Comments on Cognitive Warfare, document sponsored by NATO – Part 1

Cognitive Warfare
(Local copy)
All the website information cited in this post is accessed January 3, 2022 and current as of that date.
Collection of related information and document links
Authorship and Date: François du Cluzel, June-November 2020
Original source of publication is indicated on each page:
“Innovation Hub – Nov 2020”
See About us (original link:
Note the “act” in the url.
The Innovation Hub is the community where experts and innovators from everywhere collaborate to tackle NATO challenges and design solutions. It is the engine of the NATO Innovation Network, federating national entities leveraging open innovation and agile development.
Page 3 has a disclaimer:
This is Allied Command Transformation (ACT) sponsored study but the views and opinions expressed in this publication strictly reflect the discussions held on the Innovation Hub forums. They do not reflect those of ACT or its member Nations, so none of them can be quoted as an official statement belonging to them.
Allied Command Transformation is:
NATO’s Warfare Development Command
The four tabs have more information: Organization, Activities, Newsroom, Innovation
Each of these has many facets, for example, Activities.
If you click on the Innovation tab, you see:
Allied Command Transformation is NATO’s Warfare Development Command and a leading agent of Alliance innovation.
The Command applies innovation to capability development and warfare development efforts in order to deliver better and faster operational capabilities and results. …
These are recent innovations driven by Allied Command Transformation:
Unmanned Autonomous Vehicles Blockchain Artificial Intelligence in Military Operations Innovation Challenge Project TEXAS Project JIGSAW AI FELIX Autonomous Last Mile Resupply iHelp TRM/AWARE
Under Organization, you will see “Who’s Who (” which shows the biographies of the current Commanders.
For example (,
The nomination of General Philippe Lavigne to the post of Supreme Allied Commander Transformation was approved by the North Atlantic Council on 28 May 2021. …
The first link under Organization, “NATO Headquarters,” takes you to the main website for NATO, i.e. the NORTH ATLANTIC TREATY ORGANIZATION.
There are four tabs: Organization, Topics, Newsroom, E-Library
Click on Organization -> Member Countries:
The dates indicate when each nation joined NATO. The page states, “There are currently 30 members.”
Albania (2009)
Belgium (1949)
Bulgaria (2004)
Canada (1949)
Croatia (2009)
Czech Republic (1999)
Denmark (1949)
Estonia (2004)
France (1949)
Germany (1955)
Greece (1952)
Hungary (1999)
Iceland (1949)
Italy (1949)
Latvia (2004)
Lithuania (2004)
Luxembourg (1949)
Montenegro (2017)
Netherlands (1949)
North Macedonia (2020)
Norway (1949)
Poland (1999)
Portugal (1949)
Romania (2004)
Slovakia (2004)
Slovenia (2004)
Spain (1982)
Turkey (1952)
The United Kingdom (1949)
The United States (1949)
Organization -> Who’s Who shows more information about the command structure:
The North Atlantic Council is explained:
Each member nation is represented on the North Atlantic Council by an Ambassador or Permanent Representative supported by a national delegation composed of advisers and officials who represent their country on different NATO committees. The Council also meets from time to time at the level of Heads of State and Heads of Government or Ministers of Foreign Affairs and Ministers of Defence.
The NATO Secretary General is is the Alliance’s top international civil servant. This person is responsible for steering the process of consultation and decision-making in the Alliance and ensuring that decisions are implemented. The Secretary General is also NATO’s chief spokesperson and the head of the Organization’s International Staff.
The current NATO Secretary General is Jens Stoltenberg
The current NATO Deputy Secretary General is Mircea Geoană
The members of the Military Committee (Chiefs of Staff) are represented at NATO Headquarters on a permanent basis by senior officers acting as Military Representatives, each supported by a national staff varying in size. The Military Representatives constitute the Military Committee in Permanent Session.
There are links for each of these points:
NATO Chiefs of Defence
NATO Military Representatives
The current Chair of the Military Committee is Admiral Rob Bauer
The current Deputy Chair of the Military Committee is Lieutenant General Lance Landrum.
The Military Committee is supported by an integrated International Military Staff (IMS) …
The current Director General of the International Military Staff is Lieutenant General Hans-Werner Wiermann
We note that the Supreme Allied Command, Transformation is one of the key NATO Strategic Commands:
The NATO Strategic Commands are responsible for …
The current Supreme Allied Commander, Europe (SACEUR) is General Tod D. Wolters
The current Deputy Supreme Allied Command, Europe (DSACEUR) is General Tim Radford
The current SHAPE Chief of Staff is Admiral Joachim Rühle
The current Supreme Allied Commander, Transformation (SACT) is General Philippe Lavigne
The current Deputy Supreme Allied Commander, Transformation (DSACT) is General Paolo Ruggiero
The current ACT Chief of Staff is Vice Admiral P M Bennett (Paul) CB OBE
Senior officials in the NATO military structure, from 1949 to 2001 (PDF-32Kb)
To be continued in Part 2