The wars are unacceptable and I don't believe anything you say. Leave people alone.
The purpose of war from the point of view of the elites – who run our governments – is to alter society. Carroll Quigley mentions this.
It’s all about bringing all the resources of the world and all the peoples of the world “together” after their various societies and nation-states have been totally wrecked. At the top level, that’s what it’s really about.
None of us are going to “win” anything. The ordinary people won’t “win”.
Along with war and the staged incidents (such as 9/11) and blatant documented lies spewed by their controlled media come the following:
Total violation of rights and civil liberties.
Total surveillance.
Terror and submission and fear. Total obedience.
Escalating propaganda.
That’s what war is all about.
All of this has already started.
History has been distorted in order to justify war.
Every bomb that drops on a city – like in Libya or Iraq or Afghanistan – every drone – that kills innocent people – is the commission of murder.
It’s a violation of rights.
All destruction of life and property and terrorizing of local people by occupiers is a violation of rights.
All wars of aggression and disproportionate responses, when the nation has not been attacked by an aggressor, are criminal wars – and faked staged incidents are not aggression.
All of the lies used to justify these wars are criminal.
All of these wars that politicians and others are pushing are planned. General Wesley Clark has explained this. You can see this on YouTube.
All of the money that goes to these wars is theft from tax payers.
All of the so-called representatives who vote to support these wars or who fail to question the executives are criminally negligent.
These are all wars of aggression.
And the Left-Right paradigm is a lie. The major parties are all stuck in their delusions and controlled along with media. All politicians save for a few are cowards like everyone else.
And every politician and official and corporate chief in Western countries who goes along with these wars is a FOOL and a THOUGHTLESS waste of space. Such a person cares nothing for the future of his own people as our rights and liberties are stripped from us, and our dignity, and our economic well-being. When people lose their homes because the prices are up and the food and energy is being rationed, and the taxes go up to pay for war, and the recruitment starts, will they care then?
All the carbon tax promoters – what do they do about these wars? Do they have anything to say about the torture and the killing that is already going on? And are you just going to keep pushing burdens on people.
Don’t people have enough burdens without war on top of it? Isn’t there enough sickness in every family! Of every kind! Enough poverty. Enough grief. Enough unemployment. Enough debt. Enough taxes. Enough restrictions. Do you really think that Canada or the U.S. will survive intact with a major war piled on top of everything else?
No more war. Stop piling burdens on peoples’ backs.
Leave people alone.
Leave Iran alone.
Leave Syria alone.
Get out of Iraq and Afghanistan. And everywhere else.
Maybe you’re a politician who is only hired for war and you don’t know what else to do. Quit. Join the circus. Do something peaceful for a change.
None of the freedoms that have been stolen from the people because of “war on terror” is ever going to be forgotten by people like me. We do not acquiesce to any of your lies. We know what kind of people you are because you don’t have any problem with people being tortured or with the elderly being strip-searched at airports.
People probably think I’m radical. No, I’m not radical. Abu Ghraib torture is radical. Indefinite detention is radical. I’m normal. And I know I was indoctrinated like everyone else from an early age by the system. There is a lot of false information out there, a lot of constant never-ending delusion of different kinds. The people who keep going along with all of this are a bunch of socially engineered freaks contaminated by collectivist-fascist indoctrination to have no respect for human life. The video games and TV and fantasy just keeps regular people dozing. It’s time for people who know better to start talking loudly about what is right and wrong and stop going along with those in power, who are elevated above us as if they are superior. We should try to find some unity, some common ground with others and help each other out.
-Alan Mercer
The wars are unacceptable and I don't believe anything you say. Leave people alone. — No Comments
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