National Shame – Canadian government and Omar Khadr (July 16, 2008)
Video of Omar Khadr released. The Canadian government and people allowed this Canadian boy to be mistreated in a foreign dungeon for 6 years. Canadians all knew his name, and we knew what was happening and we knew it wasn’t him who was guilty of all the evil in the world. He was the scapegoat. No trial. No justice. Just torture and isolation. And Harper wants to keep it going longer. That’s right. Make the kid suffer some more. Keep trashing our reputation as a compassionate and peaceful nation.
Here ( is a thorough explanation by a war supporter(!) at the National Post(!) of why it’s wrong to let the U.S. keep detaining Omar Khadr.
July 16th, 2008
Comments for National Shame – Canadian government and Omar Khadr
July 16th, 2008 at 10:33 pm
Lt.C. Ralph Peters on Omar Khadr Gitmo Tape: “We should have killed that punk on a battlefield where it was legal to do so!”
Watch video at
- tbk108
July 17th, 2008 at 9:29 am
Poor little Omar; Always a victim. Does he not look so happy in this picture taken from a family photo album. Look at that smile; what mother couldn’t love him.
- canadian
July 18th, 2008 at 1:04 am
Hey, a couple of torture freaks have replied to my post. 6 years punishment without a trial and due process. And the allegation is what – being an enemy soldier, fighting on the enemy side. What a disgrace … what a pathetic civilization we are. Talk about whiners! “Oh no, they can’t fight back. We can’t allow that.” Stick them in a hole for years and call them “enemy combatants”. Bunch of whining freaks. And enablers for the state oppression of half the globe with U.S. established dictatorships and U.S. wars. That’s all you are. If you don’t believe in habeas corpus, if you don’t believe in due process, you don’t respect any one’s life, you don’t respect Canadian and U.S. traditions of individual rights and you don’t respect yourselves.
- canadian
July 18th, 2008 at 1:37 am
And the photo you are linking to – from your war propaganda site – is from here:
It’s from 1998 and it shows the results of an amputation of criminals. Who is the person carrying the hands? It doesn’t say.
If it’s Khadr, he would be 12 years old in 1998:
There is a special section devoted to the terror caused by the U.S. and NATO’s “war on terror”
Who is going to be punished with abuse, indefinite detention without trial, without due process, for *those* atrocities?
Where is the consistency and principle?
July 19th, 2008 at 12:57 pm
Hypocrisy of the “Repatriate Omar Khadr to Canada” Movement
As soon as the Gitmo interrogation tape of Omar Khadr hit the Internet, the blogosphere was flooded with demands to repatriate him to Canada. This wave is reminiscent of a Soviet campaign to free Luis Corvalán from the “fascist regime” of Augusto Pinochet thirty five years ago. The scenario is strikingly similar. A “victim” held by “fascist regimes” this time run by Bush and Harper, and a public outcry for justice. Except for the fact that Luis Corvalán didn’t kill anyone and didn’t fight for a terrorist group that wants to impose Sharia.
The “repatriate Khadr” crowd describes him as “a child”, “a kid”, “a boy”, and even “a torture victim”, with no facts to substantiate the torture claims notwithstanding. They complain about Khadr being mistreated, again, without anything to back up their claims. Some of them are outraged about “child abuse.” And they all scream for justice.
They want justice? OK, let’s talk about JUSTICE. What about justice for Sgt. First Class Christopher J. Speer, who was (according to an eyewitness) murdered by this “child”? What about justice for Tabitha Speer, who is a widow because of this “kid”? What about justice for Taryn and Tanner Speer, who are left without a father by this “a boy”? And what about all those Afghani civilians and NATO troops who are a little bit safer because this “torture victim” is behind bars? How many of these “repatriate Khadr” hypocrites concern themselves with justice for real victims? In literally hundreds of posts, we couldn’t find a single one.
One would ask, what is the reason for this idiocy? The answer is simple. Ignorance. Complete and utter ignorance. Let’s forget for a second that Omar Khadr killed Christopher Speer. Let’s forget that Khadr’s father was an al Qaeda financier. Let’s forget that Khadr’s family is known for it being al Qaeda sympathizers. Let’s just remember what this “child” was fighting for in Afghanistan.
This is what Taliban-imposed Sharia looks like in real life:
Why don’t all of you, bleeding heart demagogues go to Afghanistan and spend a day in a Taliban-controlled territory? And let’s talk about Khadr when you get back. If you get back.
July 19th, 2008 at 10:06 pm
These pro-torture anti-rights freaks have so much to say about foreign countries they don’t have to live in. But no concern at all about the conduct of the Canadian and U.S. government and the nature of our own society.
They hop on board the latest propaganda campaign to portray enemies in war as if they are automatically to be treated as criminals, blatantly refusing to see the double standard in all their nonsense.
And if there is a genuine crime committed, let him have an actual trial. But oh no! We have to go along with these ninnying whiners about how the U.S. is so good and wonderful and they can’t stand anyone criticizing their great leader-heros who are in office.
Because that’s what it’s all about. Identifying with the man on top, identifying with the one in power, who has the biggest hammer and is carving up the victim. They love that.
Everything is about their whining emotive sensitivity about people criticizing poor Bush and poor Harper. Because they’re so… good and innocent.
There’s nothing to debate with you people if you don’t believe that the accused should have due process and a fair trial.
Absolutely nothing useful that we could discuss, because as “bleeding-hearts” we have a realistic view of Western governments like our own and are not the big “experts” on how “evil” Moslems are.
We’re too concerned about the crimes our own governments are committing and preserving our freedoms from the neocon freaks who shout and scream out the loudest lies for years on end. They never give it a rest. They have to see more blood. Always another enemy over the hill in their imagination.
Just give the guy a fair trial by bringing him back from the foreign hell-hole called Guantanamo.
National Shame – Canadian government and Omar Khadr (July 16, 2008) — No Comments
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