Corporate overlords planning your future in Toronto
Our Common Future 2.0, June 21, 2010 event in Toronto (
This event tomorrow in Toronto includes academics (unelected but receiving public funds), corporate representatives (unelected but often receiving public funds), NGO representatives (unelected but often receiving public funds) and a couple of politicians also (always receiving public funds).
We can see the post-democratic structure of “decision-making” emerge all around us. And “public-private partnership”. All it means is that you are not represented at all as an individual in important decisions. You just get to fund the decision makers – involuntarily through taxes.
Your opinion as an individual is irrelevant to the process managed by professional “experts”. The old democratic structure mostly gave you the appearance of having some input. Now you don’t even have that.
But you can pay your rising electricity bills and your taxes. And you can pay a couple of hundred bucks and go listen to them talk. And you can watch and listen to the news media lie to you every day about what’s important. We get to watch and listen. Good for us. But we’re probably not even doing that because of World Cup soccer.
“In advance of the G-20 meeting in Toronto, Corporate Knights and the International Institute for Sustainable Development will host this summit in honour of Jim MacNeill’s lifetime accomplishments in advancing sustainable development.
“The summit will be chaired by Maurice Strong, whose idea it was to marry the occasion of honouring Mr. MacNeill’s life’s work with a strong substance-based dialogue that lays down in no uncertain terms just what it will take to make the 21st century pursuit of sustainable development a success.”
According to the pdf (, Jim MacNeill was Secretary General of the Brundtland Commission ( and principal author of its landmark report “Our Common Future”.
For example, the theme of the lunchtime dialogue is “Integrating sustainable development into decision making” and includes the following participants:
- Chair: Maurice F. Strong, pc, cc, om, frsc
- Galen G. Weston, Executive Chairman, Loblaw Companies Limited
- Mayor David Miller, Toronto
- Elizabeth May, Leader, Green Party of Canada
- Kathy Bardswick, President and ceo, The Co-operators Group
Sustainable development, Brundtland Commission, Agenda 21 – these just mean planning everything we are allowed to do in the future, including population control.
The machinations you see in the news every day from various kinds of institutions – and the controls we have lived under most of our lives, which are getting worse – this is “just what it will take” to make “sustainable development” – centralized control of all resources, including human beings – a “success”.