The policy themes of Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World – Part 3 – Overview
By Alan Mercer, 12 March 2016
Edition 1
Part 3 (series contents)
Continued from Part 2 and Part 1.
My original series was a commentary on Brave New World, which was more about the overall themes and context of what it was about. Hopefully it’s interesting by itself, along with my notes on Aldous Huxley’s non-fiction agenda in Brave New World Revisited.
Now I’m continuing with Part 3 of this new series about the topic of how Aldous Huxley’s novel is being implemented in the real world, so I plan to focus on examples.
In Part 1 and 2, I covered the topic of the formation of world government, using the Liberal Party of Canada’s policy document as a jumping off point for that discussion.
I discussed the topic of “Community,” one of the words in the Brave New World’s motto, and the topic of the promotion of “communitarianism,” especially via the Earth Charter and Agenda 21. We really have moved slowly away from ideals about the individual using his or her own mind to the corporatist-collectivist world in which our minds and initiative are just gradually switched off by our training and lifestyles, and by the media, a world in which we pretend that “we” is still some kind of process of group decision based on our participation when it is nothing of the sort. Everything important is out of our hands, and everything trivial, entertaining and childish is left in our hands. This is because, as the evidence should continue to show, “construction” was started on the Brave New World a long time ago. In some ways I think it has always been pushed and we have always been under systems of control to one degree or another.
I illustrated how the Brave New World is a combination of capitalism and communism, and I explained this in the context of the beginning of Agenda 21. Agenda 21 and communitarianism were promoted at same time the idea of a “New World Order” was being announced in the early 1990s. As I mentioned, regarding the Reece Committee, there is evidence that this merger of East and West had been planned by corporate-backed foundations for a long time leading up to these events.
I also related the promotion of this novel to the themes of apocalyptic and end-times messaging from religious groups and from the entertainment industry. Brave New World has been actively promoted in the culture, and here I am writing about it. Many of the themes (listed below) in Brave New World are repeated constantly in science fiction films, from THX 1138 to In Time. Aldous Huxley promoted his ideas (as a supposed warning) while he was alive. Not to take them as actual literal prophecies, but I even made a connection between “ten regions” and the prophecies of Daniel and Revelation.
I covered the types of chaos in the novel that led up to the full creation of Brave New World. These included economic crises, poisoning of the water, large-scale wars, and terrorism (parallels with 9/11). I went into some of the facts about the 2001 anthrax attacks after 9/11 and noted some kind of parallel with the novel, whether it’s planned or not. These crises in the novel softened people up for the implementation of the scientific dictatorship.
There is a violent suppression of dissenters in the pre-Brave New World phase, with the dissenters as portrayed wishing a more natural and simpler life. The past was destroyed. I touched on the destruction of the past through modern warfare and the continuing destruction via the implementation of the same corporate culture in every town and city.
I gave a military reference to back up what I was saying about the destruction of traditional culture using entertainment.
I went into the topic of control of dissent in the real world with an example of “conservatism” being taken over during the Cold War. I don’t think Huxley’s novel gets into the topic of false opposition directly, but it’s all about controlling potential dissent. There are various methods of dealing with dissent and potential dissent, including sending off higher caste dissenters to an isolated island.
I discussed the topic of apocalypticism along with the promotion of nihilism to replace old values–or human, real values–in order to destabilize people and keep them off balance. We should refuse to consider the “process” and predicted events as inevitable, but this “end of the world” promotion is part of the destabilization phase before the supposed full implementation of the scientific dictatorship in which everyone is to be made stable through various techniques of what is basically brain damage.
Another theme from Brave New World is consumerism and planned obsolescence. I went into some of the points about the history of this and the creation of the consumer society.
Then I discussed the topic of standardization which is another aspect of the Brave New World when it applies to even the types of humans that exist. Standardization is a part of our world now in a huge way and it almost seems to be a requirement, in our minds, of a technological society. And we take a lot for granted when we accept the standardization that is taking place (and when we’re watching science fiction) as if it is just an innocent, practical matter and not part of the implementation of global control.
I went into the topic of the suppression of old books and ideas. I point out how, in the real world, libraries are eliminating old books and how the Internet seems to be leading to the extinction of paper books, which makes us perhaps instantly vulnerable to electronic control and censorship. This is an overlapping theme between Brave New World and Orwell’s 1984 “memory hole” concept. Old books and ideas are tightly controlled and censored as in the film Equilibrium and Faherenheit 451. The works of Shakespeare and other old books are banned (p. 45 of my edition). The World Controller for Western Europe, Mustapha Mond, marked a scientific paper as “Not to be published”, because of its subversive contents. In this case, he could not allow people to think that life has a purpose outside of the “maintenance of well-being” (p. 161). (see part 11 of first series). Mond doesn’t want ideas from the past to disturb and destabilize society.
I mentioned the elimination of old values. This goes hand in hand with mental and biological control of every individual. I think revolutionary movements are demolition tools or wrecking balls used by the elites and Huxley confirms this interpretation of “revolution” in his 1946 Foreword:
This really revolutionary revolution is to be achieved, not in the external world, but in the souls and flesh of human beings. . . . Sade regarded himself as the apostle of the truly revolutionary revolution, beyond mere politics and economics . . .
By the way, Huxley says the same thing about de Sade in his letter to George Orwell.
Continuing with the Foreword to Brave New World:
. . . —the revolution of individual men, women and children, whose bodies were henceforward to become the common sexual property of all and whose minds were to be purged of all the natural decencies . . .
. . . Sade was a lunatic . . . The people who govern the Brave New World may not be sane . . . ; but they are not mad men [he’s spinning the double-think] . . . It is in order to achieve stability that they carry out, by scientific means, the ultimate, personal, really revolutionary revolution.
At this point, before continuing with more details, I’m just going to list (as completely as I can) a point by point outline of what I consider to be the “policy” themes of Brave New World. Some of these I have gone into enough detail about already but many topics needs to be more fully covered. This list is not in order of importance:
- Ultimate revolution attacking the souls and flesh and natural values of human beings
- Chaos leading up to implementation of scientific dictatorship, including: economic crisis, war, mass poisoning, anthrax, mass-death terrorism, war against dissidents
- Consumerism, including planned obsolescence, standardization, mixed with communist-style collectivism
- Parallels between the promotion of dystopian science fiction such as Huxley’s novel, even in school curricula, and other religious and cultural apocalyptic messaging (including zombie apocalypse), along with nihilism against old values and culture
- The construction of world government and “communitarianism”, including Agenda 21, carbon tax, mix of communism and capitalism since Berlin wall came down and the New World Order announced.
- Destruction of old culture including architecture
- Elimination and censorship of old books and ideas
- Control over science
- New global religion of one-ness that tries to give people a sensation of unity through DRUGS, MUSIC, and SEX at small group ritual orgies, switching their minds off. Religion is then all about “experience.” Does that sound familiar?
- Everyone on mind-altering drugs, including for special recreational drug “holidays”
- Sexualization of children through educational indoctrination from early childhood
- Entertainment, arts and culture, base-level content, “feelies”, pornography, base-level lyrics, particular forms of electronic music (I’m sure I like a lot of it), immaturity.
- Systematic propaganda and social engineering
- Use of hypnotic techniques, repetition of slogans from young age
- Brain damage during development, infant conditioning, creation of caste system from before artificial birth
- Caste system is part of the control: everyone knows their place and role by degrees of poisoning/depletion/alteration, majority are low intelligence
- Higher caste dissenters who won’t comply are isolated and sent to an Island to think whatever they like
- Savage character surrounded by surveillance system, a type of entertainment panopticon at the end of the novel, a type of reality TV
- Introduction of sadism at the end of the novel, combined with existing orgy behavior
- Promiscuity required, no marriage, no pairing-off allowed
- Children created by the state through cloning techniques and test-tubes. Direct control over population. No natural reproduction.
- Sterilization including birth control when necessary.
- No family, no parenting, children raised by the state, not by parents. Propaganda conditions everyone to think natural reproduction (as opposed to sex without reproduction) is unthinkable and disgusting. So much for “politically correct” conditioning. It seems to be impossible to reverse social engineering because of the emotional reactions that repetitive propaganda induces in our minds. We may get offended by “old ideas”, but meanwhile, we don’t see the enhanced form of slave system being elaborated around us, and we fail to get offended by that. We’re just trained to be “positive” about that and we’re given techniques to help us “cope” with things maybe we shouldn’t have to cope with because of the artificial monetary system. For most people, Brave New World is very unlikely to be all that pleasurable as portrayed in the novel. Conditioning, conditioning. Did I mention propaganda?
- Control of aging, death institutions for people to go at 60 to die, nobody is allowed to get older, death conditioning. Conditioned feelings of revulsion against the elderly. Built-in euthanasia (sounds familiar? the “right to die”. Maybe just another “coping” technique, right? Why bother trying to stop anything that should be stopped when you can just follow all the “self-help” coping methods made available by the “authorities”(powerful private oligarchical entities)?
- Recycling dead bodies (we call this “green”)
- Human life and individual’s worth devalued. Traditional, natural structures eliminated as already mentioned
- The only value is feeling good. Society is stable and completely through the policies that promote feeling good: entertainment, sex, drugs, etc.
And I discussed enough in my other series, it’s not important, but I believe that no matter how bad he was, or how much of a control freak, Huxley, as a human being, obviously wouldn’t have agreed with all of this or liked it, or wanted every bit of it, but paid and privileged agents just do what they’re told. They follow their script. They play their role and do their bit promoting the agenda, including the parts he liked, such as mind-control drugs. So we know he was involved and he wasn’t just “warning” us. That’s what he did. And I don’t care about him personally, criticizing him or not. It’s not about a particular hero we worship or villain we despise. One stooge and mercenary could be replaced by another.
And maybe we should stop following celebrities and other paid “change agents” and start finding ways to live more natural and “traditional” lives to create a bulwark to this artificial, anti-human agenda before it’s too late.