Proposed information strategy – COVID-19
This is addressed to people who understand what’s going on.
I know there are active groups organizing protests and other strategies. An example of another group I have signed up with is for example which is distributing lawn signs in Ontario.
In any case, I feel that what we need is to try to wake up as many people as possible to the reality of the situation we are in. From the beginning many of us have not escaped a feeling of intimidation and fear which tended to limit what we felt we could do–at least this is how I felt.
Over time as our numbers have increased (this is visible in social media) something has shifted in my perspective which allows me to feel less isolated and more hopeful. Recently there seems to be a surge in skepticism towards the official COVID-19 narrative which is very encouraging and which I’ve witnessed personally. At the same time many people appear to be living in a parallel reality with an entirely different point of view as they go along with the promotion of the COVID “vaccine” for example.
I feel that it’s important for as many people as possible to communicate with others about what is happening. In my view there has been a long-term preparation for this type of dictatorship that has been laid out for us. I have written posts on the topic of how there have been more and more controls over private communication in Canada which have been presented in one-sided ways which still elicit one-sided knee-jerk responses–the nature of propaganda.
So legislation over the years was brought in which restricted organizations communicating to private households in the name of privacy–where much less totalitarian methods could have been used to keep away unwanted callers. This is one example. And another example was the anti-email spam legislation with its extreme penalties for violators. Other examples were the restrictions on organizations communicating during elections. These restrictions set a pattern on our behavior. Ironically we are supposed to surrender all privacy with phone apps and contact tracing questions in order to keep each other “safe” from this virus–which doesn’t seem to be even making people all that sick at the moment (and which spreads as much as you would expect a cold or flu to spread)–but since winter is coming, more people are vulnerable to respiratory illnesses. In any case, so much for PRIVACY, right?! So much for that!!!
People think all of this was innocent and well-intended but over time I think more people will realize that it only hurt ordinary people and their capacity to make a living.
And this is what these lockdowns are about to a large extent–or primarily what they are about.
The idea is to create a Mark-of-the-Beast style immunity passport system in order to force people to comply with various vaccinations–not just one–and surveillance systems also–especially related to “health”–by threatening to take away our means of livelihoods.
The lockdowns have damaged and destroyed many businesses so far to the advantage of large corporations.
That’s the point.
Loss of independence is the point.
The isolation measures and the closing of churches and the prevention of gatherings and the social distancing and the masks is meant to silence people, to interfere with peoples’ communicating to each other, to interfere with organizing.
The Charter of Rights and Freedoms has been completely violated. Governments are breaking their own laws. It’s simple. The Ontario emergency measures for example were based on false pretenses. Also they were supposed to be subject to the Charter of Rights and Freedoms–but they ran roughshod over them. Many people still can’t see what is happening it seems.
But freedom of expression has been violated, freedom of religion and freedom of assembly in particular.
Our privacy is being violated with the constant questions about our health and about our “contacts,” meaning our relationships with others. This is none of any one’s business. This is a STASI-style dictatorship. Again, it’s ironic how people were so obsessed with privacy when it came to telephone marketing. Now they think it’s a duty to snitch on each other.
So my proposal is to take the business section of your local area yellow pages – which you can find at – the business listing section (and throw in the government section) – and call all the businesses–using a long distance plan or just use the local numbers–and give them a brief run-down of what’s really going on with COVID — with the key facts and a link for references. Put as much information into the first statement as possible and see how it goes.
If you can get the point across, urge the business owner to resist lockdowns, vaccines etc., to not go along with any of the bogus rules such as social distancing and to not comply with unconstitutional orders to shut down their business–and to communicate with other business owners to agree not to do this. There is strength in numbers. We will lose everything anyway if we go along with all this. We need to communicate support to the business owner if they’re still willing to listen. Many were already bankrupt in the spring. Still nobody is communicating and the media suppresses all the possible communication that could be going on which is not going on. However, I think you will find business owners who relate to what you’re saying and who are interested. Suggest they fight any fines and penalties in court. They will lose everything anyway if they go along. Don’t go along. Stand together. This is where there is a hope.
Otherwise we are facing a future where most people are just going to be herded into compliance with no protection apparently–from the law we thought we had for protection.
So I will come up with a short script that covers what I feel are the most important points. You do the same. See what works and adapt it. If you don’t want to phone, then email, write a letter, fax, distribute flyers. All of that should do some good. We can help each other coordinate.
I will keep posting on this subject as things develop.
If you want to disagree, fine, maybe it’s helpful to talk it out.