Smart meters and smart grid means data collection, privacy invasion and ultimate control
Smart meters, an Electronics Weekly guide (, May 19, 2009)
This article is about U.K. plans and the potential applications of smart meters:
“It is a meter with two-way communications, a consumer display, and generally a disconnect as well…
“In addition to displaying the instantaneous tariff, a smart meter might, for example, list the power consumed and the cost incurred by individual appliances …
“By monitoring their voltage and current waveforms from the meter, University of Oxford spin-out Intelligent Sustainable Energy claims to be able to identify appliances, even to the brand in some cases…
“A smart grid has mechanisms to reach into user premises and turn off non-essential loads during peak demand.
“For example, when all the kettles go on, the nation’s tumble dryers and electric heaters could be turned off for a few minutes to compensate…
“One [way] is to make it a condition of sale that every new power-hungry domestic appliance include a device that respond to some form of signalling – a subtle variation in the supply frequency for example, or a broadcast radio signal. Some Economy 7 systems already work by radio broadcast …
“Another method is that a home network would control individual appliances, probably via a ZigBee wireless or powerline signalling, with the smart electricity meter acting as a control node …
“Smart meters report consumption to the utility company regularly: perhaps daily or four times during the day….
“There are several ways for data to get back and forth from the power company….
By the way, “less Co2” and “carbon intensive”, are just sick jokes by the elite, meaning we are taking up their space and using their stuff. Less Co2 means less of everything. Co2 is a clean odorless gas, it is produced by all forms of combustion, including our own breathing, and is necessary for plant life.
Doing what we want and living our lives fully means producing more Co2 (carbon dioxide) and being more “carbon intensive”.
So their appointed public-private regulatory boards (Ontario or elsewhere) will reach in to our homes and businesses and invade our personal space and sovereignty in order to stop us from doing what we want.
In other words, it is another step towards the New World Order, an idea that refers to a completely planned and ordered world society. And that is why “climate change” and other false crises are thrown in your face, so that they can implement “solutions” that bring us under more control.