California Sheriff Bianco defends liberties – “There cannot be a new normal”
This statement by a public official, Sheriff Chad Bianco of Riverside County, California is important for a number of reasons. It illustrates what is going on everywhere and what is at stake everywhere, and the firm approach we need to take.
One of the statements he makes:
The original projections and fears that caused these orders to be put into place have been proven wrong.
The whole thing is a fraud.
Period. We are not “arguing” with people about dictatorship. I don’t “debate” people about a criminal take-over like it’s some kind of hobby. We will present our arguments and facts for the benefit of as many people as possible who are willing to listen. But the bottom line is there cannot be a new normal. We can not accept tyranny. It’s time for real life. Principles protect us–they protect everyone from abuses. They cannot be ignored. We don’t throw away our rights and freedoms. Let’s all learn from this and move on. Don’t take any more of this nonsense.
So please read or watch his full statement from May 6:
Good afternoon. Eight weeks ago, our public health officer and the governor participated in something never done before in our nation’s history. They ordered residents into their homes, closed their businesses, made them wear masks, forbid them from going to church and eliminated constitutional freedoms put in place over 200 years ago. In the name of a public health crisis, our civil liberties and constitutional protections were placed on hold. Over the past two months, we have asked a lot from our residents so we could flatten the curve of infection to prevent our hospitals from being overcrowded: it worked.
What isn’t being emphasized is that 2,000 of the 4,300 people who have tested positive have already recovered and returned to work. What that means is that out of 2 ½ million people in Riverside County, we have only 2,300 residents positive with this virus. Statistically, that is less than a tenth of one percent.
[Just my thoughts: He is trying to make sense of the official numbers but, based on studies such as the one from USC, I suspect the virus is very prevalent along with mild symptoms sometimes or none at all, some people have returned to work, others are afraid or unemployed or very sick from multiple issues (including malnutrition possibly by now) and many are not being treated for their illnesses such as cancer, etc.]
Unfortunately, we have lost 181 of our residents to this virus, but keep in mind that that is only seven-thousandths of one percent. While the loss of any life is tragic, we must also be cognizant of the future and well-being of our county’s fiscal health and the ability to perform necessary functions. Our future success depends on the leadership of our county, to make decisions based on facts and data, not projections and fear. The fact is, everyone doesn’t have to be afraid of this virus. Without other serious medical issues, the danger of this virus is significantly lower, if not eliminated. If you are afraid of contracting this virus or you have underlying health conditions, you should stay home.
From the beginning I told you that I would not be enforcing this stay-at-home order, partly because I trusted our residents’ ability to do the right thing without the fear of being arrested. I knew that they could be trusted to act as responsible adults, and I was correct. As we continue, I will reinforce my position. Not only, do we not have the resources to enforce unreasonable orders, I refuse to make criminals out of business owners, single moms, and otherwise healthy individuals for exercising their constitutional rights. I believe Riverside County residents are responsible enough to proceed cautiously. The original projections and fears that caused these orders to be put into place have been proven wrong. As leaders, we must adjust our decisions to better serve the county as a whole.
There cannot be a new normal. We are talking about a country formed on the fundamental freedoms of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Any “new normal” is a direct attack on those basic rights which set us apart and make us the greatest country in the world.
Other Sources:
Population Riverside County (July 2019) is 2,470,546 (
Earlier Related Statements and News:
April 6 comments:
“However, I need to make it perfectly clear to all residents of Riverside County that we will not be setting up any type of police state and this is not a declaration of martial law.”
Bianco said deputies wouldn’t stop vehicles or set up checkpoints to examine whether people were wearing face coverings. Neither will deputies stop individuals walking or hiking without face coverings.
“You will not be stopped or ticketed simply because you are not wearing a mask,” he said, donning a Sheriff’s Department balaclava around his neck. “While this order does have potential criminal and civil consequences that is the last thing I want to happen while dealing with this crisis.
Bianco asked residents to refrain from calling 9-1-1 to report people defying the county’s face covering mandate. Doing so, he said, cuts into law enforcement’s ability to respond to critical calls for services.
My comments (corrected from earlier) Note the chart for Riverside County at the bottom of the page: the number of “cases” (having symptoms or just testing positive?) is 4,992 as of May 9. The number of deaths as of May 9 is 204 (died of other causes with the virus or died because of the virus?). Taking those numbers at face value, that’s a 4% fatality rate. If the virus is as widespread as studies such as the one from USC indicate (posted those reports already), then there are many more “cases” (symptoms or not) in the population, so the 4% should be much lower. The deaths due to the virus are inflated by also counting those who have died from other causes who may or may not have also had the virus present (according to various reports by doctors and others–see the presentation by Dr. Erickson and
April 7, 2020:
April 6, 2020:
April 3, 2020:
The sheriff said Young likely contracted COVID-19 from an inmate he had escorted to the Riverside University Health System in March
California Sheriff Bianco defends liberties – “There cannot be a new normal” — No Comments
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