Microchips, RFID, Implantable Microchips, Implants, Tracking Chips, Spy Chips, Brain Chips, Chipping
Microchip Implant (human)
Microchip Implant (animal)
Katherine Albrecht
Device Implanted in Skin: “Digital Tattoo Interface” – “Digital Tattoo Interface” (
Transhumanism, Enhancement: Position: Senior Research Fellow (Assistant Director): Ethics – “Future of Humanity Institute is a new interdisciplinary research institute in the James Martin 21st Century School at the University of Oxford (http://www.21school.ox.ac.uk)” – “ethics of human enhancement and human potential”
TechMan: Want a record of your whole brilliant life? (http://www.post-gazette.com/pg/10122/1054631-96.stm) Like movie “Final Cut”
Human-Machine Interface: Sensors turn skin into gadget control pad
“2020: dawn of the ‘intelligent’ classroom” – “Hands-free virtual reality computer games will change too, by picking up brain activity … Virtual environments … Advanced biometric full-body scanning systems…”
Biotechnology, Bioethics, Eugenics, Genetics, Enhancement, Transhumanism, Human Value, Technocracy: PDF File: “Beyond Therapy: Biotechnology and the Pursuit of Happiness” The President’s Council on Bioethics, Washington, D.C., October 2003 (bioethics.georgetown.edu). – “The President’s Council on Bioethics: Beyond Therapy” (bioethics.georgetown.edu).
Technocracy: US report foretells of brave new world Nathan Cochrane July 23 2002
“Management Futures: The World in 2018” (http://www.managers.org.uk/sites/default/files/user35/CMI_-_Management_Futures_March_2008_-_Full_Report.pdf) – Brain Enhancements, Big Brother, etc. etc.
Implants, Technocracy, Gingrich: NBIC 405-page report
Local copy of NBIC report
Related Loyola document on nanotechnology (local copy)
NSET 280-page report
Pentagon Leads Charge, in Partnership with Academia, for Brainchip Implants
Implants: Brain Implants for Customers By 2020-Pop. Science
Implants: Wonders of Brain Implants Being Extolled (http://gigaom.com/2009/12/22/artificial-intelligence/)
Implants: Wiseup-Old Toronto Star Article on Chipping Humans (http://www.wiseupjournal.com/?p=837)
“RFID MICROCHIP TV ADVERT” [“Because” Video on why You Should Get Implanted Chip] (youtube.com).
“RFID Implants for Humans Hyped On Yahoo Tech”
“Saudi ‘Killer Chip’ Implant Would Track, Eliminate Undesirables” (foxnews.com) – May 18, 2009.
“VeriChip Patient ID implantable: VeriMed”
First the Senile, now the Preschoolers–Tracking Chips
Pentagon Pushing Research into Brain Chip “Telepathy”
Avatar Blues-Ready for the Chip?
” ‘Sex chip’ being developed by scientists” by Chris Irvine (telegraph.co.uk) – Dec. 22, 2008.
“School to track pupils with radio chips sewn into their uniforms”
“Prisoners ‘to be chipped like dogs'”
Germany–ID Cards for All–Will be Necessary for Online Access–Home Reader etc.
“Cash to become extinct as chips take off” by Anthony Keane (news.com.au) – June 15, 2009.
“ID cards ‘could use chip-and-pin’ ” (news.bbc.co.uk) – April 7, 2009.
UN Tests and Pushes Universal Postal RFID
From Aussie University–You Are a Component of RFID
Wireless RFID Embedded Tyre Sensors for Tracking Can be Hacked
In Disasters, Plagues etc. “Patients” Will be Tracked by RFID Bracelets
Texas Teams With Motorola for RFID Evacuation–Families and Pets [PDF]
“China to issue RFID embedded ID cards”
“Christian endtimers leave their “Mark” on the RFID industry”
“RFID: Making the World a Better Place”
People Control using Sensory Tags (http://www.usatoday.com/tech/products/2007-10-15-367035280_x.htm)
Wearable Sensors Watch Workers (http://www.technologyreview.com/communications/22642/?a=f)