Freedom of conscience vs. global population policies (Part 7)
By Alan Mercer
Continuing from Part 6
Abortion and the Catholic Doctor
Advice and ideas on: How to follow the Church’s teaching
One of a series of booklets aimed at helping young Catholic doctors. Written by Drs Adrian and Josephine Treloar, Dr Anne Marie Williams, Dr Peter Au-Yeung
Produced by the Catholics in Practice committee of the Guild of Catholic Doctors(UK)
The conscience clause (Section 4(1) [of the UK’s 1967 Abortion Act] states that “no person shall be under any legal duty, whether by contract or by any statutory or other legal requirement, to participate in any treatment authorised by this Act to which he has a conscientious objection: Provided that in any legal proceedings the burden of proof shall rest on the person claiming to rely on it”. However this is subject to the next subsection (2) . . .
Doctors should not be forced to provide emergency contraception if they have an ethical objection to it
6 May 2013 | Christian Medical Comment |
. . . according to General Medical Council guidelines published just recently (see my full review of them here), doctors can also refuse to prescribe certain treatments as a matter of conscience. . . .
For Italian Catholics, a different debate over ‘choice’
by Michael Wilner | 13 May 2012 | Religio
Santuccia signed Article 9 paperwork, giving her coworker double the workload in an attempt to clear her conscience and find a way back into the Church. In doing so, she joined 70 percent of Italian gynecologists who now object, the Italian Ministry of Health reports—a number that has been rising over the past decade. . . .
. . . Chervenak, himself a practicing Catholic, notes perhaps one of the strangest Italian contradictions of all: the current rise in “objectors” coinciding with a decline in the Italian birth rate, to below replacement levels.
World Bank and Population Policies
From Wikipedia article: (accessed Nov. 9, 2014)
In Latin America, much support developed for the Pope and his encyclical. As World Bank President Robert McNamara declared at the 1968 Annual Meeting of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank Group that countries permitting birth control practices will get preferential access to resources, doctors in La Paz, Bolivia, called it insulting that money should be exchanged for the conscience of a Catholic nation. In Colombia, Cardinal Anibal Muñoz Duque declared, if American conditionality undermines Papal teachings, we prefer not to receive one cent.[40] The Senate of Bolivia passed a resolution, stating that Humanae Vitae can be discussed in its implications on individual consciences, but, it is of greatest significance, because the papal document defends the rights of developing nations to determine their own population policies.[40] The Jesuit Journal Sic dedicated one edition to the encyclical with supportive contributions.[41]
References 40 and 41 in the Wikipedia article are:
40. “Herder Korrespondenz, Orbis Catholicus, Freiburg, 1968, pg. 549”
41. “Sic, 31, pg. 308, October 1968, pgs. 359-79”
Pages from World Bank History – Bank Pays Tribute to Robert McNamara | Accessed: 9 November 2014
McNamara’s World Bank chronology includes the following:
McNamara delivers a landmark address at Notre Dame University on the problem of excessive population growth, “the most delicate and difficult issue of our era perhaps of any era in history.”
IDA-2 comes into effect, with a commitment authority of $1.4 billion for 1969-1971.
The Annual Meetings speech promises a new emphasis on population issues, educational advance, and agricultural expansion. McNamara says that “development” is more than “economic growth” and urges action on the Pearson Report.
[Links: UNESCO magazine issue that focused on Pearson Report
Wikipedia: Pearson Commission (Former Canadian Prime Minister Lester B. Pearson) The Pearson Commission]
The Bank approves its first population project totaling $2 million to Jamaica in support of family planning programs.
McNamara makes major speech at MIT on “World Change and World Security” that links issues of development to issues of global peace and stability with a focus on population growth.
Related Information
World Bank: International Development Association (IDA)
Wikipedia article
IDA Borrowing Countries
What is IDA?
“IDA-2” is mentioned in this book, The World Bank: Its First Half Century, Volume 1
Also you can search this book for the word “population” and the terms “population program”, “population control” and “population management”.
For example, see page 368, footnote: “For assessments of Bank lending for population management in India and Bangladesh see . . . ”
Also on page 368:
The Indian population program has been criticized on an number of counts, mainly the following. It is charged that there is an excessive concentration on population control, based chiefly on sterilization, . . .
Meetings of IMF and World Bank
International Monetary Fund (IMF)
Annual and Spring Meetings of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank Group
Historical meetings outside of the U.S.
list in Wikipedia
2014 spring meetings
Related book: World Bank Discussion Papers: Policies affecting fertility and contraceptive use: An assessment of twelve sub-Saharan countries (
by Susan Scribner, 1995 (pdf (original link: but pdf behind paywall now) )
From the Foreword, page 7,8:
The last decade has seen a heightened commitment among Sub−Saharan African governments to slowing rapid population growth . . .
. . . We hope that this study will help to identify the specific multisectoral policies necessary to meet the goal of population policy . . .
The so-called Independent Evaluation Group (IEG) of the World Bank (original link: seems to be where the big foundations have their say (original link: about the details of planetary social engineering.
This page lists reports under the category of “health, nutrition and population.”
One is about the promotion of vaccination ( [removed]), for example.
As of July 2, 2022, I find the following report relating to GAVI and vaccination: “The World Bank’s Partnership with the GAVI Alliance” (pdf).
Another, Approach Paper: Systematic Review of Impact Evaluations in Maternal and Child Health (, link removed) lists “lower fertility rates” as one of the “improved outcomes” for women and children (page 1) and also states the following on page 3:
Contraceptive use has increased, but its perpetuation will require a sustained effort . . .
As of July 2, 2022, I found this report, which appears to be the same report, with the above quotes, under a different title “Delivering the Millennium Development Goals To Reduce Maternal and Child Mortality”: (PDF).
So the most intimate aspects of our lives are managed, especially in the “developing world”, and they have been managed like this for a long time. We are not consulted. It’s just made to look acceptable and benign with the help of good public relations propaganda.
Examples of World Bank Reports
(To indicate how active these types of organizations are)
WDR 2014: World Development Report 2014 – Summary – PDF Full Report (
Rather than overt references to population control, you can see the references to “gender” throughout the report, which indicates continuing efforts to interfere with and alter the basic family structures (always presented as efforts to make things better).
World Bank Annual Report 2013 (PDF)
This type of report is more along the lines of a standard financial report (CAFR), but it also includes a focus on social engineering efforts such as anything that can be tied to “gender” and constant innuendos that women are always being oppressed by not having the same corporate slave status as the men. That’s what “equality” actually means.
In other words, the elites won’t be happy until the essence of familial roles, independence and family strength has been eliminated among the slave classes. This is all a long-term power grab. There’s not actually going to be some wonderful society at the end of it all for most of us. It’s just marketing to justify interference with nature.
This elite revolutionary subversive propaganda–backed openly or tacitly by most “liberal” and “conservative” political parties worldwide, which is meant to divide men and women–and create all sorts of other grievances–is constant and very effective. Divide and conquer.
The Global Family Planning Revolution: Three Decades of Population Policies and Programs ( (site down temporarily Sep 24/23 but linking to web archive anyway)
Editors: Warren C. Robinson, John A. Ross, Published by the World Bank, Washington, D.C., 2007
There is an amazing amount of information and history in this World Bank document.
There is no need for so-called “conspiracy theories” and “beliefs.” Just read official documents like this.
Some of the earlier history referred to includes references to John D. Rockefeller III, Margaret Sanger and the International Planned Parenthood Federation (page 2).
The following points are paraphrased from page 5 of this report, referring to the early 1970s:
- The U.S. Congress had set aside funds for foreign population programs, and many other countries were doing the same.
- The World Bank “was actively seeking to make loans for population projects.”
- The UN had created a fund, now called the UN Population Fund (still with the acronym, UNFPA).
- Developing countries were coming under intense pressure to “adopt population policies.”
- Other private foundations “joined the Ford Foundation” in “supporting population projects.”
Related International Organizations and Documents
IMF Global Financial Stability Report (PDF Full Text)
Just for reference.
IMF Annual Report 2013 (PDF Full Text (
Contains social engineering references to “gender equality”, “environmental sustainability” and “Millenium Development Goals” (page 27).
World Health Organization Reproductive Health Library ( (WHO RHL)
For reference.
The Fertility Regulation ( section has information on abortion and contraception
Example article: Interventions for emergency contraception (
UNFPA – United Nations Population Fund
Main site
State of World Population Reports ( – October 12, 2023: “you are not authorized to access this page”)
Not released as of Nov. 13, 2014 except to journalists by request: State of World Population 2014: The Power of 1.8 Billion: Adolescents, youth and the transformation of the future
Previous Years’ Reports ( – October 12, 2023: “you are not authorized to access this page”))
State of World Population 2013 ( (PDF Full Text)
The 2014 population report will focus on the youth of the world–as if you permitted them to zero in on all the children of the world, as if this particular private group has some kind of special privilege that allows them to even count the children. Oh, but they–the UN– are watching everyone and everything, which is summed up in Agenda 21 (copy).
The 2013 report focuses on the population reduction strategy of guilting people about adolescent pregnancy (i.e., adolescents having babies instead of not using contraception). Is this the business of the United Nations? Apparently it is.
These reports are all to do with social engineering and modifying attitudes. So these agents are very actively engaged in these countries–whether you agree with them or not on a particular subject such as abortion, abortion, abortion, etc. Who do you think pays their salary? You do.
How does freedom of conscience for medical workers come into play in the 2013 report? Well, not openly. But just search the word “barrier”. What do you think the “barriers” are? Culture, religion, conscience:
Page 36, for example:
Yet adolescents’ unmet need for contraceptives, information and services remains great, despite international commitments to remove barriers to family planning.
Do you hear about this at election time? Is everyone thinking this through? No.
We’re just being pushed along by propaganda.
Is the goal in life for everyone to not have children now?
Are all these girls going to be astronauts, busy bureaucrats, soldiers and pop stars instead of young mothers? Well, they might get to be soldiers if this agenda is “successful”! Lucky them. Equality right?
There is no way on earth that the reality of not having a family is going to be as glowing as the propaganda that children are being fed right now in the public schools we are funding worldwide.
And as we can see, even in Canada, there are clear efforts to overturn government protections of freedom of conscience for healthcare workers. The barriers are actually those people, including doctors and nurses, who are reluctant to fund abortion and who are reluctant to condone abortion.
In fact, there are moral and cultural so-called barriers that are protecting young people to some extent–but not very effectively I bet in many places–both male and female populations–from mass sterilization programs.
In any case, most of this wonderful modern life now is just one big sterilization effort of making it almost impossible to have or to want to have children.
Update 5: November 15, 2014
Some documents are more relevant than others to our topic.
Reorienting Education for a Sustainable Future (
Notice how global education is featured in Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World Revisited (as a “solution”) and in the Rio+20 documents (Agenda 21 update in 2012).
One of the modules: Population & Development (
Deals with the “sensitive” topic of family planning.
Notice how UNESCO works hand in hand with the World Bank and other United Nations organizations:
This module was written for UNESCO by John Fien and draws on resources from the United Nations Population Fund ( (UNFPA) and the Development Education Program (DEP) of the World Bank.
One of the sites mentioned: Conversations for a Better World
Conversations for a Better World is a youth community for raising global issues and finding solutions.
This is how the process works. This site is “convened by” the United Nations Population Fund. It literally states that for their agenda to work–the “solutions” for all the “global” “problems” they pump out–the ongoing globalist excuses for their power grab–they NEED to have young people TALKING:
If we want to tackle the global challenges of our time, we need a lot of people to start talking.
This is the main way the public is led to participate in and believe in false constructed realities. This is essentially political and revolutionary.
Readers should understand that the youth are the most impressionable and become the first targets of the latest and greatest indoctrination efforts in each generation.
That’s why you are required to send them off to UNESCO-influenced (Huxley-influenced) educational institutions (whether public or “private”).
That’s also why most of you are programmed to let them sit in front of music videos like this one Die Young! by Ke$ha (speaking of population control).
Another related site: United Nations Development Programme: Human Development Reports reports on all the ways in which we fail to measure up (depending on how you look at it).
Those of you who are familiar with the Bible might remember how God was angry at David for counting his subjects. You know how sometimes sites like mine complain about the government having a census every so often in Canada? Well, that’s bad enough–and invasions of privacy become worse every day from both public and private sectors since the real government is actually a partnership of public and private.
But let’s look at the big picture! Nothing compares to what the United Nations does and is planning to do. (If you think they’re not planning to count every blade of grass, maybe you’ll reconsider after reading Agenda 21). For example:
Asia Pacific Statistics—Micronesia example—United Nations ESCAP Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific—Their Statistics Work
United Nations Population Information Network
Students and teachers, welcome to DEPweb, the World Bank’s web site of classroom-ready sustainable development materials designed especially for you.
Related report: Climate Change Connections: A Resource Kit on Climate, Population and Gender
In case you didn’t think gender was related to climate change.
Related report: Population Dynamics and Climate Change
Continuing with the UNESCO teaching module / toolkit:
Values Education Strategies ( Oh no!!??
How are teachers (change agents usually fresh out of their diapers) supposed to inflict United Nations “sustainable development” doctrines on the children of possibly reluctant parents:
Many of the social, economic and environmental issues that must be explored when teaching about sustainable futures can be controversial. This is because these issues reflect contrasting values and often cause disputes and controversy in the community. This can sometimes place teachers in a difficult situation.
Some might notice the term “values clarification”. Now, is that a communist term, or is it a corporatist term? Does it make any difference?
We know how they talk when they want to attack our morality and values. Of course there is a whole agenda of trying to make generations of us believe that human beings are supposed to sacrifice their needs to other aspects of nature (by giving more power and money to elite bureaucrats and NGOs).
This needs further analysis for sure.
Another part of the module: Global Population Patterns and Trends (
Very interesting trends. For example:
Fertility is declining, but unevenly, around the world
Isn’t that great? Are you sure it’s great? Think again.
Another section: Understanding Population Growth Rates (
Another section: Population and Sustainable Development (
This has some ridiculous equation meant to impress people. It reminds me of Bill Gates’ lame population reduction equation.
Another section: A New Understanding of Population and Development (
More valuable information in this module concerning six major United Nations conferences. There is an explanatory link for each. One of them uses the term “Fourth World”, which is interesting:
United Nations Conference on Environment and Development – Rio de Janeiro, 1992
International Conference on Population and Development – Cairo, 1994
The World Summit for Social Development – Copenhagen, 1995
Fourth World Conference on Women – Beijing, 1995
United Nations Conference on Human Settlements (Habitat II) – Istanbul, 1996
World Food Summit – Rome, 1996
Another section: Social Development and Human Rights
Let’s be clear. They’ve already been interfering with population (allegedly still “growth” which must be true because we hear it repeated over and over and over and over . . . so that makes it real, right?)
Several strategies have been developed . . .
The gradual slowing of population growth, already under way, is part of the answer to the environmental dilemma.
Just like Aldous Huxley in Brave New World Revisited (trying to save our “freedom”) endlessly criticizing the entire planet for how they don’t know how to do anything right after thousands of years of history, UNESCO (Huxley’s brother Julian equals UNESCO) claims there are projects to
change environmentally unsound practices or improve agricultural productivity
Somehow all these projects are going on in between invasions and wars and mass vaccinations and ebola and “polio eradication” and gmo promotion and indebtedness policies and corporate looting of resources–resources ( which local inhabitants still don’t seem to have rights to after all these years of “progress”.
And we know it’s a fact that the UN and Agenda 21, and most governments, even the ones pretending to promote “free market” (between bombing runs and pharma subsidies) do not even pretend to offer genuine property rights to the “developing world”, nor do they offer to protect the traditional property rights and freedoms of Canadians, Americans and Europeans against collectivized so-called private corporate power grabs involving secret trade agreements that, without question, contain clauses that allow secret courts and secret lawsuits to cancel out any efforts by governments to protect legitimate rights.
In any case, hand in hand with other methods of warfare, the rest of this very interesting section is about the correct “attitude” towards family planning, and also about how to make sure the male side of the population are adequately propagandized, re-educated and put in their proper place, accused of “violence” (while there are soldiers and drones running around all over the planet), neutered and sterilized psychologically and physically (provided with “male contraception projects”). (The last section is here ( and includes a link to one of the UN NGOs called “Face to Face”.
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