Pro-peace Phil Donahue on U.S. foreign policy
Phil Donahue on Ron Paul & Foreign Policy CNN 1/5/12 Interview with Piers Morgan
Continue reading →Phil Donahue on Ron Paul & Foreign Policy CNN 1/5/12 Interview with Piers Morgan
Continue reading → Senators Demand the Military Lock Up of American Citizens in a “Battlefield” They Define as Being Right Outside Your Window, November 29, 2011: Senate Votes To Let Military Detain Americans Indefinitely, White House Threatens Veto
Continue reading →November 21, 2011: Death Squads, and the NATO Assault on Syria (
Continue reading →, November 25, 2011: Media Lies Used to Provide a Pretext for Another “Humanitarian War”: Protest in Syria: Who Counts the Dead? Update: The International Institute for Strategic Studies,, November 15, 2011: Revolutionary road: Among the Syrian opposition “Free … Continue reading →, “Veteran who claims poisoning starts hunger strike outside minister’s office”, Nov. 7, 2011 Lacoste wants “…recognition from Ottawa that soldiers have been poisoned upon exposure to depleted uranium.” “Mr. Lacoste blames his own declining health, which includes chronic pain … Continue reading →
New York: Police Arrested for Alleged Gun Smuggling Two Florida police officers to be charged Pakistan’s Gilani: US has no permission to launch drone strikes ( Chomsky: US drone killings are state terror Bill Gates: Rich should be taxed a … Continue reading →
Amazing speech by war veteran Related links: Iraq Veterans Against the War ( Transcript (original:
Continue reading →, September 28, 2011: Conservative MP blasts decision to fund Planned Parenthood ( Saskatoon-Humboldt MP Brad Trost — the MP who said during the last election the organization would be defunded — said he and many others are dismayed by … Continue reading →
Heroism Part 1 – from Freedomain Radio Site: I’m not into all his ideas, but I think this video presentation by Stefan Molyneux makes excellent points about the effect of the entertainment industry, about war, and about our failure … Continue reading →
August 24, 2011: Killing the Truth: Western Mainstream Media Complicit in NATO War Crimes in Libya, Finian Cunningham (Belfast), Example of this kind of news story filled with face value pro-rebel one-sided opinion: August 25, 2011: SAS troops dressed … Continue reading →