Thoughts on Avengers: Infinity War
Updated: May 29, 2018 (v. 4)
I would define Satanic as the malevolent turning of values upside down. Life becomes bad, death becomes good. Inversion. Heroes become villains. Villains become heroes. Spoiler alert. Never mind.
He tortures people–one of his daughters included. He slaughters people. Thanos is successful and rewarded with his happy thoughts in the end. His rationalization, his justification is seemingly validatated in the fictional world he lives in, in this other fantasy. The universe doesn’t have enough resources to go around. He has to restore the “balance.” There are limited resources and too many people.
So says our oligarchy in the “real” world. So says Thanos also. Is that a coincidence that the same lame, unsubstantiated, disproven, Malthusian lie about “overpopulation” is propagated in an Avengers movie that we hear in every other cultural context our whole life long? No, it’s not a coincidence. This is their Hollywood. It’s their school system. It’s their media. Their corporations. Their governments. And it’s all the same BS day and night, and your kids for the most part believe it all–hook, line and sinker. Shouldn’t they be your kids? Are you sure you have thoughts of your own and a mind of your own and values you want to share with your children? If you do, then why do you let your children be brainwashed by strangers?
With the level of propaganda at this point in time, the latest Avengers movie could be no other way. The movie starts as a seemingly fun romp with endless humor and ends in mass genocide.
Dr. Strange shows his true colors and hands over the green ring of time–an “infinity stone”–to Thanos because he had already seen that there was only one way “they” could “win” out of all the different future possibilities.
And so Thanos ends up killing half the universe as he intended. I guess Dr. Strange thought it could have been worse. His mystical visions of the future must have portrayed the universe starving to death because of the alleged “finite resources,” so therefore we are all better off being culled by the merciful Thanos. Therefore he broke his oath and handed the ring to Thanos. Oh, it’s so “wise.” The “future” is pulled out of his butt like Malthus pulled it out of his butt, and the resources are therefore reserved for the lucky living. Might makes right. Imperialist control-freaks win out. Resource-monopolist liars survive while others who submit to their lies give it all up–we surrender everything because we desire approval from those who pat us on the head–the big purple Thanos “experts” and celebrities are patting us on the head and congratulating us for being submissive in reducing our consumption step by step until we have nothing left at all.
There are a lot of special propaganda moments in this movie. At this point in history, a block-buster mega hit Hollywood movie could be nothing else but genocidal, Satanic propaganda. I should have expected it, but I was surprised also. There were audience members in tears at the end of the film as character after character turns to ashes.
One of the themes is how love weakens the male (or “male”) characters. Their love for women doesn’t make them fight. Love makes them weak and foolish. So there’s a useful theme for those who don’t want us to reproduce.
Another significant theme (but standard for science fiction) is the blurring of the lines between non-human and human, between living and non-living, between human and machine–in the case of the “Vision” and in the case of the Vision having sex with the Scarlet Witch–does nobody see any problem with this? I think people probably noticed it, but they let their kids watch it without any discussion. Maybe you should at least discuss it with your kids afterwards. Watering down the definition of human waters down rights for humans. That’s the point ultimately. Transhuman / post-human / uncertainty about human – this means people aren’t sure you get to be a human with the same rights. Welcome to an efficient slave system.
Is Gamora’s sister a machine or a person? It’s a blur.
Also, the racoon (the “rabbit”)? Does he have the same rights as a human? Or is it blurring the lines when we cross other species with humans? Well, the answer is it certainly does, and so watering down the definition of human waters down our rights. Welcome to a more efficient slave system in which human life is not sacred at all. Humans just become tissue commodities to be mixed and matched, to be harvested and used and abused. Humans become nothing special. They’re modified and exterminated based on arbitrary decisions made by “authorities” with big heads and big wallets and big whatever.
Thanos comes from the Greek word for death: “thanatos.” Euthanasia is derived from the same Greek word and is a practice described in Brave New World in which 60-year-old citizens are sent off to die. And it has been introduced federally in Canada in a recent law–the authority to kill–portrayed as the “right to die.” Yes, we have “progressed” so much that now we have been “given” the “right to die.” Never mind healing people. Isn’t that something else! We have the right to kill our unborn babies, we have the right to kill ourselves, we have the right to submit our organs for harvesting and so on. Why would anyone have a problem with all these “rights”? And we have the right to be lied to endlessly too. And we can keep our mouths shut about the wars and the “climate change” propaganda and all the other propaganda. We have the “right” to shut up and be scared to tell the truth. How’s that for “rights.”
But there’s always a good story to go along with death and Thanos repeats it constantly. There’s just not enough stuff to go around, not even in the whole universe, according to this story. And people would prefer to believe that than to think there are any villains out there who would take our rights and resources away with a handful of repeated, lying slogans.