No “New Deal for Nature” – details about the plans and opposition
Edited 2.0 with updates
This also relates to the Great Reset (World Economic Forum) and COVID-19
One of the things that becomes clearer to me as the real intentions of the oligarchy become manifest–as they attempt to exert complete control over every aspect of human life and every resource on the planet–is that the divide between “left” and “right” becomes completely meaningless.
Because of time and energy invested in elections, for example, in Ontario, all the people who are allied with “left” and “right” political allegiances are left in confusion as they fail to properly criticize their political heroes who have now become dictators–whether “conservative” or “liberal.”
We have become stuck in left and right long enough. It’s time to snap out of it. It’s just a trick to paralyze us and prevent us from communicating with each other about what really matters.
This website opposes the New Deal for Nature and explains what the problems are. I make a few comments on my own point of view below: (original)
You can sign their statement here:
I think the statement for me represents a kind of final ideological break for me. I wouldn’t push anyone to sign it who doesn’t agree. I’m not sure I will sign it. But I think I can understand the problem with my old libertarian ideology better now. Sometimes it became a very artificial system of attempts at commodification of everything possible and globalization. Libertarianism (especially outside of Ron Paul’s version) didn’t succeed much in protecting people from what these corporations were doing all these years. The globalist oligarchy maintained a right-wing “libertarian” face and a left-wing “socialist” face–even David Rockefeller was involved with both sides at different points–some of us are aware of that. Neither system (two sides of the oligarchy’s materialistic coin) recognizes the need to protect indigenous people or just non-indigenous people anywhere living according to their traditions and beliefs–such as European Canadians for example with the traditions we used to have (like going outside!) Neither system–neither socialism or capitalism (most forms of “libertarianism”) seeks to protect us from interference and domination. We all need to recognize the that there is a right to maintain an independent community or nation and an independent way of life–a right for people to be protected somehow from outside exploitation. By the way, most ideology is about idealizing and ignoring the terrible things that are happening. I’m saying to hold on to good principles when you are right about something, but I’m just pointing out that we need to think things through when dealing with ideologies and real life and sift out the stuff that doesn’t add up. What these elites are proving is that they can make up any kind of economic system they want and try to force it on us. Economics should not determine principles and how we decide to live.
Older site:
Key points:
Conceived of by vested interests. The New Deal For Nature (NDFN) is being drawn up by the world’s most powerful corporations, financial institutions, and conservation NGOs, including WWF. WWF has been complicit in human rights abuses for decades. At the helm of the NDFN is the World Economic Forum which entered into partnership with the United Nations on June 13, 2019.
2. Undemocratic. The NDFN is being negotiated without any participation from the wider public. The deal will be concluded at the UN Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) conference in China in October 2020 without any vote by our local, regional or national parliaments, bypassing full democratic scrutiny.
3. Represents the corporate coup of the commons. During negotiations on free trade agreements such as TTIP and CETA, we saw how our governments work hand-in-hand with multinational corporations to hand over even greater power to big business, privatising more public services. Now nature is up for grabs.
Under the guise of taking action on the climate and ecological crises, what the NDFN entails, in practice, is the financialisation and privatisation of nature (defined as “ecosystem services”, “natural capital”, “natural climate solutions” or “nature-based solutions”)—global in scale. Assigning monetary value to nature enables industries such as the fossil fuel industry to continue polluting as long as they commit to engaging in net zero activities such as offsetting carbon emissions by planting trees, or by “restoring” nature.
Note that it’s the big corporations who give this concept of “carbon emissions” any reality. It’s another resource monopoly doctrine that originates with the oligarchy. So much for “left” and “right.”
4. Rescues the very system destroying nature. The NDFN would involve the total transformation of the global economic system to create new markets, thereby salvaging the failing global economic capitalist system that has brought us to the brink of ecological catastrophe.
People like me would always try to qualify that and say, “well, it’s not real capitalism, it’s not free enterprise.” Well, that’s because we didn’t understand that the people who run the actual system believe in complete domination of everything. The writer can’t help think of it in these terms. But they aren’t going to salvage the current system. They’re finishing it off and transforming it into something totalitarian. It could be more accurately described as a merger of capitalism and communism–as Agenda 21 was called “communitarianism” and is an example of a document that celebrates “public private partnership.” It’s just that when they go far enough, they ignore democracy, traditional rights of all kinds, and personal freedoms that stand in their way.
5. Harms those best placed to protect biodiversity. The NDFN would threaten the further displacement and genocide of Indigenous and tribal peoples as global corporations and conservation NGOs seek control of their lands to maintain hegemony under the guise of tackling climate change and restoring nature. This represents a new wave of colonisation, for peoples in the Global South in particular.
So I agree with almost all of that. Well put. There is more information here
The World Economic Forum is a major backer of this “New Deal for Nature” and they backed (along with Gates) the Event 201 pandemic exercise in 2019 where the censorship policies were planned out for how to dominate people’s minds during the next pandemic–through media and censorship–which turned out to be COVID-19:
21 January 2019 | In 2020, we need a new deal for nature
. . This movement could gear itself up for a crescendo at the CBD COP in Beijing in 2020; and it could use that important conference as a springboard for a decade of delivery between 2020 and 2030 – 10 years of action that will slow down and then reverse our currently destructive relationship with nature, while promoting new pathways for growth, innovation and sustainable development.
Note that the elites own the term “sustainable development.”
This then is the New Deal for Nature. We are looking forward to using the 2019 World Economic Forum Annual Meeting in Davos to invite others to join and help shape it – and to get going. We don’t have time to stand still and watch whilst the nature around us literally burns.
So the imagery and rhetoric is very intense in order to sell their agenda as a good thing.
But it’s clear now from COVID-19 events that we are facing a serious decade of imposed austerity.
This is the UN Environment Program’s page on the New Deal for Nature:
The first sentence or two represent their obsession with how there are going to be too many people “by 2050” while admitting that most of the earth is empty. That’s how absurd language can be.
UN Environment is calling for five transformations to recalibrate humanity’s relationship with nature, and harness nature-based solutions for climate change.
Did “humanity” elect these groups?
Here is a copy of the New Deal for Nature goals for the upcoming conference:
In 2020, world leaders will meet in China to agree on a new set of commitments to conserve nature. . . .[etc. scary story about excessive number of people]
1. Account for the True Value of Nature – commodify nature in some insane way financially.
2. Change the Way We Produce and Consume Food – this point is about complete micro-management over the food supply and it’s especially about demonizing animal foods, because they can’t stand people being healthy and strong with functioning minds and reproductive systems:
Increased awareness and advocacy to encourage a transition to healthier plant-based diets and more sustainable sources of protein, including incentives for all people to eat and live more sustainably and waste less food
Austerity for everyone. Maybe we could call it Hunger Games
Alvin Toffler expressed the veganism/vegetarian agenda years ago–and it’s also found in Plato’s Republic. Slave food for the slaves.
3. Conserve Wildlife and Wild Spaces
This is just about scaring you into thinking people in general are taking up too much space–so they’ll fix that by taking away their traditional rights. This is an old decades-long belief system (or propaganda message) coming to some kind of monstrous culmination. It’s about total control over peoples’ resource use.
4. Restore the Degraded Planet
Just another story justifying complete control over human activity–complaining about the lack of productivity of “unsustainable” methods. Even though the planet is full of empty spaces, it’s still somehow degraded by humans somehow–corporations haven’t taken over everything yet. These guys are just getting warmed up with their GMO food, land grabs and magical “vaccines”. They have to distribute the GMO crops and other organisms everywhere and they have to put up their 5G and 6G towers everywhere–and make sure everyone is under medical surveillance and taking all their shots and brandings. That’s how I interpret it anyway–I’m interpreting it very freely. Please read it yourself–it’s a short enough document and there are only 5 sections.
5. Promote a Better Built Environment
We are in a time of unprecedented global change, with mass urbanisation of the planet expected in the next 15 years . . .
. . . Increased promotion of innovative financing that supports green infrastructure.
Increased awareness for more nature-friendly and conscious consumption regarding infrastructure decision-making.. . .
So they expect people to be moved into the cities and need the cities to function. It sounds like energy-based currency or technocracy. It sounds like a very controlling situation in which human beings are carefully monitored in their use of resources. So it has a lot to do with the use of technology, and we are seeing that now with the COVID-19 lifestyle of relying on the Internet and our portable devices.
And this is some of what the World Wildlife Fund has to say about it:
WWF strongly supports the call for a new deal for nature and people. By 2020, in just two years, we need an agreed roadmap that recognizes the intrinsic link between the health of nature, the well-being of people and the future of our planet.
We used to talk about God providing or nature providing but here is this guy at Davos basically complaining about how the biosphere gives us “free services”. So I think what he is getting at with his talk about “scale” is that you need the right management team with the right tools to run the biosphere. I think that’s where I leave it. Some smooth-talking group thinks they have the right to run the planet and some of us don’t agree. It would be better to leave people alone where they live with their own resources.
Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) Processes and Meetings
From this page, it looks like various meetings were postponed including the October 2020 meetings planned for China mentioned above:
October 2020
Dates to be confirmed
Kunming, China
Fifteenth meeting of the Conference of the Parties [COP-15] to the Convention on Biological Diversity
Documents »Dates to be confirmed
Kunming, China
Tenth meeting of the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety
Documents »Dates to be confirmed
Kunming, China
Fourth meeting of the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Nagoya Protocol on Access and Benefit-sharing
Documents »
Next post will continue this discussion.
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