Thoughts on January 20, 2024 – values vs. the system
It’s not such a different problem with other types of governments, but I’m focusing here on Canada, which is a constitutional monarchy.
Constitutionally, the Prime Minister has to approach the monarch, the King, or King’s representative, the Governor General, in order to form a government.
Also, every federal bill, in order to become law, has to be given Royal Assent by the Governor General, the King’s representative.
People have possibly been subtly led into thinking that this Royal power is a backseat role or “symbolic.”
On the contrary, the monarch is working for a private global corporate power and the major political parties in Canada for example are just working for this same corporate power.
Provincially, instead of the Governor General, there is a Lieutenant Governor, who represents the King.
Constitutionally the second most important power after the King (previously Queen) is the Privy Council federally. Many of these are appointed for life. Until his death, for many years, the Duke of Edinburgh was top of the list. Provincially in Ontario the equivalent body is called the Executive Council.
The media usually just talks about the Cabinet and pretends that the Prime Minister (or provincial Premier) is in charge and makes all the decisions.
I’ve documented the main oaths before. The Privy Council oath to the King includes an oath of secrecy. All of the Members of Parliament are required to swear an oath to the King.
The point I want to make is that when many people declare their loyalty to the King, or claim to be “monarchists” or feel they identify with the late Queen or the current King, it’s all built on the assumption that the monarch represents their values and has their best interests at heart.
People make the same assumption about governments in general.
What belief system are we talking about? What values are those? Can you list them? What beliefs do you share with the Royal Family? Do you ever consider that many elites might not even have the same sense of mercy or justice that you have? Is that a possibility to consider?
I think, on the contrary, that the education system and media have not clarified these values at all. In fact, I know that “lifeboat ethics” were pushed to some degree in Ontario. Many probably never took “lifeboat ethics” seriously but I actually think the indoctrination got through to some students who did. I think things were turned upside down when the Lord’s Prayer and other Christian assumptions were removed from Ontario public schools. I think there was a lot lost when Christian concepts were thrown out the window without sifting through them perhaps and picking out the ones we wanted to keep! There should have been more public discussion first about how we formulate values. There never was any among the public. There was none.
The majority of the public do not discuss things with each other–especially now. There is no discussion. There are no public forums where everyone is expected to participate. They just listen to the media tell them what to believe and assume everybody else is convinced the way they are.
The fact is that the “Big Boys” always wanted to “play God” with biology. They have had a transhumanist ideology, spelled out clearly by the likes of Julian Huxley many years ago. Religions like Christianity stand in the way–I mean, they used to. Now they have been defanged.
So instead of preserving life now, we have institutions that offer to throw people out of the life boat altogether. The media has worked hard on selling us death as an ideal. Maybe selling suicide isn’t all that new considering some of Shakespeare’s characters but it’s something the media does.
I think, in retrospect, considering the scandal with Jimmy Savile, and the COVID events, and the suspicious forest fires during the summer (yes, read the schizoid headlines from the mainstream media admitting there was arson), and everything else that is happening, this is an amazing assumption to make.
We are just led into making assumptions like this through the education system and through the media, all our lives.
Look at the changes to laws that have been passed. Values have been shifted into euthanasia and these types of policies. MAID (medical assistance in dying) was introduced in Canada. Then in 2020, special COVID euthanasia or triage policies were introduced.
Fentanyl is being pushed along with other drugs. Universal Basic Income is being pushed. There is a lot of ins and outs to these topics but the point is that values have been “changed” through sales pitches. Selling you death, selling you not having a job, selling you mutilation, selling you sterilization. What about effective health care and effective treatments? Never mind, right? What about keeping your home warm? How is that going to work if carbon is being demonized.
Jane Goodall and Richard Attenborough, and others, have given speeches about how there are too many people–just like Bill Gates did in 2020 with his infamous Ted talk.
My point is there is a whole power structure from the monarchy on down that is working against more traditional, more natural values–often now in openly corrupt and malevolent ways especially since 2020 (for those willing to notice I mean).
The emphasis has moved from focusing on human needs to focusing on the “earth’s” needs–which is at the highest level an excuse to prevent humans from accessing needed resources.
To declare an allegiance to this type of system is to just *pretend* that those running it are there to do what’s best, and it’s just to assume that you and they have the same idea about what is “best.” And I don’t know where you get that idea, since everyone will admit at least that it seems values have gradually changed–so why would everyone have the same values?
Crossing our fingers and hoping a leader–of one stripe or another–is on our side, or has our best interests in mind, is a mistake.
Let’s drop all the assumptions and picking sides and the ideologies and let’s evaluate the system honestly, thinking for ourselves.
It’s a mess we leave for future generations, a mess of half-baked dreams that aren’t even our own dreams.
“Here, take it, kids. Believe in it.”
A mess of corruption, as many of us can now see, and fear–and that includes fear of poverty and economic collapse.
We should regret even thinking about leaving this mess for future generations.
We should be concerned about others and not just ourselves, not just our own families and looking after their needs. We–everybody–should be turning this around for the sake of those who are going to suffer under it-old and young–and generations to come.