Internet Control, Computers & Surveillance
- COVID Closure – recommended plan to inform everyone about COVID crimes- Part 1
- Comments on NATO sponsored Cognitive Warfare document – Part 3 (Conclusion)
- Petitions Project – Part 2 – Recent Ontario Legislature petitions (to be continued)
- News and information on technocracy – May 31, 2021
- Notes on December 27, 2020
- The Five Eyes: The International Syndicate That Spies on the Entire World
- Big banks and corporations on board with speech censorship as new corporate world order imposes itself
- Jeffrey Sachs and elite technocratic management
- Thousands of workers listening to Alexa chats
- Canadian 2019 federal government budget and 5G (revised)
- Windows 10 update experience – what’s wrong with me?
- Power & Reality Journal – Issue 6
- Power & Reality Journal – Issue 4
- OpenMedia warns about (now signed) TPP’s threat to Internet freedoms
- TPP (now signed Oct 5) believed to be a threat to Internet freedom
- U.S. Congressional Research Service report on TPP
- TPP: extreme IP provisions, including “data exclusivity” for medical research
- US Congressman Issa questions Obama on TPP, leaked IP text
- Secret Trans-Pacific Partnership Talks (TPP )
- Google shows its teeth to
- Alan Watt explains the context of Canadian Bill C-51 tyranny, including article by Canadian lawyer Clayton Ruby
- Stop spying on us! OpenMedia: send a message to the PM (Updated)
- CBC radio news host today on new government anti- cyber-bullying powers: “it’s hard to imagine anyone seriously opposing these sorts of moves”
- From October 2: Site hacked again, comments on media and plans
- New Zealand domestic spying bill, their relationship with U.S.
- Red Ice Radio – Stephan Kinsella – against intellectual property
- Facebook leaks are a lot leakier than Facebook is letting on
- NSA’s Canadian counterpart runs massive domestic spying program
- NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden: ‘I don’t want to live in a society that does these sort of things’ – video
- U.S. online snooping: what Canadians need to know
- Edward Snowden: the whistleblower behind the NSA surveillance revelations
- Bilderberg, Google and the G8: new global tax regime in the works
- Google and the NSA Connection
- Sample of petitions submitted to the Canadian House of Commons, examples of how public clashes with New Word Order agendas
- David Suzuki indoctrinating your kids about climate change
- Royal Canadian Mint working on digital cash replacement
- Privacy-violating Internet surveillance bill CISPA passes U.S. House of Representatives
- TV Ontario interview with Zbigniew Brzezinski on cyber attacks
- Privacy: a postmortem, presentation on Internet surveillance, drones, cell phones, Internet of things
- More scanning of private web traffic, email
- U.S. plans to allow spy agencies to monitor every citizen’s finances (escalating & confirming what they were already doing)
- What is ACTA?
- ACTA in UK: 10 years in jail for a download?
- Bill C-56 “Combating Counterfeit Products Act” and Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA)
- The Net: the planning and building of a scientifically controlled world order
- More info on Canadian government and Trans-Pacific Partnership
- Illuminating and very concerning interview on secret Trans-Pacific Partnership – threats to freedom, jobs, sovereignty
- EPIC obtains documents on NSA Perfect Citizen program
- Facebook suspends account for questioning official narrative on Newtown shooting
- Leveson inquiry, control Internet / media in name of privacy and reputation, while removing privacy
- Interview with Julian Assange: entire nations intercepted online, key turned to totalitarian enslavement
- Zbigniew Brzezinski “Between Two Ages” Part 5
- External Articles – October-November, 2012
- U.S. military using persona management software for Internet forums
- CSIS pushes Internet spy Bill C-30 even though it's on hold due to massive opposition
- Building a single view of the citizen – to "facilitate compliance"
- NSA whistle-blowers giving evidence in lawsuit against illegal mass surveilance of electronic communications
- Google privacy invasion from iPhone browsers to Wi-Fi data
- Stop going along with cloud computing, the opposite of security and the betrayal of your personal data
- Ardent Sentry 2012 U.S.-Canada military exercises demonstrate North American integration, May 2-9
- UK Internet and email surveillance to include secret courts
- Inventor of Internet opposes UK government surveillance bill
- NSA's huge new $2bn spy center
- UK government Internet spying
- Canadian cyber monitoring legislation destroys privacy
- Mexican Newspaper Uncovers Systemic Monitoring Plans of Public Online Sources
- Say no to the online spying laws
- Internet
- Google tweaks search engine to punish ‘low-quality’ sites
- CEO of Google – policy is to get right up to the creepy line
- No car, but you will love your “urban garden”
- Wired into the hive: One Hundred Fears of Solitude by Hal Crowther
- Child police, skeleton biometrics, iris scanners, web tracking, Age of Treason by Clymer exposes toxins
- Canadian government plans to correct online “misinformation”
- Cloud computing
- Articles & Links – July 25, 2010
- Internet “kill switch” for shutting down Internet
- Austerity, globalism, surveillance
- Government takeover of Internet: U.S. government proposal for online ID
- Overview – DNA storage, carving nations into regions and other “progress”
- Australian Internet filter (February 14, 2010)
- (Police State Canada: The Emergence into Fascism) Frank McKenna interviewed about Bilderberg
- Big Brother monitoring families, privacy & gadgets, euthanasia, swine flu (July 29, 2009)
- Policing Internet – Sterilization in Peru and Colombia (June 20, 2009)
- They’re Coming for your Internet Freedom (February 18, 2009)
- U.S. Government Plans to Control the Internet (August 10, 2008)
- Bill C-61 [2008] (July 31, 2008)
- Privacy czar probes alleged Net hack by officials (April 4, 2008)
- Warrantless Search of ISP’s (October 20, 2007)
- Freedom Links October 14 (October 14, 2007)
- Anti-terror plan targets Internet (October 28, 2006)
- Americans Reject Phone, E-Mail Surveillance (September 12, 2006)
- Internet Surveillance and Hypocrisy (Feb. 2, 2006)
- Crime, Restitution, Foreign Policy and Civil Liberties (post Jan 21, 2006)
- Rogers TV spot: Liberty, Kyoto, Prohibition, Crime, Hand Guns, Free Speech, War and Torture and Everything Else (January 21, 2006)
- Canadian government seeking greater wiretap access (October 10, 2005)
Internet Addiction, Culture, Transhumanism, Human Value: Pathological internet use among teens may lead to depression
Internet, Technocracy, Big Brother: Humans Not Ready for Technology Changing Society–So Get Ready for it Anyway – “Schmidt [Google] noted that using artificial intelligence, computers can take 14 pictures of anyone on the Internet and stand a good chance of identifying that person. Similarly, the data collected by location-based services can be used not only to show where someone is at, but to also predict with a lot of accuracy where they might be headed next.”
“Aussie censors implement six degrees of separation policy” by John Ozimek ( – May 7, 2009: – “Links to links now banned”
“Clarity Sought on Electronics Searches – U.S. Agents Seize Travelers’ Devices”
Conspiracy theorists: Feds, web hosts conspire against us
Media Propaganda and Censorship, Civil Liberties: Washington Post on Wikileaks -rushes to promote arrest of Assange and Internet censorship and everything the U.S. government does
Laws/Control Grid, Internet, Intellectual Property: Canada-New Copyright Law
“Google cranks up the Consensus Engine” by Andrew Orlowski ( – Dec. 12, 2008. – “Make no mistake, Google is moving into new territory: not only making arbitrary, editorial choices – really no different to Fox News, say, or any other media organization.”
Share Your Purchases with the World-Marketers’ Dream – “Blippy … hooks into your credit card so everything you buy gets broadcast to your friends”
Transhumanism, Culture, Predictive Programming: “Life is one big computer game” – the philosophy is just to get people to accept virtual reality prison. Everyone’s already living in fantasy.
Intellectual Property: Digital Economy Bill-Will effect You Tube and Others
Apple’s iAd Targets Consumers More Efficiently More on iAd
Artificial Intelligence: New “Game” Milo the Virtual Human
Canadian Government Monitoring your “Incorrect” Online Comments and Correct them for You.
Facebook’s Facelift and New “Group” Feature
Manipulation of Nervous System by Pulses from TV or Computer Monitors
“Microsoft sees end of Windows era”
“Kids set for ‘Matrix’ future”
US Airforce-Each Recruit gets Digital Copy-of Himself (
Culture: Another Study on Child Virtual Reality Fantasy
“Microsoft to battle in the clouds” by Rory Cellan-Jones ( – Oct. 27, 2008.
“Banned hyperlinks could cost you $11,000 a day” by Asher Moses ( – March 17, 2009.
“Portable E-Bomb to Be Tested” by Sally Adee (at – April 2009.
Plan Underway to Wiretap Skype, Facebook, Blackberrys
Cold-Turkey for Facebook Generation Leads to Information Deprivation Disorder
“Social network sites ‘monitored’ ” ( – March 25, 2009.
Windows 8 and Facial Recognition
“New law to give police access to online exchanges”
Surveillance, Automobiles: Black Box for Cars–Permanently Connected to Internet–Will Inform Police of Driving Habits–Location at All Times.–Look for Instant Fines etc..
Facebook Steals Your Friends’ Phone Numbers
Google Admits to Taking Passwords and Private Mail During Streetview Mission
Crying Aloud About Going into the Cloud
Propaganda: Pentagon and Information Dominance (
Privacy: “Will US Cyberwar Plan Compromise Privacy?” by Robert Charette ( – June 16, 2009.
Social Networking Leads to Social Isolation
Privacy: Your data on Myspace up for Sale
Facebook Founder declares “People Don’t Want Privacy”(
Privacy: “Will US Cyberwar Plan Compromise Privacy?” by Robert Charette ( – June 16, 2009.
Tracking-The Great Privacy Non-Debate
Facebook Goes Further with Tracking Programme
Facebook Founder calls Trusting Clients “Dumb F-cks”
Time for Alternative to Facebook?
“US needs ‘digital warfare force’ ” ( – May 5, 2009.
“In Cyberspace, Everyone Can Hear You Scream”
“I’ve Seen the Future, and It Has a Kill Switch” by Bruce Schneier ( – June 26, 2008.
Spying: Bronx School Administrator Boasts about remotely Accessing Students’ Computers and Watching Them
Spying: Philadelphian students Spied on by Remote Access by Teachers
Spying: How laptops are accessed
Schools: Schools Spying on Pupils at Home using Secret Laptop Remote Activation
BBC–Redefining the Nation State to Keep us Safe from Cyber War
Are my “Friends” Real People–Government Agencies and “Sockpuppets” – More
Surveillance, Facial Recognition, Biometrics: Facebook–Help Your Global Owners ID Everyone–Instant Photo Facial Recognition by Tagging “Friends'” Photos
Big Brother in Your Browser (original:
India–Student Computers for 35 Dollars
Google Punishes “Low Quality Sites”
Internet Kill Switch Reintroduced (;content)
FBI Pushes for More Backdoor Computer Access (
More on Computer Access for FBI
Canada–Pay as You Go Meters for Internet–Charged per Gigabyte
Sarkozy’s Internet Police go After Illegal Downloaders
UN creating Panel of Governments to Set Internet Policies (
Internet Connectivity of Things IBM
Internet Creator Slams New Web Blacklist and Disconnect Laws (
Senators Sign Bill to Censor Internet
How the Internet is Making us Stupid
Facial Recognition Software–Puts a Name to Every Photograph Posted on Net
Privacy: Internet Reputation–You Pay Companies to Bury Deeper the Skeletons in Your Closet
Surveillance: FBI to Have Easier Access to Internet Activity of Individuals
Web Monitoring and Predicting Actions
US and Homeland Security–Internet “Kill Switch” for Controversial Sites–story and Bill PDF
Surveillance, Automobiles: Black Box for Cars–Permanently Connected to Internet–Will Inform Police of Driving Habits–Location at All Times.–Look for Instant Fines etc..
Surveillance: Civil Liberties traded Off for “Security”–Napolitano
Lieberman’s Internet Censor Bill
UN World Health Organization Moving Ahead on Billions in Internet and Other Taxes
Health Care: Coming Internet Healthcare
Surveillance, Energy: Google Interface For Monitoring Energy Consumption in Homes (;jsessionid=FARFDTTXKQCQLQE1GHPCKH4ATMY32JVN?articleID=224200386)
New Zealand’s Internet Filter goes Live-Without Government Mention
Aussie Gov. Websites Down-Protesting Compulsory Web Filters
U.K. Government- Bill to Order Internet Providers to Block or Slow Speed of Blacklisted Sites
“EC calls for one world internet governance” by Austin Modine ( – June 25, 2009.
“Internet will become unreliable next year” by Karl Flinders ( – April 27, 2009.
“Beware surfers: cyberspace is filling up” by John Harlow ( – April 26, 2009.
“EU wants ‘Internet G12’ to govern cyberspace” by Leigh Phillips ( – May 5, 2009.
“Google plans to make PCs history” by David Smith ( – Jan. 25, 2009.
Surveillance: “Police can snoop on every email and eavesdrop on Internet phone calls under new plan” ( – April 25, 2009.
“Should Obama Control the Internet?” by Steve Aquino ( – April 2, 2009.
Police Seek Powers to Shut-down Websites
Surveillance, Data Collection: Britain’s New Overlords Reverse Campaign Propaganda on Easing Up on Police State—-More Data Collection Instead
Surveillance, Privacy: Government–Giving Themselves More Rights to Invade Privacy
Government Webpage for Every Citizen for Paperless Society
Privacy: Your data on Myspace up for Sale
Entrappment, Provocateurs: “Attorney: FBI trained NJ blogger to incite others” [Hal Turner–FBI Provocateur] by Katie Nelson ( – Aug. 18, 2009.
“Warning sounded on web’s future” by Pallab Ghosh ( – Sept. 15, 2007.
Privacy, Data Collection: “Home Office plans to create ‘Big brother’ database for phones calls, emails and web use”
“US seeks terrorists in web worlds”
“Microsoft seeks patent for office ‘spy’ software”
Human Interface: “Surfing the Web with nothing but brainwaves”
Technocracy: The Net: The Unabomber, LSD and the Internet
Privacy: Study on Social Networking Sites and Users
Spies, Privacy: Spy Side of Social Networking
Ride the bus: wireless net to attract commuters
Law Enforcement uses Electronic Subversion Software—What is Your “Forum Friend”? ( ( link as of 2021 is better)
Privacy: Facebook Founder Called “A Disgrace”
Propaganda: Pentagon and Information Dominance (
How You Help the Totalitarian Society Keep Tabs On You