Share with everyone – unique info – short expose on Gates and vaccine safety
Lots in the video. Bill Gates says that normalcy will only return once “we” have vaccinated the entire global population. And he told the president not to investigate vaccine safety. “You don’t have a choice.” Quotes from investment book by daughter-in-law of Buffett (a Gates trustee) “last but not least, vaccine manufacturers in the US are completely immune from lawsuits. Back in the 1980s several bad batches of vaccines injured so many children that …”
Transcript via YouTube:
hello this is tony heller from
setting the record straight about the
world’s leading virus expert
bill gates knows a lot about viruses
because he created a virus which has
infected billions of computers around
the world
it’s known as microsoft windows
computers running with bill’s virus
require updates every few weeks
bill doesn’t have any education in
science or medicine but he’s declared
himself to be the world’s leading virus
he also has never run for political
office or received a single vote in an
but he has declared himself to be the
world’s dictator
and in his role as dictator he told
president trump twice
not to investigate vaccine safety then
the second time i saw him was
the march after that uh so march 2017 in
the white house
in both of those two meetings he asked
me if vaccines weren’t a bad thing
because he was considering a commission
to look into uh
ill effects of vaccines and and somebody
his name is robert
kennedy jr was advising him that
vaccines were causing
bad things and i said no that’s a dead
end that would be a bad thing don’t do
that was an incredibly bizarre and
revealing clip now let’s look again at
the part where he talks about robert
kennedy jr
and somebody his name is robert kennedy
jr was advising him that vaccines were
bad things robert kennedy jr is one of
the most famous people in the world his
uncle was president of the united states
and his father would have been president
too in 1968 if he hadn’t been
bill gates referred to this incredibly
famous person as
somebody named robert kennedy jr that
gives me a pretty good feel for how
out of touch with reality bill gates is
and bill gates not only told president
trump not to investigate
vaccine safety but he also says that
everybody in the world has to get his
vaccine and they don’t have a choice
but you don’t have a choice people act
like you have a choice
people don’t feel like going to the
when they might get infected you know
it’s not the government who’s saying
just ignore this disease and you know
people are deeply affected by seeing
these deaths by knowing they could be
part of the transmission chain and
you know old people uh their parents
their grandparents could be
affected by this and so you don’t
you know you don’t get to say uh ignore
uh what’s going on here there are there
will be the ability
particularly rich countries to open up
if things
are done well over the next few months
for the world at large normalcy only
when we’ve largely vaccinated the entire
global population and
and so bill gates imagines himself to be
the unelected dictator of the world
and doesn’t want anyone investigating
the safety of his vaccines
so should we be concerned about this
let’s take a look at what another
billionaire who dabbles in vaccines has
to say
we’re going to look now at a book the
warren buffett stock portfolio
written by his daughter-in-law mary
buffett i’m going to read to you the
entire chapter about the vaccine
this might seem a bit tedious but it’s
important to hear what’s being said
in the pharmaceutical world of economic
durable competitive advantages
having a patent on a best-selling drug
is about as good as it gets
the next best thing is having a monopoly
on selling a country’s national health
the vaccines and needs for its childhood
inoculation programs
both of these businesses are hugely
profitable and glasgow’s smith client
excels in both of these categories
the vaccine business is particularly
attractive because an individual shot or
costs gsk approximately 1.50 to
and it sells to national vaccine
programs for approximately nine
dollars a shot that gives gsk a net
profit of approximately 750 a shot
this markup gives gsk a very healthy
profit margin
that improves with each and every new
disease that the company develops a
vaccine for
consider this gsk’s profits rose 10
percent with the 2009 swine flu outbreak
a disease for which the company had a
state-of-the-art vaccine ready to
inoculate the masses
in addition to its patents and the
durable competitive advantage gsk has
with the vaccines
it also established the relationships
with the world governments
and it has the financial capital to
create manufacture and sell vaccines on
a world scale
if you’re in charge of the health of a
nation’s 30 million plus
children who would you buy your vaccines
from every year
year after year you’d pick the largest
and the best
there are only four pharmaceutical
giants that control most of the vaccine
production in the world
and gsk is one of them there’s another
component to the vaccine equation that
also spells
big money every year women all over the
world give birth to approximately 133
million new babies
4.3 million babies in the u.s alone with
the united states cdc
recommending that children age birth
through 6
receive 34 individual vaccine shots jabs
that means the market for those 34
vaccine shots jabs
increases every year by 4.3 million in
just the u.s alone
this in turn means that the vaccine
manufacturers selling in the us
have the potential to earn a profit of
1.09 billion
every year consider the number of yearly
vaccines worldwide
numbers are staggering approximately 34
billion a year
after 10 years in the u.s alone vaccine
manufacturers will see more than 10
billion in net profit
on a world scale the number jumps to a
potential 340 billion in profits
and wait it gets even better with the
invention of each new vaccine comes a
patent that’s good for
20 years and guarantees that no one else
can make the vaccine
in other words the company has a
monopoly even when the patents expire
other companies rarely step into the
because the major manufacturers have a
permanent relationship with the
government health departments of the
this enables manufacturers to continue
making these same vaccines
year after year while maintaining their
large profit margins
even after their patents have expired
now let’s look at the last paragraph
very carefully
and last but not least vaccine
manufacturers in the us are completely
immune from lawsuits back in the 1980s
several bad
batches of vaccines injured so many
that the resulting successful lawsuits
threatened to bankrupt the manufacturers
so the manufacturers lobbied a bill
through congress making them a protected
so it’s pretty clear why bill gates
doesn’t want people investigating his
vaccine which he wants to give to
everybody in the world
the question we need to ask is why is he
doing this toto is always asking
you can visit him in kyrie on the web at