Prayer Strategy: Deliver Us from Evil and When does God Intervene?
Edited: September 16, 2018
9 After this manner therefore pray ye: Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name.
10 Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.
11 Give us this day our daily bread.
12 And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.
13 And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen.
To many this might sound ridiculous, but I think that prayer is probably effective, because whatever spiritual reality is behind our creation (God), He probably stands ready to assist us when we ask for help – but to assist us in our actions, not in our in-actions.
Why not give it a try – every day?
Also, if enough people prayed for OUR deliverance from evil, from the surveillance state, from the transhumanist and totalitarian, Brave New World agenda, then why wouldn’t that have an effect? I think it is worth the effort. I think, at the very least, it affects how we look at our place in the world and what we focus on – regardless of our exact beliefs.
There are reasons, I believe, why the Lord’s Prayer was removed from schools years ago – non-democratically by our managers – for reasons beyond whatever particular excuse and play-acting legal story was used to rationalize that decision. And it was obviously intended to transition Canadian society away from Christianity.
I think that the commodification and devaluation of human life was an essential reason for this decision: abortion, euthanasia and life-boat ethics, the abortion of those who might be born disabled, organ harvesting, sex trafficking, genetic manipulation, interference and control through “vaccines” and prescription drugs, torture, lies, wars of aggression, artificial scarcity, limiting resources to large corporations, the reduction of wages through trade agreements, body scanners, blue gloves, surveillance, censorship, the promotion of materialism, etc.
When children or adults recite the Lord’s Prayer, saying, “Deliver Us From Evil,” that involves conscious recognition that potentially there is an adversary who seeks to undermine our lives – in the real world, in real life.
When children or adults say “Lead us not into temptation,” they imply that they can be corrupted in their behavior and attitudes, that their lives can be undermined by external influences, that they can be tempted into destructive behavior, and that there is right and wrong.
When we talk about forgiveness – for us and by us, and when we think of others – of “us” and “our” and not just our individual selves – that is very important also. We are in this together. We are not isolated. The individual is needed. The community is needed. We need both. We also need to get along with others, including family members, so we need mutual forgiveness – to keep our families together.
And what is the novel Brave New World all about other than accepting drugs and sex (inappropriate and out-of-place drugs and sex) and propaganda and the systematic poisoning of human beings (especially the beginning stage and the end stage of life) in exchange for giving up freedoms (freedom of conscience, etc.), independence, family, reality, responsibility and privacy.
I think, if there is a God, and I believe there is a God or gods of some kind, then he/she also expects us to do something to protect ourselves and our families from lies and toxicity. To me, that makes sense. IF we don’t bother to lift a finger to turn off the TV to protect our families from harmful influences, if we don’t bother to write a letter or use some means in the system to protest or stand up for what we believe, then why would He help us? I think that explains a lot.
Just thinking rationally, why wouldn’t the opposite be the case? If the more we take an active approach to address what’s wrong, to protect ourselves and others, to speak out, and to try to use the government and legal system and persuasion to remove toxins from our food supply, for example, then why wouldn’t God back us up and send in assistance – to empower us spiritually – to boost our spirits – since we have conscious awareness and where does that come from? Why not?
So I’m not claiming adherence to a particular religion and specific doctrines. I think in terms of what makes sense to me as someone who knows we need help and as someone who knows that there must be a higher level to our existence. I don’t blame God, which is the usual trope. I blame myself. I blame others – for not doing anything or much at all – for being afraid. Because here I am, here we are, created for a reason of some kind, to fulfill our function down here. We’re not here to be slaves or half robot or half animal or living in virtual realities. We’re not here to be killed off and lied to and lectured by manipulative abusers.
Some in alternative media are using the term Logos, referring to the Word in John 1:1. I’m not sure what they’re on about, but I think the term is fine.
Let’s have and demonstrate some faith in how the universe is made, in its order and rationality, and in our own capacity for making a difference:
Yea, a man may say, Thou hast faith, and I have works: shew me thy faith without thy works, and I will shew thee my faith by my works.