C40 Large Cities an example of how the UN operates
From 2007, Miller to pitch ‘green Facebook’ at global summit – Toronto Star, 5/12/2007
The mayor of Toronto announced at the time “a web-based plan called GoZero! Toronto, a project that will help Torontonians track how they’re making a difference” obsessing over their “climate change” belief system. He wanted other mayors at the C40 Large Cities Climate Summit to join “a sort of green Facebook.”
The website of the private company involved – www.zerofootprint.net – featured an “ecological calculator” to let people calculate the supposed “impact” they have on the environment.
This organization where these big city mayors meet together, as if that’s a natural thing to do, is C40 Large Cities Climate Leadership Group (http://www.c40cities.org/about/ – go to http://www.c40cities.org/ for current info), which is partnered with the (Bill) Clinton Foundation, and is associated with the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
This is just one example of how the UN and its globe-straddling Agenda 21 program operates. All of its public-private-ngo buddies meet together at some forum designed for their particular role – funded somehow in some way by some body, by taxes or otherwise. Agenda 21 is clear about using all possible associations and groupings to bring together a reorganization of the planet. More examples here.
Explain how these meetings are legitimate. Is this what mayors are supposed to do? Meet with other mayors and get their marching orders from other mayors? Shouldn’t they be meeting with their constituents and getting their marching orders from them?
Doesn’t this demonstrate how government officials at all levels are locked into globalist treaties and hushed up agreements of all kinds about which voters have no input?
These types of meetings – including the national level meetings such as the G20 – are unconstitutional, democratically unauthorized and unaccountable.
Supposedly we live under a system where there is democratic representation – “one person one vote” – where the local people tell the politicians what to do.
No. Government officials and private foundations, the representatives of international corporations and lenders, tell each other what to do at these types of international meetings. Our assumptions of local sovereignty and democracy, and even respect for individual rights, are just pure myth perpetrated by the news media, government and the education system, etc. We are immersed in a false reality.
Every time you vote, are you given a list of the organizations your candidate – mayor, councillor, school trustee etc. – belongs to, that he is already signed on to? You should ask for it! Ask them if they support globalist attacks on property rights, on local sovereignty, and further erosion of our freedoms through carbon taxes and similar measures? Are they planning to buy more surveillance equipment? Do they support the rights of parents to make decisions on education? Do they support “green” home inspections and increased fines?
Do they do what UNESCO tells them? Do they do what the UNFCCC tells them? Or the FAO, WTO, etc.? Or the Clinton Foundation? Or the Gates Foundation? Or Ted Turner? It’s endless!
Who do you think they listen to? You or THEM?
Excuse me for bringing this up! But did you ever ask politicians who belong to the Lions Club about their organization’s commitment to the United Nations? Or similar groups. Find out what blanket support they give to the UN. Ask them how they square that with local or Canadian sovereignty, and democracy, and individual freedoms and rights such as property rights and free speech, and self-defence rights, and land rights and water rights, and home-schooling. Go ahead. I dare you to ask them.
Are you given a list of the meetings that your mayor or national leader or appointed officials such as police chiefs for example, are going to attend, and what positions they are going to take at each of them?
No you are not. But off they go anyway to these meetings where they influence and pressure each other into conforming to a predetermined globalist agenda, which is going to continue to interfere more and more with every aspect of our lives.
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