Austerity, globalism, surveillance
Raising retirement age, Pensions :, Aging Europe warned of ‘unsustainable’ pensions, 7 July 2010 – “Europe’s low birth rates and aging population make it imperative for EU member states to overhaul their pension systems, the European Commission says…. France, Greece, Spain and the UK have plans to raise the retirement age. …work longer….” – Comment: It makes me angry that policy makers are planning to raise retirement age worldwide, closer to death, so that people end up with less. All their lives they have been paying into these systems expecting to receive a certain amount when they reach a certain age. And now governments, ruled by banks, are going to change the terms of those fake commitments. And they also know that different generations will divide over this. And they also expect left and right to fall into their appropriate ideological slots of excuse-making for government injustice. Divide and conquer. It is amazing how the European Commission pretends that each nation has its own say while it’s telling them they must harmonize pensions.
Globalism:, Brussels fines [Britain] £150m for failing to fly the EU flag at funded projects, July 8, 2010 – “Brussels has fined Britain more than £150million for failing to display the EU flag on a string of projects part-funded by Europe.” Comments: The old days are over. Britain is now ruled by the European Union.
Surveillance, Privacy invasion, Government control of Internet, Hype ‘problem’ -> grab power:, Report: NSA creating spy system to monitor domestic infrastructure, July 7, 2010 – “Internal Raytheon email calls system ‘Big Brother'”, U.S. Plans Cyber Shield for Utilities, Companies, July 8, 2010 – “A U.S. military official called the program long overdue and said any intrusion into privacy is no greater than what the public already endures from traffic cameras.”, The Comprehensive National Cybersecurity Initiative