Climate change tyrants have their "Carbon War Room"
José Maria Figueres Joins Carbon War Room As New President – March 29, 2012
“The Carbon War Room is honored to welcome Jose Maria Figueres, former President of Costa Rica, as the new President of the Carbon War Room, taking over from former CEO Jigar Shah, founder of SunEdison. …
“This transition comes at a crucial moment in the Carbon War Room’s development – as it moves from a young, US-based non-profit, founded by Sir Richard Branson in 2009 and incubated by Virgin Unite, to an accomplished international organization with a clearly defined role to accelerate profitable, gigaton-scale, climate change solutions….”
Human beings are carbon life forms obviously, we need plants to survive, and plants need carbon dioxide to live, and we actually need to produce carbon dioxide to survive – to breath, to heat ourselves, to travel, or make anything (even to make wind mills etc).
But these people don’t agree (
“Carbon War Room focuses on the market barriers that reinforce the status quo and prevent capital from flowing to sustainable solutions with compelling returns. Often, strong policy is a necessary but insufficient condition, and technology is not the bottleneck: Capital has to flow to solutions in a well-functioning market-place.”
So the hypocrites get to pretend to be in favor of so-called “market solutions” while they at the same time ENDORSE “strong policy” as being “necessary”.
And what exactly is the “status quo” they’re fighting against? Nature itself. People disagreeing with being made poor. People disagreeing with being pushed around. Is that what they mean by “market barriers”?
Here is their stated purpose:
“Carbon War Room is ultimately working towards the removal of 17 gigatons of anthropogenic carbon.”
What do you think that implies in a world full of carbon-oriented life forms?
What does Bill Gates say in his TED talk about population numbers?
Continuing with the FAQ:
“The Carbon War Room acts on a simple truth: that real progress is rarely driven by policy makers, but is instead led by visionaries who find opportunities that others have missed. Our work brings together entrepreneurs, technology experts, financiers, and action-oriented government leaders to find ways to make an immediate difference at sufficient scale to avert catastrophe.”
The origin of the term “carbon war room”:
“It’s probably best told in the words of our Founder – Sir Richard: “I see the challenge of tackling climate change as bigger than both World War’s put together. Carbon is the enemy against which we need to declare war. To fight that war, there is a need to bring together the best business minds in the world to form an organization that provides the means and know-how to defeat climate change.” “
Carbon isn’t the enemy, creeps. It goes hand in hand with life, including human life.
I don’t agree with your so-called “science”, your alleged “catastrophe”, and your political agenda that demonizes humanity, and which will obviously lead to catastrophe.
The thing I can’t stand about all these people is they have nothing to say – as far as I can tell – about the wars, the bombings, the police state measures, the torture, the bankster heists.
All that is fine with these corporate activists who have all this time, energy and money on their hands – handed to them by powerful foundations. And they get the adulation and worship from a society that gets stupider, more corrupt and heartless every day.
Also is Richard Branson planning to cut back on his space program, use less energy and save on materials ( Are his customers going to cancel their flights since most people will have trouble keeping warm in their homes due to energy taxes? NO, OF COURSE NOT.