Protests in US – and thoughts about Canada and situation we are in
Protests nationwide scheduled for May 1
by Jon Rappoport
Of course, agencies like the CDC and the World Health Organization appoint themselves the “new global governance.” Their job is painting as bleak a picture as possible, making it seem that, without their top-down control, the population of Earth would be decimated.
This is always the way of tyrants. How else can they justify their criminal actions?
The endless invention of enemies is a strategy as old as the hills.
Peace and prosperity are stakes through the hearts of vampires.
According to
The movement has begun!!
We The People demand that our Constitutional rights have no exceptions. We are Responsible Americans for the Constitution.
Currently, we are organizing protests in all 50 states to march on the State Capitols on 05/01/2020. There have been 52 events organized by this group in every State across America as of this time.
Join and see event calendar for your local or state gathering. Many organizers are still needed. Nothing in UT as of yet, Organizer is needed. The page link is here, please join the group and let’s coordinate an event to display that We the People will not tolerate this infringement of civil liberties and Constitutional Rights any longer!
On May 1, 2020 we stand TOGETHER as AMERICANS! is also reporting on these organized protests.
My comments: just sharing what I really think and hoping for many protests in Canada also
It would do no harm to scrutinize whatever you’re getting into. I’m posting the above information in hope.
This could be a very good thing, but also people should watch out that they move things the way they need to as spontaneously and independently as possible, and not to rely on any particular individuals who turn into false leaders who might trap you or sell you short. This is a serious time, the stakes are very high Do not put all your eggs in one basket ever, but whatever basket you have, make the most of it.
I don’t like the fact that the dates we’re confronted with this during this lockdown have some kind of occult significance possibly. March 22, for example (322) or May 1 which everyone latches onto as a traditional date of protest. Picking this time of year for this coordinated shutdown is part of the intimidation I think.
Do not give up. Do not let others sabotage what you need to achieve. A lot of people have already had the experience of being part of political movements that were short-circuited by the other side. That would be business as usual, and the goal is to be smarter than that. I think there is a need for large numbers.
As far as Canada, I hope people keep protesting–I posted about Saturday’s protest in Toronto and about the one I heard about in Vancouver earlier. I am willing to share information. Please email me. I think there needs to be enough numbers and it would be great if there were continual daily protests at some point, in as many places as possible, not just relying on one day and one place.
If people have to travel too far and they can’t make it because of some interference or because they don’t have the means, there needs to be help with transportation and backup plans.
I believe that having any kind of individual protests directed at officials is also important at this time. Opening up communication with others and sharing information is something people can do also. However, I don’t think people should wait to do whatever it is they want to do, because governments seem to be making moves to restrict speech further. Even if they do, we still have our natural God-given rights–which happen to be expressed on paper also–in the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. So we will still keep speaking.
Thinking about all this does feel at the moment like an unrealistic hope. I don’t think people are talking to each other. I think there are real divides right now among families and friends. It could be possible, however, that we are getting the wrong impression of others from the lying media. I come across a lot of people on the Internet one way or another who are aware and I meet a lot of friendly people when I’m out–at least they’re friendly, but they’re adjusting to things they shouldn’t have to adjust to. I hope that maybe people are realizing that we have been lied to and that we are being humiliated and led over a cliff economically.
I hope that nobody gives up and that everybody stands firm. I hope that we can support and encourage each other regardless of what happens. We should make an effort to keep the peace or strengthen relationships with family and friends and make new friendships and connections.
I think there are lines that many of us will not let them cross. We are not giving up our rights and freedoms. So it is important that we make an effort while we can to restore some kind of livable system.