North American Leaders Summit
August, 2009 North American Leaders Summit in Guadalajara, Mexico
It’s clever how the Establishment renamed their integration project to something else other than “SPP”. According to
“The Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America (SPP) is no longer an active initiative and as such this website will act as an archive for SPP documents. There will not be any updates to this site.”
But they added a link to the Joint Statement by the North American Leaders (August 10, 2009) at, because it’s the same ongoing project.
Just to highlight some points:
It’s all about “deepening ties”, which means, yawn, they are integrating the three nations (and more) into a single region. When most people read that, it sounds like meaningless pablum, so they feel like falling asleep, as if it was old news. However, silence is consent. Your silence is your yes vote. Hope you like the new system. It’s a low-carbon system.
The “outbreak of the H1N1 flu virus” is very, very important to them. They’ve told us that over and over. They latch onto that fear and hype to try to prove to us that we need them, their tasers and their drones, and their tax-collecting, and their old system or their new system or whatever project their club is planning next:
“We will remain vigilant and commit ourselves to continued and deepened cooperation. We will work together to learn from recent experiences and prepare North America for the upcoming influenza season, including building up our public health capacities and facilitating efficient information sharing among our countries.”
I think the point about information sharing is important, and it is mentioned in the UN’s Agenda 21. Information sharing among national governments – which normally we might consider as the nation’s own private business – is a sign of global governance. Some unelected institution like the World Health Organization – at a higher level than the U.S., Canada or Mexico – is coordinating the data. Basically, we are already under an unannounced world government. They’re just taking their time and making use of “crises”/”opportunities” to get you used to the idea.
Don’t forget all the other summits where the leaders/poster boys spend most of their time “integrating”, “deepening ties” and minding the business of other nations besides their own:
“We look forward to the coming G20 Summit in Pittsburgh and will join efforts to ensure that the G20 continues to advance effective global responses to the [economic] crisis, including working to strengthen international financial institutions that are vital to assisting countries to restore economic vibrancy. The Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) plays a crucial role…”
The funny thing about integration is all the work they put into borders. What do they need the borders for in a united Americas?
“We are investing in border infrastructure, including advanced technology, to create truly modern borders [even less human-friendly] to facilitate trade and the smooth operation of supply chains, while protecting our security…”
In their brave new North America, I think the borders will “facilitate” the passing of authorized goods and authorized corporate employees. For everyone else, they will just be a surveillance trap and will discourage travel.
The “smooth operation of supply chains” sounds very militaristic and I’m sure someone – but not most people – will feel more “secure” knowing the troops of different nations will be crossing borders whenever there is an “emergency” (Northcom Civil Assistance Plan).
Again, merging the systems together:
“We will cooperate in the protection of intellectual property rights [i.e. – surveillance – seeing what we are up to – making sure we have nothing to hide – violating personal space and physical property rights by prying into our laptop computers at the borders (ACTA)] to facilitate the development of innovative economies.
We commend the progress achieved on reducing unnecessary regulatory differences and have instructed our respective Ministers to continue this work by building on the previous efforts, developing focused priorities and a specific timeline.”
Climate change [the B.S. theory their bosses came up with that blames human beings in order to serve the purpose of crisis creation, hype and propaganda to implement energy surveillance, taxation and control – including population control, which is what it’s all about]:
“We recognize climate change [B.S.] as one of the most daunting and pressing challenges of our time and a solution requires ambitious and coordinated efforts by all nations. Building on our respective national efforts, we will show leadership by working swiftly and responsibly to combat climate change as a region and to achieve a successful outcome at the 15th Conference of the Parties of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change. …”
More and more internationalism:
“Our three governments recognize that we cannot limit our efforts to North America alone, and we have agreed to instruct our respective Ministers to strive for greater cooperation and coordination as we work to promote security and institutional development [interventionism and interference] with our neighbors in Central America and the Caribbean….”
“…We support a leading role for the Organization of American States (OAS) as we work together to strengthen implementation of the Inter-American Democratic Charter…. [they call their banking-military system “democratic”]”
What about “citizen participation”? Did they invite you to participate in the summit, or only the representatives of specially chosen groups/councils/soviets? In any case, “citizen” of what?
“We recognize and embrace citizen participation as an integral part of our work together in North America. We welcome the contributions of businesses, both large and small, and those of civil society groups, non-governmental organizations, academics, experts, and others….”
The integration continues next year:
“President Calderón and President Obama welcome Prime Minister Harper’s offer to host the next North American Leaders´ Summit in 2010. We will continue to work through this North American Leaders’ Summit process, in an inclusive and transparent manner …”
Until their work is done – and they’re not working for us.