Freeman Burt and Clint Richardson on law and courts
An Interview with Freeman Burt and Clint Richardson – “The Court Clerk and the Court of Record” – #159
Jan Irvin, Gnostic Media | March 14, 2013
The information about this kind of approach to individual sovereignty is very interesting, but it’s still surprising to me and I don’t know what to make of it other than to keep learning.
… Freeman Burt is a man who lives under the belief that all people are born free and that no one can be required to become someone’s servant. He’s almost 50yrs old and has been studying the elements of freedom for about twenty years.
Most of his gain in comprehension came when he fully accepted the fact that all legal relations require our consent. …
Freeman Burt:
YouTube Channel
Interview with Dean Clifford on the system, freedom, individual sovereignty