About Canadian Liberty
See also: Key Points
“Canadian Liberty” is all about this idea called “liberty”. Liberty means being free to follow your nature, which includes being aware of basic rules of life that come with being human.
“Liberty” means being free to be ourselves as individuals. It means being left alone as individuals and groups to do things in our own way.
Those who dominated the old world order have been gradually bringing in a new world order where no differences will be tolerated. We will all be “one”. They are the kind of people who tear up our world, bombard us with indoctrination, and refuse to leave people in peace. In other words, they manage the systems of control we have experienced since birth.
That’s what the previous motto meant: “opposing the world order”. It did not mean your personal order or the things that are good for you in your family or beliefs. It meant opposing the order that is imposed upon you by abusers, thieves and liars. Since it could have been misunderstood, I prefer “Truth and Freedom”, which is simpler and reflects a broader range of discussion.
Liberty or freedom goes hand in hand with truth and understanding reality. Political idealism is a fine thing to get caught up in, but truth is the harder subject to deal with and the first order of business.
You have to experience truth in stages before you can see the lies you are living with, and break free from the grip your mind is under. When more of us are able to see – to see the lies and slavery system we are part of, then we have some hope of diverting the course we are on.