John Lennon tells the truth on “overpopulation”
John Lennon on the overpopulation myth (YouTube). A clash of ideologies – freedom vs. control.
His response to the “too many people” religionists, who later built the Georgia Guidestones and according to Wired (, even recruited Yoko Ono as a supporter:
“I think it is a bit of a joke the way people have made this overpopulation thing into a kind of myth. I don’t really believe it, you know. I think whatever happens will balance itself out, and work itself out. It’s alright for us all living saying, ‘Oh well, there’s enough of us, so we won’t have any more, don’t let anyone else live‘. I don’t believe in that. I think we’ve got enough food and money to feed everybody. And I think the natural balance, even though old people will last longer, I’m sure there’s enough room for us, and some of them can go to the moon anyway … I don’t believe overpopulation. I think that’s just a kind of myth that government has thrown out to keep your mind off Vietnam and Ireland and all the important subjects….”
Spread this attitude around to counter the lies, and maybe you can help save the future from the tyrants.