Questioning the claim of vaccine spike-protein shedding (via alternative media)
Comments as of May 4, 2023: from what I’ve heard from friends, abnormal menstruation in unvaccinated women seems to occur when they are present with vaccinated women–whether or not the spike protein is the relevant component.
The article cited below was written on May 24, 2021.
At a later date, Dr. Peter McCullough wrote the following article and statement on November 2022:
In the most comprehensive paper on shedding thus far, former Inserm researcher Dr. Helene Banoun has published the basis for which there is great likelihood that mRNA either on lipid nanoparticles or within exosomes is circulatory in blood and is secreted in every body secretion that would naturally expect to contain particles of this size.
Three Tips for Checking Whether A Medical Study is Legit or Bulls-itTools to help you learn to quickly sort out whether a paper is solid or shaky.
Rosemary Frei, MSc | May 24, 2021 |
… Tip One: Is key information left out or hidden?
Tip Two: If the source material is a study about the effect of an intervention, does the study measure serious illness or death in humans, or is it on animals or theoretical, test-tube models?
Tip Three: Does the study contain the information that the article or video referring to it says it contains?
One of the topics covered:
… This is the theoretical scenario in which a person receives an mRNA shot, makes copies of the spike protein in their cells, releases a sizable number of these copies into the environment, and then large quantities of the spike-protein copies enter body of someone nearby.
One group that’s fanning flames of fear surrounding shedding is America’s Frontline Doctors. …
Their brief ( was removed apparently.
The author quotes from its assertions:
“The vaccine produces many trillions of particles of spike proteins in the recipients. Patients who are vaccinated can shed some of these (spike protein) particles to close contacts. The particles have the ability to create inflammation and disease in these contacts. …”
According to the author, they cited only one source for that section of the brief.
The paper is about indirect and direct modes of transmission of Covid. But it does not mention vaccines, vaccination or injection of mRNA at all.
Therefore it doesn’t back up the claim by America’s Frontline Doctors that people who receive Covid mRNA vaccines shed the spike protein.
Then the author explains that alternative media experts such as Dr. Christiane Northrup are misquoting another document:
One document that’s being used by a lot of people to try to support the claim that shedding occurs after Covid vaccination is a November 2020 Pfizer document ( that details the protocol for Pfizer’s Covid-vaccine study.
The focus of all that attention is the first part of subsection ‘ Exposure During Pregnancy,’ on pages 67 and 68 of the document. …
The author argues that “exposure” must be referring to a general term used by Pfizer to mean being given the actual drug of whatever kind being tested, in this case the vaccine being tested.
So the only conclusion I can draw is the Pfizer-vaccine protocol document doesn’t provide any sort of support for the concept that people who have received Covid mRNA shots are shedding the spike protein and spreading it to others.
The author concludes with some excellent points that people should read in full:
I do think the vaccines are dangerous and are negatively affecting people who’ve received them; I also believe that people who’ve been in close contact with vaccine recipients can be negatively affected. … There are plenty of plausible reports of, for example, altered periods in women who have been in the vicinity of people who’ve been vaccinated. … But there’s zero proof, as far as I’ve seen, that the spike proteins produced by the mRNA jabs cause those altered periods.
Maybe it’s something else in the shots … Or maybe .. another phenomenon associated with receiving the shots.
… Chasing misinformation just makes us go down blind alleys and delays or even permanently stops us from finding the truth.
Spreading information that has extremely flimsy grounds also gives significant fodder to our opponents …. That turns many people away from listening ….
It also makes people on our side support the physical and emotional separation of Covid believers/pro-vaccinators and us (which is exactly what the architects of the Covid coup want). …
The bottom line? Try to resist the pull to believe an article or video just because it fits with your Covid-sceptic view and is from someone you reflexively trust. …