Sign petitions against coercive COVID-19 vaccination measures
Relevant petitions for citizens of different countries, including Canada:
1. PETITION: No to government and corporate penalties for refusing COVID-19 vaccine
2. Also, consider signing this one if you haven’t already:
PETITION: No to mandatory vaccination for the coronavirus
(941,348 signatures so far)
The following Canadian parliamentary petition had been introduced by Derek Sloan, MP and was closed on February 1, 2021 with 41,161 signatures. The page contains more information about the petition.
I’m quoting it because most of the points are completely relevant to what we are being confronted with:
Petition to the Government of Canada
- The Government of Canada does not conduct independent safety testing of vaccines;
- COVID-19 vaccine manufacturers are being granted legal immunity and will not be legally or financially liable for injuries or deaths caused by their products;
- COVID-19 vaccine development is being rushed;
- Standard, prudent safety protocols, such as prior animal testing, are being waived;
- COVID-19 vaccines currently under development are not tested against an inert placebo and are utilizing never before implemented technology that injects manufactured genetic materials;
- Long-term adverse effects of COVID-19 vaccination may not be known for many years;
- No coronavirus vaccine has ever been approved because of serious adverse effects, including death to test animals, due to pathogenic priming;
- COVID-19 vaccines are not designed to prevent infection or transmission; and
- Bypassing proper safety protocols means COVID-19 vaccination is effectively human experimentation.
We, the undersigned, Citizens of Canada, call upon the Government of Canada to
1- Preserve and protect our ethical, legal, and moral right to informed consent;
2- Legally ensure COVID19 vaccines are voluntary. This choice must be without disadvantage or prejudice;
3- Require that vaccine safety studies comply with standards equal to or exceeding other pharmaceutical products;
4- Create an independent committee with a broad range of stakeholder representatives, including citizen vaccine safety advocates;
5- Ensure no committee member has intellectual or financial conflicts of interest with the pharmaceutical or medical industry;
6- Grant this committee the power to independently review applications for approval of all vaccines, including COVID-19; and
7- Develop a vaccine injury compensation program whereby vaccine manufacturers are responsible for paying all costs related to the compensation for those injured or killed by their vaccines.
I put together some information here about COVID and COVID vaccines.