Vive le Canada – Oppose the SPP (November 19, 2007)
Note (2014) – I may have changed my views somewhat since I wrote this
Even though I’m a libertarian and have no problem with removing barriers to trade internally and externally – actually all barriers placed on individuals to prevent them doing what they want economically etc. – I agree with a lot of what is in this document , Wake Up Canada, that raises alarms about the Security and Prosperity Partnership.
In effect, this is another level of government that removes decision-making even further from the Canadian electorate, and exposes Canadians to the abusive “security” policies of the U.S. government. It’s bad enough with our own. This is a very serious issue and Canadians have to be aware of it. If their M.P. is not even involved in it, it’s totally illegitimate. I believe the border is there to define jurisdiction of our laws which we have enough trouble reforming as it is, and to protect us from foreign governments. I have a similar view to sovereignty and international agreements with respect to Canada as Ron Paul has with respect to the United States.
November 19th, 2007