ACTA in UK: 10 years in jail for a download?
ACTA in UK: 10 years in jail for a download? Russia Today | March 3, 2012 Other posts on ACTA
Continue reading →ACTA in UK: 10 years in jail for a download? Russia Today | March 3, 2012 Other posts on ACTA
Continue reading →‘Old-fashioned Britain gone’: Most Brits unhappy at home, consider emigrating RT | November 02, 2012 A new survey has found many middle-class UK families want to emigrate as Britain can no longer offer them a good quality of life. Almost … Continue reading →
Value for value: Please support my efforts. TragedyandHopeMag Some of the points: The Great Chain of Being, Organic Unity, Arnold Toynbee, Lionel Curtis and British Commonwealth, Positive and Negative Rights, Scott Buchanan, Plato, Aristotle, Isocrates, Fichte, Hegel, Prussian education system, … Continue reading →
Swine flu jab linked to sleep disorder: Fears one million children received jab that can increase risk of narcolepsy Jenny Hope, Daily Mail | February 27, 2013 Almost a million children were given a swine flu jab which put them … Continue reading →
Adair Turner: The Clearest Explanation of the Cause of Financial Crisis Mira Tekelova, | November 7, 2012 Adair Turner, the chairman of the UK’s Financial Services Authority, member of the BoE’s Financial Policy Committee, set out the fundamental cause … Continue reading →
‘Hidden waiting lists’ used in Scottish NHS The Telegraph | February 21, 2013 Scotland’s health boards trebled the number of patients classified as unavailable for treatment as they strove to meet SNP waiting times targets, a damning report has found. … Continue reading →
Call to screen prisoners for brain injuries ( | February 17, 2013 Prisoners in Scotland’s jails should undergo tests for signs of brain injury and be prescribed mood-altering drugs to help bring down re-offending rates, according to experts…. Getting … Continue reading →
Horsemeat scandal: Bute found in eight horse carcasses BBC News | February 14, 2013 Eight horses, killed in the UK, tested positive for the painkiller bute and six may have entered the food chain in France, the Food Standards Agency … Continue reading →
A list of child sex offenders inside the British government Cuthulan’s Blog: Also he discusses the system of direct democracy in Switzerland as an alternative. Note: His blog advocates libertarian socialism. We can learn from both left and right … Continue reading →
Over-60s told to go back to university and retrain to keep jobs Express | February 21, 2013 Commenting on the expectation that people will be working for longer before their retirement, Mr Willetts [UK Minister for Higher Education] said older … Continue reading →