War. Oppose war and interventionist policies that may lead to escalating conflicts, terrorism, conscription, and the erosion of freedoms.
- Oppose threats to civil liberties such as detention without trial.
- Take a stand on surveillance and privacy issues such as national ID card proposals.
- Stand up for free speech which is under constant attack in Canada.
- Oppose oppressive regulations and taxes that business owners have to deal with.
- Maintain the independence of our families, churches and schools.
Together we can encourage each other to take a stand against the controls, taxation and statist ideology that we have to live with day after day.
Don’t be afraid to speak up. Fear will get us nowhere! Honestly, do you think you are the only one who believes in freedom? No way! It feels that way, because we are so isolated in our fragmented society. We have a hundred things to do to keep us running around in circles, not all of them productive. And television is here to tell us what to think and to help us avoid thinking.
There are many people who believe in this current system and want to keep it running for their own benefit, who want to keep us hedged in with their taxes and regulations and their crisis-generating foreign policies. But they’re not the only ones! It’s time for those of us who know better to withdraw our consent, to speak up and say what we really think – in a law-abiding peaceful way of course. Bring back the best principles of Old Canada – personal responsibility, independence and freedom.
If you have pro-freedom opinions, please express them!
Join the Libertarian Party
(see disclaimer)
Note from December, 2014: I don’t want to delete this section. I’m not involved in party politics now. I wish it could work, but my instinct tells me that we need every individual in full independent control of what they say and believe. I think it may have some benefit if you are independent minded and speak the truth. On the other hand, there is a problem with group-think and following the leader down the garden path of false opposition. I believe that all groups, small and large, are susceptible to this, but there is a bias towards blind naivete also with even the best groups. In any case, what people need to do is to find ways to reach the minds of as many people who are capable of being reached as possible–with knowledge and principle.
I urge anyone [changed my mind] who is inclined towards libertarianism to consider Libertarian political activism. Those who are interested in libertarian principles can join the Libertarian Party. Go here and here to join the Federal or Ontario parties. Wherever you live, you can create your own local activist groups and share ideas and encouragement with each other. The point of this effort is to present an opposition to the current statist ideology and its ever-tightening net of controls, and to stand up for the ideals of a [rights-protecting, genuine] free-market society based around the principles of self-ownership, property rights and institutions that are voluntary instead of coerced.
Alan Mercer