Katherine Albrecht
- Good news! NOBODY WANTS IT! Bank of Canada report on Digital Canadian Dollar
- Canadian government report – Exploring Biodigital Convergence – Part 1
- Smart Cities – Part 4
- Average life expectancy vs. average age of death attributed to COVID-19 (Oct 1/21)
- Strategy for this weekend before Monday’s vote – EDUCATE ALL candidates in your electoral district – Part 3 – all confirmed candidates and Conservative Party plans
- Strategy for this weekend before Monday’s vote – EDUCATE ALL candidates in your electoral district – Part 1
- Proposed information strategy – COVID-19
- The Five Eyes: The International Syndicate That Spies on the Entire World
- British protest website and information on COVID-19
- Apple iOS 13.5 upgrade includes contact tracing API
- May 10, 2020 talk by Alan Watt on current events (COVID-19) – we have to make them back off or we’re dooming generations – say NO
- The Plague and meters: songs of Leonard Cohen and others: apocalyptic and dystopian messages in the culture
- COVID-19 – Part 2 – WHO wants governments to send medical workers into homes and remove family members
- Stop facial recognition in Canada – message local government and add your voice to national petition
- Thousands of workers listening to Alexa chats
- Key Points – Electromagnetic Spectrum: RF, microwaves, cellular, WiFi, 4G, 5G and infrared
- Telecommunications section of North American trade agreement relates to 5G
- Marshall McLuhan (1977) – surveillance, propaganda, destruction of identity & privacy
- 5G – overview: surveillance and invasiveness
- Windows 10 update experience – what’s wrong with me?
- Policy Themes of Brave New World – Religion for Control of Global Society
- US Congressman Issa questions Obama on TPP, leaked IP text
- Opposition in Canada to Bill C-51 “anti-terrorism” bill
- Libertarian Party of Canada leader on anti-terror Bill C-51
- Stop spying on us! OpenMedia: send a message to the PM (Updated)
- Tracking devices hidden in London’s recycling bins are stalking your smartphone
- ‘You are being tracked’: ACLU reveals docs of mass license plate reader surveillance
- Government wants to geolocate every single financial transaction
- New system uses low-power Wi-Fi signal to track moving humans — even behind walls
- The integration of Canada into a U.S. dominated North American Security Perimeter
- Wi-Fi that sees through walls
- Complaints pile up over Canadian airport border guards
- “What country is this?” Shock video shows police forcibly drawing blood. New totalitarian system owns your body. Journalists stunned.
- Alberta flood evacuations predictably turn into martial law exercises–residents angry as RCMP seize guns from homes — “not allowed” to return to “their” homes – “authorities” still deciding
- Facebook leaks are a lot leakier than Facebook is letting on
- NSA’s Canadian counterpart runs massive domestic spying program
- NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden: ‘I don’t want to live in a society that does these sort of things’ – video
- U.S. online snooping: what Canadians need to know
- White House defends its wiretapping of millions of US citizens
- Google and the NSA Connection
- U.S. Supreme Court: police can force open your mouth and swab your DNA
- Standard for new world order: mass strip-search of Quebec students during exam. What are children learning? No privacy, no rights, worship government
- Anti-Agenda 21 activist Kathy Hamilton interviewed on Canada Live: explains rights-destroying “precautionary principle” & controlled society
- Privacy-violating Internet surveillance bill CISPA passes U.S. House of Representatives
- U.S. government going after gun rights
- Maryland imposing “rain tax”
- Privacy: a postmortem, presentation on Internet surveillance, drones, cell phones, Internet of things
- More scanning of private web traffic, email
- U.S. plans to allow spy agencies to monitor every citizen’s finances (escalating & confirming what they were already doing)
- What is ACTA?
- ACTA in UK: 10 years in jail for a download?
- Bill C-56 “Combating Counterfeit Products Act” and Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA)
- Katherine Albrecht on ultimate surveillance
- Freedom of speech, freedom of association, cultural terrorism & indoctrination: gender fluidity, bathroom bill – Canadian Parliament actually close to passing Bill C-279
- Resistance in Maryland over smart meters
- Drone testing and development in Alberta
- Millimetre-wave scanners used at Canadian airports – not independently tested
- Rapiscan body scanners to be removed from airports, replacing, rape-n-scan devices being relocated
- EPIC obtains documents on NSA Perfect Citizen program
- Zbigniew Brzezinski, Between Two Ages, Part 14 – controlled society, technology, planning v. freedom
- Leveson inquiry, control Internet / media in name of privacy and reputation, while removing privacy
- Americans (and the rest of us) are the most spied on people in world history
- Judge rejects Canadian spy agency’s bid to wiretap citizens & corporations
- Teen’s privacy invaded by TSA pat-down – in the past we would never allow this
- TSA expanding to all modes of transportation: highways, buses, rail, funiculars
- Privacy-violating palm scanners in schools and hospitals
- Interview with Julian Assange: entire nations intercepted online, key turned to totalitarian enslavement
- Raped by the TSA
- Technocracy is smart grid, smart meters, energy certificates, scientific dictatorship, 1936 course
- Mind’s Eye AI “pre-crime” surveillance system by DARPA
- Drug testing 12-yr-old for scrapbooking club, State owns your body, TSA, sports leagues, schools lead the way in violations, most go along
- Potential catastrophes used to justify RFID contracts for tracking human beings
- Hackers backdoor the human brain and extract data
- UNESCO report from 2009 and International Planned Parenthood Federation propaganda from 2011
- Masonic child identification program – no chip (yet) but DNA and biometrics – getting us ready for the real deal?
- Ontario Medical Association wants government to invade your grocery shopping – do they represent Ontario doctors or are they part of New World Order policy making?
- Domestic surveillance drone build-up in the U.S.
- Informative Red Ice interview on RFID spy chip tracking, how people are conditioned to accept it gradually
- Austerity guilt propaganda by CBC and NGOs against alleged "food waste" by Canadians
- Activist's airport confrontation: free speech, cancer/DNA warnings about body scanners, media complicity
- TSA refuses to obey judges (who ignored major constitutional concerns) – White House pulls the petition – assault continues on privacy and health
- CSIS pushes Internet spy Bill C-30 even though it's on hold due to massive opposition
- Building a single view of the citizen – to "facilitate compliance"
- International trade in human body parts
- U.S.-Canada Beyond the Border (BTB) Action Plan – North American integration continues
- NSA whistle-blowers giving evidence in lawsuit against illegal mass surveilance of electronic communications
- Time to rebel against loyalty cards, UK government behavior modification unit wants to use data to interfere in your life
- Google privacy invasion from iPhone browsers to Wi-Fi data
- Stop going along with cloud computing, the opposite of security and the betrayal of your personal data
- UK Internet and email surveillance to include secret courts
- European passenger records will be handed over to U.S. Homeland Security
- Inventor of Internet opposes UK government surveillance bill
- Genetic social network makes it easy for you to betray your personal genetic information
- UK government Internet spying
- Canadian cyber monitoring legislation destroys privacy
- News and links October 30
- Mexican Newspaper Uncovers Systemic Monitoring Plans of Public Online Sources
- Preparing for the Collection and Use of External Family and Genetic Test Result Data
- Say no to the online spying laws
- Dear Canadian Members of Parliament, “journalists” and other goons
- Surveillance
- Smart Meters-Smart Grid
- Privacy
- Drug War
- Canadian woman suffers conviction for privacy
- Road side checkpoints drawing blood
- U.S. government radiating Americans with mobile x-ray vans
- CEO of Google – policy is to get right up to the creepy line
- Wired into the hive: One Hundred Fears of Solitude by Hal Crowther
- Edible microchip pill monitors your compliance
- Smart meters and smart grid means data collection, privacy invasion and ultimate control
- Australian smart meters to “help” families by choking off their power
- Zero privacy while flying, constant personal surveillance
- Definition of “serious offence” expanded, threatens marijuana users and others
- The Smart Grid future – plenty of control
- Mandatory vs. voluntary – Canadian census controversy
- Woman’s ordeal at Vancouver airport
- Cloud computing
- Austerity, globalism, surveillance
- Body scanners violate individual rights
- UK police play burglar to train residents (February 14, 2010)
- Your newborn’s DNA is collected by its masters (February 14, 2010)
- Masonichip and the “Mark of the Beast”
- (Police State Canada: The Emergence into Fascism) Frank McKenna interviewed about Bilderberg
- International Government – “Tax Cooperation”
- North American Leaders Summit
- Canceling Canadian Automobile Association Membership
- Big Brother monitoring families, privacy & gadgets, euthanasia, swine flu (July 29, 2009)
- Random Breath Tests: Canadian Parliament Proposes Eradication of Freedom
- Challenge the Smoke Alarm Inspectors, B.C. Government Attacks Free Speech, Newt Gingrich’s Real Agenda (May 5, 2009)
- New World Order, “Security”, and Corruption (April 5, 2009)
- News and Issues (February 21, 2009)
- The Establishment’s Pre-Crime Agenda (February 20, 2009)
- Responses to Toronto Star [2008 election] (September 24, 2008)
- Big Brother (August 27, 2008)
- Bill C-61 [2008] (July 31, 2008)
- National Do Not Call List (July 31, 2008)
- You will now be required to submit blood and urine samples (July 16, 2008)
- Financial Surveillance of Every Canadian Escalates (June 27, 2008)
- Tyranny-Freedom News (June 7, 2008)
- Privacy Violations at Border (May 3, 2008)
- Privacy czar probes alleged Net hack by officials (April 4, 2008)
- Canadian Firearms License Tyranny (November 26, 2007)
- Medical Data Stolen from Government Computer (November 25, 2007)
- Freedom Watch: Tasers in U.S., Sex Registry in the U.K. (November 19, 2007)
- Warrantless Search of ISP’s (October 20, 2007)
- Serenity: Introductory Speech, All-Candidates Debate (post: Jan 21, 2006)
- Canadian government seeking greater wiretap access (October 10, 2005)
- Canadian “Freedom”: Tear Down that Tree House! (May 1, 2005)
- Police State Trends: Real ID Act (April 24, 2005)
- Nova Scotia: U.S. Patriot Act and Private Information of Canadians (November 20, 2004)
- Liberty, war, Iraq civilian deaths, Nader, corporate socialism
- B.C. Privacy Commissioner: U.S. Patriot Act and Private Information (November 7, 2004)
- Boundaries of Knowledge, Liberty, War & Politics: Orwell, Maher Arar, torture, secrecy, biometrics
- Liberty, war & politics – Syria, Iraq
- Ethics – pornography, personal and private becomes political
- Liberty, War & Politics – the State, Iraq War, 9/11, education, zero tolerance
- Liberty, War & Politics – David Orchard, 2003 Progressive Conservative Party leadership race, Iraq War, Avril Lavigne, Big Brother travel db, Agrarianism, privacy for bookstore & library records, morality & markets
- Liberty, War & Politics – privacy, infrared surveillance, Canadian Privacy Commissioner, Iraq War, torture, Russell Kirk
Catholic Church Approves iPhone Virtual Confession app
Article to Familiarize You to Inevitability of Brain Scans Coming for All
Every Road in UK Goes Online-Great for Crooks
Phones, Texts etc. Scanned for anti-Gov Resentment
Electronic Sniffer Tested at Airports
“New law to give police access to online exchanges”
Automobiles, Travel, Breath Tests: “Police should be allowed to do random breath tests for drunk driving: MPs” by Andrew Mayeda (at – June 18, 2009.
Google Admits to Taking Passwords and Private Mail During Streetview Mission
The Utopian Dream of No Privacy
Privacy: Law Firm Faces Huge Fine over Leak of Personal Files
Surveillance, Privacy: Government–Giving Themselves More Rights to Invade Privacy
Tracking-The Great Privacy Non-Debate
Facebook Goes Further with Tracking Programme
Facebook Founder declares “People Don’t Want Privacy”(
Privacy: Internet Reputation–You Pay Companies to Bury Deeper the Skeletons in Your Closet
Facebook Founder calls Trusting Clients “Dumb F-cks”
Time for Alternative to Facebook?
Privacy: Study on Social Networking Sites and Users
Spies, Privacy: Spy Side of Social Networking
Privacy: Your data on Myspace up for Sale
Privacy: “Will US Cyberwar Plan Compromise Privacy?” by Robert Charette ( – June 16, 2009.
“Privacy & Civil Liberties – Fusion Centers” (
Home, Privacy: “Now there are 1,000 laws that will let the state into your home”
Privacy: “Facebook can ruin your life. And so can MySpace, Bebo…”