Smart Meters-Smart Grid
Smart Grid, Smart Meters, Smart Planet, Smart Cities, Centralized Control of Utilities
- Information on Smart Cities, 15 Minute Cities and 5G – Part 2 – C40 Cities (report link corrected)
- North American Leaders Declaration on Climate Change (2009) (absurd and dangerous “god-like” statements about the climate)
- TV Ontario interview on electricity distribution and smart grid
- Anti-Agenda 21 activist Kathy Hamilton interviewed on Canada Live: explains rights-destroying “precautionary principle” & controlled society
- Privacy: a postmortem, presentation on Internet surveillance, drones, cell phones, Internet of things
- Katherine Albrecht on ultimate surveillance
- Resistance in Maryland over smart meters
- Smarter Cities: energy efficiency/carbon/climate change scams lead to elderly being pushed out of their own homes (through expensive upgrades, fuel costs, property tax)
- Behind the Green Mask, Rosa Koire – important points about totalitarian UN Agenda 21, Delphi meeting
- IBM and the new smarter feudalism – whatever you say IBM, you and your friends are in charge of everything
- Technocracy is smart grid, smart meters, energy certificates, scientific dictatorship, 1936 course
- Informative Red Ice interview on RFID spy chip tracking, how people are conditioned to accept it gradually
- Austerity guilt propaganda by CBC and NGOs against alleged "food waste" by Canadians
- Agenda 21 "visioning" meetings – delphi technique exposed
- Michael Shaw: we must defeat local implementation of Agenda 21
- Smart Meters-Smart Grid
- Energy
- Data Collection
- Smart meters and smart grid means data collection, privacy invasion and ultimate control
- Australian smart meters to “help” families by choking off their power
- The Smart Grid future – plenty of control
- CIC website article on Smart Grid as a “solution” (February 8, 2010)
“From Spitfires to sensors” [IBM] by Darren Waters ( – May 6, 2009. – “internet of things” – “…IBM’s ambition as a company to build a “smarter planet”‘ …”real-time monitoring of personal energy consumption…”
Pervasive Technology–Tax-Funded Naturally
More on Pervasive Technology Programmes
PhysOrg-Ford Motors and Microsoft sign Deal to Work on Smart Control Grid
IBM Speaks of Planned Future at Chatham House-RIIA–CFR
IBM’s “Smarter Planet” Strategy (
Appliance Interaction-Smart Meters-Echelon Corporation (
Smart Grid and Electronic Interface Companies get Cash Gifts from Gov.
Who’s Who in Smart Grid Technology–pdf
IBM and Speeches by Sam Palmisano on Sustainability – Video (
A Smarter Planet for a Sustainable Future
Intelligent Transportation Society of America
2010 IBM Annual Meeting of Stockholders
Smart Meters and Microwave Radiation
California’s Latest Revolt: Against Smart Electric Meters
IBM tests “Smart” Electrically Controlled Society on Danish Island
Surveillance, Energy: Google Interface For Monitoring Energy Consumption in Homes (;jsessionid=FARFDTTXKQCQLQE1GHPCKH4ATMY32JVN?articleID=224200386)
Surveillance: Smart Meters
Surveillance: Internet Connectivity of Things IBM
Surveillance: Internet Connectivity of Things IBM
Surveillance: Internet of Things
Surveillance of Everything, Planetary Skin: Planetary “Skin” System collects all Data for Bigwigs
State Can Invade Homes to Ensure Eco-Friendly Appliances Used