David Bellamy’s TV career ended because of his opposition to climate change
David Bellamy: ‘I was shunned. They didn’t want to hear’ By Paul Cahalan, www.independent.co.uk |January 13, 2013
‘The botanist, 80 this week, says the end of his TV career was caused by his views on climate change….
‘…Nevertheless, in a flurry of rapid hand gestures, gravelly voice – oscillating between whisper and oratory – through the filter of that full beard, he is unequivocal. “All of the work dried up after that… I was shunned. They didn’t want to hear the other side.” But does he still believe he is right? “Absolutely. It is not happening at all, but if you get the idea that people’s children will die because of CO2 they fall for it,” he says, perhaps buoyed by forecasters at the Met Office this week downgrading a prediction for global warming to suggest that by 2017 average temperatures will have remained about the same for two decades…’
He gave up his career for the truth. It’s obvious from this that people can lose their jobs if they go against the “climate change” religion. So there is no reason to trust “climate change” propaganda.
Climate change is a political agenda, created by the Club of Rome think tank. They designated humanity as the “enemy” of itself in order to “unite” the planet. The “idea” was that humanity was the source of problems like global warming. That would “fit the bill”.
Most “journalists”, other media people, “scientists” and “teachers” who have doubts are afraid to lose their jobs. They participate in indoctrinating the next generation in this lie.
So there is no need for the mainstream media and politicians to be taken seriously by the public. It’s all about fear. Let’s face it. Everyone is bullied into compliance. Same with the ‘war on terror’. Same with airport security, and body scanners. Same with the aggression against Syria etc. Everyone is domesticated and complies with all the politically correct degradation.
There isn’t any debate because none is allowed. It’s all fear all the time. The more the mainstream media fill their pages with crap about climate change, the more guilty they are. That’s all.
There is no even playing field. There is no rational scientific discourse. It’s totally corrupt. It’s all about a political agenda of tax and control. The “conservative” political leadership doesn’t amount to any real opposition to climate change.
According to the chronology, David Bellamy criticized climate change science way back in 1992:
‘…1992 Questions the science behind climate change at an intergovernmental policy committee meeting.
1996 Speaks out against wind farms…
2004 Again attacks climate change, calling it “poppycock”…’
I first remember watching David Bellamy on TV Ontario, on a British science program called Don’t Ask Me (see also Wikipedia). It also starred Magnus Pyke (with very funny whirling hand gestures), Miriam Stoppard, Rob Buckman and others.