HomeDocumentsAnalysis of United Nations Agenda 21 – Part 12 – Biotechnology (edited)


Analysis of United Nations Agenda 21 – Part 12 – Biotechnology (edited) — 1 Comment

  1. The UN and its minor arm the WHO have been created by the “winners” of WW1 and WW2 (wars that the created in the first place) for exactly that: world domination, one global dictatorship that they dare to call “world government” but really is a totalitarian serdfdom system where the happy few rule over the very unhappy many.

    This globla agenda is crumbling as people get more informed, this is why they thrpow crises after crises at us, to subdue, punish, brainwash, scare us into submission.

    But guess what scumbags, we won’t submit!

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