Ground your principles and do not surrender them
Revised edition (rewritten – sorry, now it’s even longer!): 2.1: June 9, 2019
Principles are there to be discovered. We need principles to hold our lives together personally and collectively.
I don’t know the best way to express or order these principles, so I’m going to start with a few points and continue later. But we have to start somewhere. I have to ground myself somewhere so that I can better explain my objections to many troubling issues.
I think we need to:
- Value truth, recognize reality and distinguish it from delusion.
- Think for ourselves, and develop the ability to use our own minds to discern truth from error.
- Practice love and concern for others as well as ourselves.
- Recognize that a human being’s life has a high spiritual value–your life and the lives of others.
- Recognize that cruelty and causing unnecessary pain is unacceptable. The next point relates to this also.
- Recognize the need to not interfere with or impose on a person’s free will and conscience. It needs to be explained that I am just trying to describe a concept that has maybe faded for many people because of false values flooding our society, but these concepts are fundamental–you can see them spelled out in different ways when I quote from a document below. This statement refers to the lines we should not cross when we feel the need to teach or argue with or even punish someone who is hurting others. We don’t have a right to get inside their head so to speak to force them to think differently. These lines have unfortunately been crossed by social engineering and by human experimentation.
- Recognize that an human being’s bodily integrity should be respected and not interfered with. And I am not talking about avoiding all use of physical force and I’m not talking about doing needed surgery on someone who is unconscious. The more I try to explain this, the more I feel that we have been robbed of a very careful understanding that has been built up over hundreds or thousands of years of theology and philosophy. I feel that some readers will split off in one direction and others in the opposite direction. Propaganda uses emotion to instill opinions and elicit emotional reactions. The principles that safeguard us against abuse and slavery can’t rely on emotional manipulation. I’m telling you where we are all headed if we don’t stick to the rules. A healthy society needs boundaries and jurisdictions (distributism).
To use an example, someone feels like they should force the little girl to take blood against her conscience and that of her family, so . . . the hypothetical Joe Smith says:
To hell with all of this talk about conscience and principles and never mind families having integrity or bodies having integrity or minds having integrity. Scan and inject and never mind consent. Might makes right and rights are just a luxury because the images on the screen or the words and the music makes me feel so bad and scared of whatever story I’m being told. So don’t let anyone object or disagree with what the experts and scientists and governments say when they force the needle into everyone with a threat of losing their job or being kicked out of school. I’m sure it’s fine. I can’t be bothered reading any objections. I’m just a human being. I’m not created in the image of God. My car is more significant than a lump of clay like me–consciousness is just an illusion. What do I know? We’re just insignificant little creatures who should just do what we’re told by the important people who know best. If someone suffers because of a vaccine ingredient, that’s just one in a million and of course the system will take care of that person. And we’re all going to die and we’re powerless and we should just go along and not make waves because it doesn’t matter what crazy people think or even what I think. I know I don’t matter so they don’t matter either.
- Human life and biology–spirit and body–is to be held sacred.
Remember the “Body Works” shows where they displayed bodies?
But I think there are a whole lot of people feeling ashamed of dying normally and not even considering burial, a whole lot of death-shame going on and discomfort about getting older (homes for the dying as in Brave New World already) and talk about recycling and composting the dead body–very similar to Brave New World. I’m not saying it’s wrong to use cremation if you want to do that, but maybe the body should not be seen as something disgraceful or wasteful or something to be shared around as a resource!
And that’s not the end of the subject of bodily degradation after death (or supposed death). Once we get into the “ethics” of organ donation and harvesting–a topic mentioned in Margaret Sommerville’s “Ethical Canary” book from years ago–and related subjects to do with genetics and human tissue–there isn’t any end to the questions we might start to ask and the information we’re never told about up front.
So, what’s happened, from what I can see, is that the old Christian ethical order has been overturned to a large degree and these “controversial” “ethical issues” –such as euthanasia also–have already been decided by appointees of the oligarchy–or are being decided with an onslaught of manipulative propaganda–and these things have been introduced gradually in specific ways that remove the other side of the story–that remove the protections we had in place in the previous type of society. I’m sorry to have to say this, I think it’s too much to think about, but if we can see the reality of what is happening, the solution of creating and preserving and solidifying and propagating a life-affirming, human-affirming value system will be essential.
And the type of society we need to have will uphold that value system. People think they can survive without this, but they cannot. We cannot live with a neutral expression of values where everything is supposedly an equal opinion. A few decades ago, Canada was not like that and it was never like that. There is no such thing as a society functioning without a belief system that affirms their inherent value–and creates more and more sterility and a lower birth rate and promotes abortion, infanticide and euthanasia and mass drugging, and cultural propaganda. What we have now with the half-baked ideas we are given is just the hollowed out husk of rationalizations. Some ideals still remain in print and in awareness, but the almost complete conquest of the old order–that was the loss of a religious value system that was publicly upheld from top to bottom. The values were incomplete also–they usually promoted an unquestioning attitude towards patriotic propaganda especially, but they were a protection against many kinds of exploitation we are unlikely to escape from.
There wouldn’t be any need to say anything about this if there wasn’t going to be disagreement–people are indoctrinated in different beliefs in accordance with a bigger agenda. All of these points could require many words of explanation and have consequences that might very well interfere with what some people want to do–with their agenda–and maybe you have adopted some of the same way of thinking. That’s right. And that’s the situation we’re in. And some people just need to learn. All of us need to learn a lot. And if you discuss these points (and the others below), you will find out what the implications are really about, because when you see what is happening in the world, you will often see the opposite of these principles.
To have a future worth living in, I think we need to share a set of values that pretty well amounts to this. It would a parallel society to the Brave New World. It might have to exist “underground”. It might prevail in the long run. But it has to exist now — in our minds and hearts and lives now. Or it’s always going to be too late. It’s a sense of how things should be. Many of you probably already have it.
There is a higher authority than man’s institutions. It finds its presence– we call it God (maybe he or she is personal like we are) –in our spirits, in our ability to be conscious and aware of cause and effect. God is real. After all, where did we come from?
He–or She and I’m not just being PC–sets us straight when we just want to follow orders or take the easy path in countless ways. He tells us–through our conscience–why are you letting me down? Why are you letting yourself down? Why are you letting THEM down?
If you don’t recognize God, maybe that’s not such a big deal. You recognize that there are intelligent beings around, right? With values like yours perhaps? You see them. There you are. There we are. Where do they come from? Where do their minds come from and yours? Who are they? What makes them able to think and live even? Do they matter to you? Is God just an expression of the unknown? But what about the things we do know? We need to set our own minds and thinking at a level above the reach of tyrants and con-artists.
I could pick different sources and point out principles that have already been discovered. Some sources could be called “revelation” or “inspiration”. I have to be selective however. I could point to many verses in the Bible (the Ten Commandments maybe or the sayings of Jesus or Paul) and I could point out good principles, and to various religious traditions and law codes and philosophical discussions — and I could point out a lot of good principles, but I would always be selective. I would pick some and reject others. On what basis would I reject an idea? If I felt it was contradictory to actual principles that can be justified and accepted in good conscience.
Where do real principles lead? To the benevolent results we want to have–to the type of society we can live with. To the avoidance of terrible things we don’t want to have. To reason with others about this subject is to argue along these lines of cause and effect and to point to atrocities that need to be condemned and avoided and prevented when possible.
Guess what! People have already done this to a large extent. This project has already been attempted. But it is always in ruins also. It is always being buried.
And so we have sitting around us in all sorts of places the evidence of these efforts.
And we have evidence also of the opposite — of atrocity — of endless unnecessary suffering and death — and lies and liars and thieves who have no limits — and killers who have no mercy — and the potential for endless degradation and slavery if it was something that we could allow to happen to ourselves and others. But I think there are limits.
Did I find something to be angry about today or sad? Do emotions explain causes and grievances and motivations? Is there just something in my psychology that isn’t whole, that wants to complain? There’s something down there inside that wants to live fully, to grow, yes. And yes, there are things that have gone wrong inside many of us. And these things are going wrong in most of us–in all sorts of people–there are dysfunctions and lives going awry. We are in a world full of lies. How could it be any other way? Are the problems coming from inside of us or outside of us? Both. The inside and the outside work together to make this world better or worse.
Principles go beyond anger and grief. But emotions and intuition provide useful signals that tell us something is out of place with a particular situation. And then we address what the needs are– if we are able to do so– we imagine the future or the solution–that addresses the current distortion or the current crime–and we work out a way to resolve it–not to make a perfect world with perfect people–but to make a livable world, something that we can live with–without LYING to ourselves–without being deluded.
I have had a lot of experiences with religion. I’ve seen good and bad. I’ve noticed that most of it fails to protect us from propaganda–from war propaganda–from toxic entertainment–from violence and pornography. Every day religion fails to protect us from lies and from liars and from the hazardous waste of “entertainment” deliberately being funneled into the minds of both adults and children.
I’ve seen it being used to manipulate people into accepting that the “end of the world” is inevitable and they can’t do anything about it.
I’ve seen it being used to justify unjust and brutal foreign policies.
I’ve seen it used to implant the idea thoroughly that this world is a lost cause–that we are to surrender it to the forces of darkness.
So, religion has been and continues to be — the old ones and the new religions — used by the destructive elements of our society to imprison us and control us and limit us in ways that are detrimental to everyone.
But there are still all sorts of good principles in religious scriptures and teachings–and these can’t be denied by me. These are obvious. These are unavoidable because there needs to be a lot of good in order for people to think the belief system is all true. People have the capacity to see what is obviously good. But they also have the capacity to be deceived, and there is a lot of talk about deception in the Bible and how pervasive it is. And we come to know how real that is. So there’s an example of a truth. There are efforts in religion to get inside the person’s head to make them feel very guilty and ashamed and helpless for things they can barely have any fault in–for just being human–and to also remind them sometimes that they “must” obey the authorities–the “priests” or the “kings” or the “teachers” or the “government.”
So I can’t look at religion in general as a way to find wholeness and ground myself in reality. Religion can be a source of a lot of truth, but it doesn’t necessarily work for us. It has to be grounded to support the values it claims to proclaim. In the same way with political ideals, those ideals need to be able to act in this world through us and effect change and protect the innocent and make independent choices. There can be not much value in a belief system that falls helpless victim to the same propaganda and social engineering and toxicity in every form that is coming at us from the so-called powers that be. And I think this needs to be said about religious and political movements in general at this time.
If someone tells us to do something we know is wrong or to believe something that isn’t true, instead of obedience, the more apt response would be to respond to them and hold them accountable through one kind of civilized process or another.
To me, “religion” just means a system of belief and it isn’t limited to a belief in the supernatural. I mean “religion” in a broader sense–as referring to whatever the constructed belief system is supposed to be. The “spirituality” being pushed in more recent decades is a modification and combination of older religions–to achieve particular ends–to push the limits of passivity if possible. The humanism or atheism and scientism and other beliefs that are being pushed — to me these are also powerful religions. They are designed and pushed by “authorities” to modify and direct society in the direction they intend. There is a lot of evidence for this. I have a website full of quotations.
We have to be discerning. We have to ground ourselves in principles that make sense to what we know is real and true and which are compatible with the type of life we want to live. And this is how we judge what is best.
I would like to find the common ground with others. I am not interested in telling people they have to change their religions. I would just like us to ground our different religions in the parts that we can discern as human beings. And I don’t want to see others as the enemy because they have different beliefs or because they come from another part of the world. I don’t want to be a victim of the divide-and-conquer propaganda being generated right now–to divide us by generation for example or male vs. female–to divide us by all of the fake left-right political labeling. I know that younger people are being fooled in new ways but I know that older people have been the victims of propaganda also. I don’t want anyone to be fooled or to be swept away by the scientific dictatorship being built around us.
I want us to recognize what we already have, I want to try to ignore the ideas that don’t matter, and I want us to recognize reality and be free to make value judgments again about what is better for us–what allows us to have a future. I don’t see us as going back to the past. Some of the terrible things we need to be more aware of happened in the past. The past is full of trauma. There are the same bad ideas that keep coming up which they sell to us as “liberation” or as “progress” — these aren’t new. These have come up for thousands of years. And the same good ideas–these need to keep coming up because we need these to survive. In order to survive, we need to try to give up our addictions to poisonous influences and we need to sometimes restore ideals we may never have actually personally experienced before. We need principles to survive. Moral relativism is a scam. Situational ethics is a scam to remove the ground from under our feet. The beliefs that tell us we are insignificant and unimportant in the universe are a scam–those are just beliefs intended to have the desired effect on you of making you feel like you should shut up. We need to value ourselves and others to survive. All of the scams you should try to toss in the garbage–we can agree or disagree–but all of the truths we can find–the principles we can find–we should hold onto these.
So at this point, I am going to pick out a few principles from the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms to illustrate what I mean. Others already discovered these particular principles and wrote them out. These are not new. But they correspond to what I have been talking about — or I have picked the ones that back up what I have been talking about. This is part of the Canadian constitution but there are points we can disagree with in the Constitution–and those would tend to be the ones where we are told to follow instructions from other human beings, even to our detriment. The Constitution requires an oath to an authority figure unfortunately, but it should require an oath to principles and to the well-being of ordinary people.
Just going through this document and picking out a few points:
Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms
- It actually says:
Whereas Canada is founded upon principles that recognize the supremacy of God and the rule of law:
And I interpret God in the way I explained above. God is a higher authority–a mind we are tapped into as human beings – the author of a higher set of standards that we as human beings are aware of– higher than the plans of those who type out the laws. The people who wrote this may have had different motivations. They could have a different conception of God. They could have wanted to fool people by mentioning God in this way. However, some involved could literally have been terrified of producing a document that didn’t have this line in it and felt it offered some restraint on those who would tend to continue on with their insidious and brutal agenda. Am I exaggerating? No. It may seem that way to some people who haven’t clued in to what solid information is still readily available. The decency that resides in people to a large degree restrains those who would otherwise go further in causing harm–physically, biologically, culturally, morally and economically.
- It states that Canada is a free and democratic society.
So we have the idea of democracy. That’s a big topic. What does democracy mean? I think it means that everybody gets to have their say and their vote about everything that needs to be decided collectively–and not everything does. That’s where “free” comes in also.Also:
Every citizen of Canada has the right to vote in an election of members of the House of Commons or of a legislative assembly and to be qualified for membership therein.
That falls short of the type of democracy we should have. The subject of the best system is controversial and there is a lot to learn from other points of view, but I am laying out a few essentials because I think people can get confused by those who advocate anti-democratic ideas. Old monarchies and old empires failed. They weren’t always corrupt all the time, but they all failed. A royal family is deposed and the whole system collapses? What’s the strength in that? Humans of course are weak, but they are especially weak in small numbers. A small nation falls prey to the bigger nations, or the weaker power to the stronger power. Well, supposedly. But what happens to a “nation”–whose life-affirming ideals cross borders to be shared with those of other nations–a nation that is based on ideals–and does not depend on its particular government–in which the majority of citizens are involved and holding others accountable? That is strength in itself. If we depend on a few at the top to preserve a life-affirming society, then it is not strong enough. As many people as possible need to be invested in these values and speaking up for them and participating in matters that concern the wider community. The people teach each other to be strong-minded and to value each other and to hold common life-affirming values–and they become stronger collectively as a nation due to that. They don’t project their strength and fantasies onto a few symbolic figures. They participate directly in important decisions and in the justice system locally and in whatever is necessary for health and stability. They do not allow endless abuse and victimization in one form or another.
The particular values I have started to list are not going to be accepted by everyone but if they are accepted and promoted by enough people, then we prevail. Because they refute lies, they refute immoral orders “from above”, they refute delusion and degradation. Just one person honestly documenting the events they are involved in–even as just part of their job–appealing to the value of truth in others–can block a hundred liars. What we are is more than our weaknesses. We have enough strengths to save us. What do we need saved from? It’s the same story, we can repeat it in many ways. But we want to make excuses and rationalizations for the changes in our own experience–the number of deaths due to various illnesses, the amount of dysfunction, the number of health disorders, the amount of prescription medication, the lack of children and grandchildren, the reduction in our quality of life economically, the surveillance state, the endless wars, the endless reality-bending social engineering.
Everyone has the following fundamental freedoms:
(a) freedom of conscience and religion;
This point is being challenged NOW even though the principle IS STATED VERY CLEARLY IN BLACK AND WHITE.
This principle is an obstacle to the New World Order’s anti-human depopulation and transhumanist agenda. Both conscience and religion could conceivably be about arbitrary ideals, but I think it is more likely they often refer at root to objective ideals that have to do with realities people have been lied to about. Maybe you should ask a doctor or a nurse with a conscience (or a religion) what their objections are to a procedure before calling for their dismissal–which would violate the Charter. And how do I know it violates the Charter? Am I a Supreme Court Justice? No. I can read and understand what I read, and I don’t wait for Mr. Talking Head to explain to me what I should think.
(b) freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression, including freedom of the press and other media of communication;
Oh, you mean all the ploys, lame word-games and excuses being made for censorship right now globally by the mercenary media and by high officials in governments and corporations are violations of the Charter?
- (c) freedom of peaceful assembly; and
- (d) freedom of association.
- Mobility Rights
Mobility of citizens
6. (1) Every citizen of Canada has the right to enter, remain in and leave Canada.
(2) Every citizen of Canada and every person who has the status of a permanent resident of Canada has the right
(a) to move to and take up residence in any province; and
(b) to pursue the gaining of a livelihood in any province.
Legal Rights
7. Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of the person and the right not to be deprived thereof except in accordance with the principles of fundamental justice.
Note how it talks about our right to life, liberty and security. That’s the importance of our life and the right to be left alone to have our own thoughts and decisions about life, and secure against interference from outside. There are all sorts of ways in which our lives can be invaded–via technology, via unwanted chemical or biological toxicity, via unwanted propaganda.
8. Everyone has the right to be secure against unreasonable search or seizure.
9. Everyone has the right not to be arbitrarily detained or imprisoned.
etc. Long list of great principles.
12. Everyone has the right not to be subjected to any cruel and unusual treatment or punishment.
Notice how the word “cruel” is used. Nobody just made up that word. People know what it means. There is too much of it even though people know what it means. Isn’t that strange? Why would it be listed if cruelty wasn’t a tendency with some. I think people will continue to be surprised, because people are being lied to from cradle to grave.
And there are more great principles.
And there are points that people may disagree with or are neither here nor there. I’m selecting out a few principles that are important to emphasize
- As a remedy, by the way, it states the following:
24. (1) Anyone whose rights or freedoms, as guaranteed by this Charter, have been infringed or denied may apply to a court of competent jurisdiction to obtain such remedy as the court considers appropriate and just in the circumstances.
So there is a possible approach actually mentioned here. Maybe more people can start using it in new ways if they feel up to it. And why not just use it to make a statement regardless of what the results turn out to be?
Rights and freedoms are needed. Limits on what others can impose on others are needed. Real democracy–people having a free voice with the ability to hold officials accountable is needed.
The value system needs to be both public and private and built in to society, incorporating people of all religions and cultures. There is value in that approach because I believe it is sound strategy to start with the situation we are in as Canadians. strengthening whatever identity you have is good, and having more children would help also–if you can. But we should not fall into the path of division laid out for us, because then our numbers are much smaller than they could be. I think the problem is international so the solution is communicating internationally, even across language barriers.
And I’m not talking about a pipe dream. I’m talking about you, how you are, who you are right now, what you do and what you say to others.
Speaking of borders, don’t fall into the left-right stuff laid out for you. What if the solution offered is a false hope and promise? If someone listens to you in government, good, but also do what you can to communicate positively to others from other cultures about common values. What we need is common ground in principles. We can have many people from different cultures allied together in principles. We can communicate across borders and other barriers–we can learn other languages.
I think most people are inclined to be decent towards others. I’ve noticed that all my life with most people I’ve met. Most people–when they are not in their “mass mind”–will understand that there is right and wrong. There are limits to what the “New World Order” can get away with in their propaganda. They are pushing the limits. It has a very intimidating effect, but I think a few people here and there asking questions or expressing disagreement to the face of government, corporate, or media officials, or teachers about whether they really believe the latet New Doctrine XYZ would expose weaknesses immediately, and then a few thousand eventually doing the same thing would start to erode the base of their gigantic house of cards.
There is purpose for us. We are here to make things decent for ourselves and everyone else–to be prophets and builders of decency. That drive to decency will undermine their system.
We are not here to be enslaved by lunatic false prophets and builders of “perfection” through domination.
