Human engineering – eugenicist's proposals sinister and hilarious at the same time – induce meat intolerance, produce short children, alter brain with drugs
By Alan Mercer
Hand-made humans may hold the key to saving the world | | Matthew Liao | September 30, 2012
“Matthew Liao is the director of the bioethics program and an associate professor in the Centre for Bioethics in the Department of Philosophy at New York University.”
The premise of article is standard establishment-approved B.S. fear-mongering about “human-induced climate change”.
The article admits there are scientists and policy makers seriously talking about geoengineering, in other words spraying the atmosphere and oceans with particles using this alleged crisis as an excuse. As if they haven’t been doing it already.
The author writes:
“I propose that we consider another solution to the problem of climate change … potentially less risky than geoengineering. … “human engineering”. It involves the biomedical modification of humans to make us better at mitigating, and adapting to the effects of, climate change.”
“… intended to be a voluntary activity – possibly supported by incentives such as tax breaks or sponsored healthcare – rather than a coerced, mandatory activity…”
As if he decides how the policy will be implemented! Anyway, lying or fraud is a form of coercion. Taxing people in the first place is coercion, so targeting tax money with bribes/rewards to people who are dependent on money (most people) is part of coercion. And the healthcare systems are more and more coercive.
His four suggestions are:
1) Apply patches that discourage people from eating meat. Induce “mild intolerance to red meat by stimulating the immune system against common bovine proteins.” People who are treated this way have an unpleasant experience after eating meat.
So the vegetarian agenda continues. The propagandists blame cattle for producing so much methane. But there have been herds of bovine creatures and other types of large animals spewing methane (and carbon dioxide) for millions of years – naturally. Methane is a very clean fuel. And the plants love the carbon dioxide! So it’s all bogus. But people are trained to believe lies by their education system and the controlled media. The real goal is to create a perfect slave “utopia” as in Plato’s Republic.
“Climate change” seems to be a one-stop shop excuse for the totalitarian policies which are not covered by the “War on Terror”.
The slave class won’t eat meat. And they won’t be allowed to reproduce freely either:
2) Encourage parents to have shorter children. They use less energy and have a smaller “carbon footprint”. Reduce the average height in the U.S. by 15 cm. This could be done by destroying embryos (“selection”), hormone treatment and gene imprinting.
3) Use “cognitive enhancement” in order to reduce birth rates. This means using drugs that alter the brain. If we can get the children on drugs that cause them to literally sit still and listen obsessively to propaganda, they will use proper contraception like proper obedient slaves. Guaranteed reduction in population.
People are already on plenty of psychiatric drugs (and fluoride). So we’re already entering Huxley’s Brave New World. Each of these proposals involves drugs at some stage.
4) Use drugs to induce “altruism and empathy”. This was portrayed in the movie Code 46. For example, the hormone oxytocin makes you “more willing to share money with strangers”. In other words, with the government.
“… interventions affecting the sensitivity in these neural systems could increase the willingness to co-operate with social rules or goals…”
He also mentions “reducing our need for food and water”.
The punchline is he claims this approach could give us more “liberty”. Instead of restricting the number of children as in Communist China:
“… given fixed allocations of greenhouse gas emissions, human engineering could give families the choice between having one large child, two medium-sized children or three small children.”
He says, “It may turn out that human engineering is not the best way of tackling climate change.” But they want us to go along with everything just in case.
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