Personal strategies to resist contact tracing and WHY you should not participate
From British television: BBC Newsnight:
If you can see the video, this is an amazing spin, and completely ludicrous rhetoric. We are at an Orwellian stage. The promise of the contact-tracing hostage takers of freedom: they will maybe give us our “freedom” back and let us go back to normal if we allow our private lives to be exposed, if we allow our movements, family members and friends to be tracked and traced. He has the nerve to call that freedom.
I keep saying things are very serious. Things are different now. I wish we could just go back to normal.
These are my thoughts on how not to participate in contact tracing.
Do not download the apps.
Get a land line now if you can.
Wean yourselves off smart phones.
Don’t update your phone.
Keep it switched off or on airplane mode when you don’t need it.
Disable the Internet when you don’t need it.
Don’t carry it if you don’t need it.
Put it in a Faraday sleeve.
It’s NOT about this virus. It goes beyond this.
Don’t be a spy. Don’t be a snitch. Don’t be an informant on family, friends and others.
Don’t be a Stasi agent. Don’t be a Nazi.
Do not let yourself be hired and recruited, and urge your friends and family members to not join up.
It is time to protect our society, our freedoms and rights, our way of life.
There are higher standards in life than money, large salaries and “easy” jobs.
Dictatorship is not worth it.
Don’t approve or condone those who do this.
Remember to treat other people as having RIGHTS. Treat human beings with respect. Do not follow immoral and illegal orders to invade peoples’ privacy.
Protect our God-given, natural rights and freedoms.
I recommend this kind of message to be shared with everyone possible – even with people who don’t like it because they and their associates need to be reached also.
Find others you can communicate with about this so that we can support each other.
In the U.S., the federal bill can be found at by searching HR 6666 (believe it or not).
There is information on some of the Canadian measures at