Richard Syrett interviews
The Conspiracy Show with Richard Syrett
Past episodes of the Conspiracy Show
Richard’s website:
1. August 30, 2020 interview with Dr. Judy Mikovits (Plandemic) on the Wuhan Virus
Richard welcomes an American research scientist to discuss the science and data surrounding cornavirus, and alleged corruption within the medical/pharmaceutical complex. . . .
2. August 16 interview with Ezra Levant on Canada and COVID-19
3. August 09, 2020 fascinating interview on “Magnetobiology, 5G and Disease”
Richard welcomes a science writer to discuss the emerging scientific field of Magnetobiology and the possible connection between radio electrical waves and viruses.
​Guest: Joseph A. Olson is retired engineer, impassioned science writer, and respected innovative thinker with over 100 major civil engineering and climate-related articles to his name. He is a founding member of Principia Scientific International, which provides educational resources freely in the fields of scientific inquiry. Olson is a co-author of Slaying the Sky Dragon: Death of the Greenhouse Gas Theory the world’s first full-volume debunk of the greenhouse gas theory.