Scanners, Body Scanners, Radiation Scanners, Brain Scanners
Also see: Biometrics, Surveillance, Implants, Privacy, Big Brother, Mobility, Mind Interface
- Smart Cities – Part 4
- Thursday March 9, 2023 – links and observations (updated)
- Power & Reality Journal – Issue 3
- The policy themes of Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World – Part 2 – war, terror, anthrax, destruction of culture
- Military industrial complex training the young to enjoy being tracked and scanned (and “vaccinated” against mass “zombie” infections)
- ‘You are being tracked’: ACLU reveals docs of mass license plate reader surveillance
- New system uses low-power Wi-Fi signal to track moving humans — even behind walls
- Wi-Fi that sees through walls
- Psychiatrists anticipate massive power grab, want to collect neuroimaging scans of entire society, excuse is “determining” alleged mental illness in advance supposedly to save health care costs
- Katherine Albrecht on ultimate surveillance
- Canadian complaints about airport body scanners – we’re treated like animals
- Millimetre-wave scanners used at Canadian airports – not independently tested
- Rapiscan body scanners to be removed from airports, replacing, rape-n-scan devices being relocated
- Privacy-violating palm scanners in schools and hospitals
- Raped by the TSA
- Potential catastrophes used to justify RFID contracts for tracking human beings
- Hackers backdoor the human brain and extract data
- Informative Red Ice interview on RFID spy chip tracking, how people are conditioned to accept it gradually
- Activist's airport confrontation: free speech, cancer/DNA warnings about body scanners, media complicity
- TSA refuses to obey judges (who ignored major constitutional concerns) – White House pulls the petition – assault continues on privacy and health
- Interview with Helen Caldicott on Fukushima and nuclear energy
- News and links October 30
- Dear Canadian Members of Parliament, “journalists” and other goons
- Scanners
- U.S. government radiating Americans with mobile x-ray vans
- Child police, skeleton biometrics, iris scanners, web tracking, Age of Treason by Clymer exposes toxins
- Instead of freedom, cashless society vending machines
- Woman’s ordeal at Vancouver airport
- Body scanners violate individual rights
- Canadian Liberty Big Picture – Tracking Tyranny (January 2, 2009)
Security- Terahertz Waves Disrupt Double-Strand DNA (
“2020: dawn of the ‘intelligent’ classroom” – “Hands-free virtual reality computer games will change too, by picking up brain activity … Virtual environments … Advanced biometric full-body scanning systems…”
Security Test with Explosive not Detected
Mobile X-Ray Vans on US Roads–Radiation Overload
–Senate Hearings on Porno-Scanners and Grope-a-Dope at Airports
–Airport Scanners and Health Risks
First, “Surface” x-rays at Airports. Now full Skeletal Scans
Dutch Police Trial Mobile X-Ray Scanners
Scanners: Airport Scanners can Store and Transmit
Airport Scanners and Health Risks
Phones, Texts etc. Scanned for anti-Gov Resentment
Electronic Sniffer Tested at Airports
Pilot Sues Over Full-Body Scan
New Roadside Cameras Scan for Tax, Insurance, Seat Belt Use and More
New Sliding Hand Pat Down Technique to Dissuade Passengers from Opting Out of X-Ray Scanner
Americans X-Rayed by Mobile Scanners
Brain Scanners: Article to Familiarize You to Inevitability of Brain Scans Coming for All
Body Scan Pictures Kept and Stored–of Course
Scanned from a Mile Away-By T-Ray Laser/Microwave
Columbia University finds Airport Scanners 20 Times Higher in Radiation than First Thought
Pre-Flight Threat Assessment on All Air Passengers Recommended-Political Restriction of Travel
Airport Scanners being Abused-Naturally
Peeping Toms you Can’t Refuse-Airport Scanners
Scanners and the Promotion of Pornography
Body Scanners and Child Porn Laws (
Brain Scanners: “EU tests brain scanning to catch terrorists” ( – May 11, 2009.